Dienst van SURF
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In den Niederlanden sind Immigranten längst eine Zielgruppe auf dem Wohnungsmarkt. Architekten und Wohnungsbaugesellschaften haben, so scheint es, zunehmend weniger Berührungsängste gegenüber nicht-westlichen Bautraditionen. Wohnanlagen wie „Le Medi“ und „De Oriënt“ könnten Modelle sein für die Aufwertung migrantischgeprägter Viertel: Mit einem expressiven Formenvokabular und halböffentlichen Außenräumen sprechen sie eine neue städtische Mittelschicht an, die aus sehr unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht in die Suburbia ziehen will.
In diesem Beitrag wird beschrieben, wie in den Niederlanden die Fächer Medien- und Kommunikationsethik gelehrt werden.
Substantial structural changes have recently taken place in the Dutch social workterrain. Now the local governments have autonomous responsibility for the self-sufficiency and social inclusion of the elderly and the disabled people. This ‘transformation’ requires remodelling social services and hence investigation of its effects: practice-oriented research. Due to the binary character of the Dutch higher education system this kind of research almost exclusively takes place at universities of applied sciences whose research tradition only goes about a decade back. In order to preserve the values of the Dutch care system, that always sought to protect the vulnerable citizens, it is important that the practice-oriented research into the social domain is well-executed and that its results are directly translated in the curricula of the professional education. This calls for a targeted impulse to expanse the research activities at the universities of applied sciences, a closer cooperation with the research universities and direct connections with (local) care providers
Client: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) / Partners for International Business (PIB)The Knowledge-To-Knowledge (K2K) project “Consortium development zero-emission tourism mobility" is part of the private-public Partners for International Business (PIB) programme ‘Erfolgsformeln Verbinden: Nachhaltige Mobilität und Energie in Österreich und in den Niederlanden’. The K2K project was executed by the Centre for Sustainability, Tourism and Transport (CSTT), the research institute of the Academy for Tourism of Breda University of Applied Sciences. Partners in this project were Camptoo, NKC, emodz, and TUI Netherlands. The goal of the K2K project was to develop a joint research and policy agenda for stimulating zero-emissions tourism mobility under Dutch-Austrian cooperation. The results, derived by an extensive literature study and a number of interviews and meetings with both tourism and transport experts, and tourism (business) professionals, are found in this report.