Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The SynergyS project aims to develop and assess a smart control system for multi-commodity energy systems (SMCES). The consortium, including a broad range of partners from different sectors, believes a SMCES is better able to incorporate new energy sources in the energy system. The partners are Hanze, TU Delft, University of Groningen, TNO, D4, Groningen Seaports, Emerson, Gain Automation Technology, Energy21, and Enshore. The project is supported by a Energy Innovation NL (topsector energie) subsidy by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.Groningen Seaports (Eemshaven, Chemical Park Delfzijl) and Leeuwarden are used as case studies for respectively an industrial and residential cluster. Using a market-based approach new local energy markets have been developed complementing the existing national wholesale markets. Agents exchange energy using optimized bidding strategies, resulting in better utilization of the assets in their portfolio. Using a combination of digital twins and physical assets from two field labs (ENTRANCE, The Green Village) performance of the SMCES is assessed. In this talk the smart multi-commodity energy system is presented, as well as some first results of the assessment. Finally an outlook is given how the market-based approach can benefit the development of energy hubs.
The increasing share of renewable production like wind and PV poses new challenges to our energy system. The intermittent behavior and lack of controllability on these sources requires flexibility measures like storage and conversion. Production, consumption, transportation, storage and conversion systems become more intertwined. The increasing complexity of the system requires new control strategies to fulfill existing requirements.The SynergyS project addresses the main question how to operate increasingly complex energy systems in a controllable, robust, safe, affordable, and reliable way. Goal of the project is to develop and test a smart control system for a multi-commodity energy system (MCES), with electricity, hydrogen and heat. In scope are an industrial cluster (Chemistry Park Delfzijl) and a residential cluster (Leeuwarden) and their mutual interaction. Results are experimentally tested in two real-life demo-sites scale models: Centre of Expertise Energy (EnTranCe) and The Green Village (TU Delft) represent respectively the industrial and residential cluster.The result will be a market-driven control system to operate a multi-commodity energy system, integrating the industrial and residential cluster. The experimental setup is a combination of physical demo-site assets complemented with (digital) asset models. Experimental validation is based on a demo-scenario including real time data, simulated data and several stress tests.In this session we’ll elaborate more on the project and present (preliminary) results on the testing criteria, scenarios and experimental setup.
This publication gives a different take on energy and energy transition. Energy goes beyond technology. Energy systems are about people: embedded in political orders and cultural institutions, shaped by social consumers and advocacy coalitions, and interconnected with changing parameters and new local and global markets. An overview and explanation of the three end states have been extracted from the original publication and appear in the first chapter. The second chapter consists of an analysis exploring key drivers of change until 2050, giving special attention to the role of international politics, social dynamics and high-impact ideas. The third chapter explores a case study of Power to Gas to illustrate how the development of new technologies could be shaped by regulatory systems, advocacy coalitions and other functions identified in the ‘technology innovation systems’ model. The fourth chapter explores the case of Energy Valley to understand how local or regional energy systems respond to drivers of change, based on their contextual factors and systems dynamics.