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© 2025 SURF
Background Running-related injuries (RRIs) can be considered the primary enemy of runners. Most literature on injury prediction and prevention overlooks the mental aspects of overtraining and under-recovery, despite their potential role in injury prediction and prevention. Consequently, knowledge on the role of mental aspects in RRIs is lacking. Objective To investigate mental aspects of overtraining and under-recovery by means of an online injury prevention programme. Methods and analysis The ‘Take a Mental Break!’ study is a randomised controlled trial with a 12 month follow-up. After completing a web-based baseline survey, half and full marathon runners were randomly assigned to the intervention group or the control group. Participants of the intervention group obtained access to an online injury prevention programme, consisting of a running-related smartphone application. This app provided the participants of the intervention group with information on how to prevent overtraining and RRIs with special attention to mental aspects. The primary outcome measure is any self-reported RRI over the past 12 months. Secondary outcome measures include vigour, fatigue, sleep and perceived running performance. Regression analysis will be conducted to investigate whether the injury prevention programme has led to a lower prevalence of RRIs, better health and improved perceived running performance. Ethics and dissemination The Medical Ethics Committee of the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands, has exempted the current study from ethical approval (reference number: NL64342.041.17). Results of the study will be communicated through scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, scientific reports and presentations on scientific conferences.
Pilot fatigue has been identified as a determinative factor in various safety events, leading to the introduction of Fatigue Risk Management regulations and standards worldwide. The scope of this study was to examine whether event and pilot characteristics recorded in safety investigation reports were associated with fatigue when the latter was stated as a contributing/causal factor. The sample consisted of 296 reports published by various investigation authorities and referred to safety events occurred between 1990 and 2014. The researchers conducted frequency analyses and Chi-square / Fisher Exact tests as a means to examine possible associations. Flight crew fatigue was found as a cause in 8.8% of the reports and was more frequently present in occurrences during evening and night operations, take-off, climbing, approach and landing phases, and Control Flight into Terrain and Runway Excursion eventualities. No significant differences were found regarding the year of occurrence, aircraft age, weight and type (jet, propeller, rotary), flight type (Commercial Air Transport and other), operation type (passenger and non-passenger) and event severity. Regarding the pilot characteristics, the more the hours on duty the higher the frequency of events where fatigue was recognised as a factor. No association was detected between the frequency of fatigue related events and pilots’ age, hours of experience in the respective aircraft type and in total, and, surprisingly, regarding sleeping and resting hours before reporting for duty. The findings only partially confirmed associations of fatigue with the operational, event, aircraft and flight crew characteristics included in this study, and showed that fatigue had contributed to (serious) incidents and accidents with about the same frequency. The results suggest a consideration of quality of flight crew sleep/rest before reporting on duty.
BACKGROUND: Research suggests that cancer rehabilitation reduces fatigue in survivors of cancer. To date, it is unclear what type of rehabilitation is most beneficial.OBJECTIVE: This randomized controlled trial compared the effect on cancer-related fatigue of physical training combined with cognitive behavioral therapy with physical training alone and with no intervention.DESIGN: In this multicenter randomized controlled trial, 147 survivors of cancer were randomly assigned to a group that received physical training combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy (PT+CBT group, n=76) or to a group that received physical training alone (PT group, n=71). In addition, a nonintervention control group (WLC group) consisting of 62 survivors of cancer who were on the waiting lists of rehabilitation centers elsewhere was included.SETTING: The study was conducted at 4 rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands.PATIENTS: All patients were survivors of cancer.INTERVENTION: Physical training consisting of 2 hours of individual training and group sports took place twice weekly, and cognitive-behavioral therapy took place once weekly for 2 hours.MEASUREMENTS: Fatigue was assessed with the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory before and immediately after intervention (12 weeks after enrollment). The WLC group completed questionnaires at the same time points.RESULTS: Baseline fatigue did not differ significantly among the 3 groups. Over time, levels of fatigue significantly decreased in all domains in all groups, except in mental fatigue in the WLC group. Analyses of variance of postintervention fatigue showed statistically significant group effects on general fatigue, on physical and mental fatigue, and on reduced activation but not on reduced motivation. Compared with the WLC group, the PT group reported significantly greater decline in 4 domains of fatigue, whereas the PT+CBT group reported significantly greater decline in physical fatigue only. No significant differences in decline in fatigue were found between the PT+CBT and PT groups.CONCLUSIONS: Physical training combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy and physical training alone had significant and beneficial effects on fatigue compared with no intervention. Physical training was equally effective as or more effective than physical training combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing cancer-related fatigue, suggesting that cognitive-behavioral therapy did not have additional beneficial effects beyond the benefits of physical training.
Jongeren met chronische aandoeningen worden vaak geconfronteerd met problemen in het dagelijks functioneren, waarbij vermoeidheid wordt genoemd als het meest invaliderend. De prevalentie van vermoeidheid onder jongeren met chronische aandoeningen varieert tussen de 51-75%. Vermoeidheid kan onafhankelijk ontstaan van het onderliggende pathologisch mechanisme; uit literatuur blijkt dat ziekte-specifieke benaderingen weinig of nauwelijks effect hebben op vermoeidheid. Vermoeidheid wordt bovendien te laat opgemerkt of blijft onbehandeld. Inzicht in de ziekte-overstijgende mechanismen van vermoeidheid is van belang om vroegtijdig opsporen en de ontwikkeling van passende interventies te faciliteren. Dit postdoc onderzoek richt zich op het ontrafelen van ziekte-overstijgende mechanismen van vermoeidheid vanuit het perspectief van jongeren, het gezin en de fysieke en sociale leefomgeving. Binnen een longitudinale cohortstudie gedurende 12 maanden worden 208 jongeren met verschillende chronische aandoeningen gemonitord. Naast traditionele onderzoeksmethodieken zoals vragenlijsten en fysieke testen, wordt gebruik gemaakt van remote sensoring, linked data en context mapping (=kwalitatieve methode). Studenten die participeren in het onderzoek zullen de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van zulke methoden ervaren. Dit kan o.a. bijdragen aan het integreren van zorgtechnologie in het dagelijks (kinder)fysiotherapeutisch handelen. We ontwikkelen een theoretisch raamwerk dat de basis legt voor betere vroegdetectie (op afstand en non-invasief) van vermoeidheid en voor het identificeren van mogelijke aangrijpingspunten voor behandeling (doelstelling 1 en 2). Verder draagt het postdoc onderzoek bij aan een beter inzicht in de rol van de sociale en fysieke leefomgeving bij de maatschappelijke participatie van jongeren met chronische aandoeningen (doelstelling 3). Studenten zullen in veldwerk ter plaatse metingen doen, de leefsituatie verkennen en samen met zorgprofessionals en docenten hun klinische blik verrijken. Doordat zij daadwerkelijk in de leefomgeving van jongeren zelf aanwezig zijn kan dit bijdragen aan bewustzijn over de rol van verschillende sociale en fysieke factoren op vermoeidheid en op de maatschappelijke participatie van jongeren met uiteenlopende chronische aandoeningen.