Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Previous studies found that 40-60% of the sarcoidosis patients suffer from small fiber neuropathy (SFN), substantially affecting quality of life. SFN is difficult to diagnose, as a gold standard is still lacking. The need for an easily administered screening instrument to identify sarcoidosis-associated SFN symptoms led to the development of the SFN Screening List (SFNSL). The usefulness of any questionnaire in clinical management and research trials depends on its interpretability. Obtaining a clinically relevant change score on a questionnaire requires that the smallest detectable change (SDC) and minimal important difference (MID) are known. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the SDC and MID for the SFNSL in patients with sarcoidosis. Methods: Patients with neurosarcoidosis and/or sarcoidosis-associated SFN symptoms (N=138) included in the online Dutch Neurosarcoidosis Registry participated in a prospective, longitudinal study. Anchor-based and distribution-based methods were used to estimate the MID and SDC, respectively. Results: The SFNSL was completed both at baseline and at 6-months’ follow-up by 89/138 patients. A marginal ROC curve (0.6) indicated cut-off values of 3.5 points, with 73% sensitivity and 49% specificity for change. The SDC was 11.8 points. Conclusions: The MID on the SFNSL is 3.5 points for a clinically relevant change over a 6-month period. The MID can be used in the follow-up and management of SFN-associated symptoms in patients with sarcoidosis, though with some caution as the SDC was found to be higher.
Samenvatting: In het kader van een afstudeerproject zijn data van 33 kinderen verzameld die een X-abdomen onderzoek ondergingen in het Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis. Uit deze data zijn curves afgeleid van Dosis Oppervlakte Product (DOP) ten opzichte van het lichaamsgewicht om te dienen als Diagnostisch ReferentieNiveau (DRN). De spreiding in de data leidt echter tot onzekerheid over de beste DRN-curve. Die curve is bovendien slechts gebaseerd op de data van één ziekenhuis en is daarmee hooguit bruikbaar als lokaal DRN. Door deze studie te herhalen in andere ziekenhuizen en meer data te verzamelen zou een nationale DRN-curve afgeleid kunnen worden. Zo’n curve zou de toetsing van doses aan DRN’s voor kinderen vergemakkelijken.