Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Untrained listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of syntactic patternsand principles. Untrained generative music ability, for example singing,humming, and whistling, is a largely unconscious or intuitive applicationof these patterns and principles. From the viewpoint of embodied cognition,listening to music should evoke an internal representation or motorimage which, together with the perception of organized music, shouldform the basis of musical cognition. Indeed, that is what listeners demonstratewhen they sing, hum, or whistle familiar and unfamiliar tunes orwhen they vocally or orally improvise continuations to interruptedphrases. Research on vocal improvisation using continuations sung to aninterrupted musical phrase, has shown that one’s cultural backgroundinfluences the music generated. That should be the case for instrumentalistsas well: when they play familiar or unfamiliar tunes by ear in differentkeys (transposition) or when they improvise variations,accompaniments, or continuations to interrupted phrases, the music theygenerate should reflect the same cognitive structures as their oral improvisations.This study is attempting to validate a test of (non) scoredependencythat will enable assessment of the music student’s implicitknowledge of these structures during performance on the principal instrument.
Untrained listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of syntactic patternsand principles. Untrained generative music ability, for example singing,humming, and whistling, is a largely unconscious or intuitive applicationof these patterns and principles. From the viewpoint of embodied cognition,listening to music should evoke an internal representation or motorimage which, together with the perception of organized music, shouldform the basis of musical cognition. Indeed, that is what listeners demonstratewhen they sing, hum, or whistle familiar and unfamiliar tunes orwhen they vocally or orally improvise continuations to interruptedphrases. Research on vocal improvisation using continuations sung to aninterrupted musical phrase, has shown that one’s cultural backgroundinfluences the music generated. That should be the case for instrumentalistsas well: when they play familiar or unfamiliar tunes by ear in differentkeys (transposition) or when they improvise variations,accompaniments, or continuations to interrupted phrases, the music theygenerate should reflect the same cognitive structures as their oral improvisations.This study is attempting to validate a test of (non) scoredependencythat will enable assessment of the music student’s implicitknowledge of these structures during performance on the principal instrument.
The pilot project that will be described in this report was all about the animateur.What are his skills and attitudes? What are the pedagogical interventions that he uses in a workshop or an event? What are the main issues that arise when we try to include such a naturally non-formal and informal practice into a formal setting like the conservatoire? The pilot project has led to a number of conclusions for the lectorate that have direct implications for setting up a module to train animateurs, and regarding project set-up and content.