Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This report is the final report for the FPGA accelerated PID controller, part of the Distributed Control Systems project. This project runs within the Lectoraat Robotics and High Tech Mechatronics of Fontys Hogeschool Engineering Eindhoven. The Lectoraat has the goal to develop applicable knowledge to support education and industry. This knowledge is acquired with projects run in conjunction with the industry. The report will go into detail for the software designed for this project, not the hardware design. This report is intended for follow up students working on the Distributed Control Systems project. Within this report the assumption is made that the reader is at least familiar with the terms EtherCAT, FPGA, Linux and PID controllers. However for each part a small basic introduction is included. For readers looking for the accomplishments in this project, the results are in chapter six. Following are short descriptions of the chapters in this report. The first chapter will give a short introduction to the project. It talks about why the project was conceived, where the project was done and what the expected end result is. The second chapter, the problem definition, talks about how the project has been defined, what is included and what is not and how the customer expects the final product to function and look like. The third chapter details the methodology used during this project. All the research preformed for this project will be described in the forth chapter. This chapter goes into the research into the Xilinx Zynq 7000 chip, Beckhoff's EtherCAT system, how the Serial Peripheral Interface works and how a PID controller functions. Following in chapter five the design is expanded upon. First the toolchain for building for the Zynq chip is explained. This is followed by and explanation of the different software parts that have been designed. Finally chapters six and seven provide the results and the conclusions and recommendations for this project.
Remote maintenance activities in ITER will be performed by a unique set of hardware systems, supported by an extensive software kit. A layer of middleware will manage and control a complex set of interconnections between teams of operators, hardware devices in various operating theatres, and databases managing tool and task logistics. The middleware is driven by constraints on the amounts and timing of data like real-time control loops, camera images, and database access. The Remote Handling Study Centre (RHSC), located at FOM Institute DIFFER, has a 4-operator work cell in an ITER-relevant RH control room setup which connects to a virtual hot cell back-end. The Centre is developing and testing flexible integration of the Control Room components, resulting in proof-of-concept tests of this middleware layer. SW components studied include generic human-machine interface software, a prototype of an RH operations management system, and a distributed virtual reality system supporting multi-screen, multi-actor, and multiple independent views. Real-time rigid body dynamics and contact interaction simulation software supports the simulation of structural deformation, "augmented reality" operations and operator training. The paper presents generic requirements and conceptual design of middleware components and Operations Management Systems in the context of an RH Control Room work cell. The simulation software is analyzed for real-time performance and it is argued that it is critical for middleware to have complete control over the physical network to be able to guarantee bandwidth and latency to the components.
Urban flooding and thermal stress have become key issues formany cities around the world. With the continuing effects of climatechange, these two issues will become more acute and will add to theserious problems already experienced in dense urban areas. Therefore, thesectors of public health and disaster management are in the need of toolsthat can assess the vulnerability to floods and thermal stress. The presentpaper deals with the combination of innovative tools to address thischallenge. Three cities in different climatic regions with various urbancontexts have been selected as the pilot areas to demonstrate these tools.These cities are Tainan (Taiwan), Ayutthaya (Thailand) and Groningen(Netherlands). For these cities, flood maps and heat stress maps weredeveloped and used for the comparison analysis. The flood maps producedindicate vulnerable low-lying areas, whereas thermal stress maps indicateopen, unshaded areas where high Physiological Equivalent Temperature(PET) values (thermal comfort) can be expected. The work to dateindicates the potential of combining two different kinds of maps to identifyand analyse the problem areas. These maps could be further improved andused by urban planners and other stakeholders to assess the resilience andwell-being of cities. The work presented shows that the combined analysisof such maps also has a strong potential to be used for the analysis of otherchallenges in urban dense areas such as air and water pollution, immobilityand noise disturbance.