Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In the high-tech mechatronics world, aluminum and steel are well known materials, while carbon fiber is often neglected. In the RAAK project 'Composites in Mechatronics', the use of carbon fiber composites in mechatronics is investigated.
Robots need sensors to operate properly. Using a single image sensor, various aspects of a robot operating in its environment can be measured or monitored. Over the past few years, image sensors have improved a lot: frame rate and resolution have increased, while prices have fallen. As a result, data output has increased and in a number of applications data transfer to a processing unit has become the limiting factor for performance. Local processing in the sensor is one way of reducing data transfer. A report on the Vision in Robotics and Mechatronics project
Hoewel drones worden gebruikt in steeds toenemende civiele toepassingen voor een goede daad, zijn kwaadwillende drones ook steeds meer en steeds vaker worden ingezet om schade aan te richten. Huis, tuin en keukendrones zijn in staat om door te dringen tot zwaarbeveiligde gebieden en daar verwoestende schade aan te brengen. Ze zijn goedkoop, precies en kunnen steeds grotere afstanden afleggen. Kwaadwillende drones vormen een groot gevaar voor de nationale veiligheid. In dit KIEM-project onderzoeken wij de vraag in hoeverre is het mogelijk om drones te ontwikkelen die volledig autonoom een ongecontroleerde omgeving (luchtruim) veilig kunnen houden? Counter drones moeten kamikaze-drones kunnen signaleren en uitschakelen. Bestaande systemen zijn nog onvoldoende in staat om kwaadwillende drones op tijd uit te schakelen. Bij Defensie, de Nationale Politie en het gevangeniswezen is dringend behoefte aan systemen die kwaadwillende drones kunnen detecteren en uitschakelen. Er zijn thans enkele (Europese) systemen waarmee drones kunnen worden gedetecteerd, onder andere met radiofrequentiesignalen (voelen), optische- en radartechnologie (zien) en akoestische systemen (horen). Geen van deze systemen vormen de ‘silver bullet’ voor het bestrijden van kwaadwillende drones, vooral kleine en laagvliegende drones. Met een feasibility study wordt nagegaan wat de state-of-the-art is van de huidige counter dronetechnologieën en op welke technologiedomeinen het consortium waarde kan toevoegen aan de ontwikkeling van effectieve counter drones. Saxion en haar partners zet zich de komende jaren in op Sleuteltechnologieën als: Human Robotic Interaction, Perception, Navigation, Systems Development, Mechatronics en Cognition. Technologieën die terugkomen in counter drones, maar ook worden doorontwikkeld voor andere toepassingsgebieden. Het project bestaat uit 4 fasen: een onderzoek naar de huidige counter dronetechnologieën (IST), onderzoek naar gewenste/toekomstige counter dronetechnologieën (SOLL), een gap-analyse (TOR) én een omgevingsanalyse om na te gaan wat er elders in Europa al aan onderzoek plaatsvindt. Tevens wordt een netwerk ontwikkeld om counter droneontwikkeling mogelijk te maken.
Despite their various appealing features, drones also have some undesirable side-effects. One of them is the psychoacoustic effect that originates from their buzzing noise that causes significant noise pollutions. This has an effect on nature (animals run away) and on humans (noise nuisance and thus stress and health problems). In addition, these buzzing noises contribute to alerting criminals when low-flying drones are deployed for safety and security applications. Therefore, there is an urgent demand from SMEs for practical knowledge and technologies that make existing drones silent, which is the main focus of this project. This project contributes directly to the KET Digital Innovations\Robotics and multiple themes of the top sectors: Agriculture, Water and Food, Health & Care and Safety. The main objective of this project is: Investigate the desirability and possibilities of extremely silent drone technologies for agriculture, public space and safety This is an innovative project and there exist no such drone technology that attempts to reduce the noises coming from drones. The knowledge within this project will be converted into the first proof-of-concepts that makes the technology the first Minimum Viable Product suitable for market evaluations. The partners of this project include WhisperUAV, which has designed the first concept of a silent drone. As a fiber-reinforced 3D composite component printer, Fiberneering plays a crucial role in the (further) development of silent drone technologies into testable prototypes. Sorama is involved as an expert company in the context of mapping the sound fields in and around drones. The University of Twente is involved as a consultant and co-developer, and Research group of mechatronics at Saxion is involved as concept developer, system and user requirement verifier and validator. As an unmanned systems innovation cluster, Space53 will be involved as innovation and networking consultant.
Especially during the summer period, a significant amount of the population experience a health issues caused by the stinging hair of oak-caterpillars. These health complaints are often caused by the skin irritation and allergic reaction when the stinging hair comes in contact with the skin. Additional complaints include swelling and inflammation problems on eyes and throats. The health complaints range from simple itching to serious allergic reactions that can last weeks. Currently, the oak-caterpillars are removed using manual labor, which is labor intensive and time consuming. Cranes are often deployed to reach to various parts of a tree for inspection and combat, which is a slow and an expensive process. In general, since inspection of oak-caterpillars is done with bare eyes of the professionals and detection often occurs at a later stage, significant number of people are affected already. Therefore, a new effective combating methodology is needed. The main goal of this project is to conduct feasibility study of the applicability of semi-autonomous aerial robots (drones) for early stage detection and combat against oak-caterpillars. This innovative solution aspires to use smart aerial robots that employ AI-based techniques for early phase and real-time detection of oak-caterpillars. Once the oak-caterpillars are detected, a direct and selective combating resources will be applied. Within this project, the first proof-of-concepts will be developed. The results of this project will be used to expand the existing network and formulate a bigger project to address additional critical aspects in order to develop a complete oak-caterpillar combating drone. The project will be executed with Research Group of Mechatronics at Saxion, together with the participating innovative SMEs (DronExperts,Drone4Agro). The project will be facilitated by the Municipality of Enschede with respect to polices and the Space53 cluster for networking and testing in operational environments.