The exploration of the narrative nature of local memory websites in relation to empowerment theory produces new insights in the nested levels of analysis of both. Empowerment’s value orientation calls for a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses and, as such, requires specific language that accommodates the conviction that resources are locally available, instead of scarce. Consequently, empowerment theory describes resources as being present in processes and outcomes on interdependent psychological, organizational and communal levels. The application of the empowerment framework’s components to the theoretical outcomes and processes of local memory websites illuminates the connecting roles local narratives play as resources in empowerment. First of all, personal stories, community narratives and dominant cultural narratives influence and support each other across levels. Secondly, narratives spread local knowledge which leads to shared values and common believes for collectives on various levels. And thirdly, the sharing of narratives happens through social networks that manifest themselves on different levels, which, as such, facilitate sharing other resources. Based on these perspectives, we offer a simplified model for empowerment with a focus on the interdependencies between levels of networks. Against this background, we discuss relevant analytical perspectives as a departure point for the empirical exploration of unstudied relations between empowerment and local memory websites.
The exploration of the narrative nature of local memory websites in relation to empowerment theory produces new insights in the nested levels of analysis of both. Empowerment’s value orientation calls for a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses and, as such, requires specific language that accommodates the conviction that resources are locally available, instead of scarce. Consequently, empowerment theory describes resources as being present in processes and outcomes on interdependent psychological, organizational and communal levels. The application of the empowerment framework’s components to the theoretical outcomes and processes of local memory websites illuminates the connecting roles local narratives play as resources in empowerment. First of all, personal stories, community narratives and dominant cultural narratives influence and support each other across levels. Secondly, narratives spread local knowledge which leads to shared values and common believes for collectives on various levels. And thirdly, the sharing of narratives happens through social networks that manifest themselves on different levels, which, as such, facilitate sharing other resources. Based on these perspectives, we offer a simplified model for empowerment with a focus on the interdependencies between levels of networks. Against this background, we discuss relevant analytical perspectives as a departure point for the empirical exploration of unstudied relations between empowerment and local memory websites.
Abstract Study Objective To provide an overview of patients' needs concerning goal‐setting, and indications of how those needs can be met by nurses. Methods A narrative review. Pubmed and Cinahl were searched through March 1, 2020 for: patients' experiences concerning goal‐setting and the role of nursing in rehabilitation. Additional articles were found through snowballing. A total of 22 articles were reviewed on patients' experiences, and 12 on the nursing role. Results Patients need to be prepared for collaborating in goal‐setting and to receive an explanation about their part in that process. The multiplicity of disciplines may cloud patients' understanding of the process. The nurse's planning of the rehabilitation process should be aimed at resolving this issue. Goals need to be meaningful, and patients need support in attaining them. The interpretive, integrative, and consoling functions of Kirkevold's nursing role are suitable to meet these needs. Conclusions Both the literature about patients' needs regarding goal‐setting and the nursing role make clear that the way nurses work in rehabilitation can gain in clarity. Strengthening the role of nurses will improve the goal‐setting process for patients. Interprofessional collaboration, clear work procedures, continuity of care, time and trust, and the physical environment all are important to reinforce this role.