Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In research methodology, epistemology is concerned with the question how humans generate knowledge. In facility management (FM) research, for instance, it deals with the evaluation criteria such as validity and reliability by which researchers discriminate good knowledge from bad. The objective of this paper is to add to the scholarly methodological aspects in FM research. The paper takes a postpositivist stance and pre-supposes that scholars are able to discover what happens in FM through the categorization and scientific measurement of affective responses. It applies a method by which scholars are able to develop good knowledge and by which talented bachelor students are involved in FM research.In this study 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted at nine different organizations in the Netherlands. Interviews, which focused on office environments and productivity, were conducted in pairs by Honours students. This paper reports on methodological issues of this study. Data collection and analysis by different researchers revealed serious threats to validity and reliability. Consequently an interrater agreement (IRA), measuring the degree of agreement between raters, was introduced to reveal and overcome differences in interpretations.In this paper the difficulties of achieving good agreement were considered. Adjustment between raters and clear demarcation of constructs are necessary. A synopsis of usage and reporting of qualitative interview approaches is shown.
The hotel management agreement is a common, but arguably at times misunderstood, hotel operating structure. This study has sought to explore how both owners and hotel management companies (“operators”) perceive aspects of ownership in managed hotels. In-depth interviews were held with both operator and owner executives and it was found that, even though interviewees appeared to be aware of the nature of the relationship established by a hotel management agreement, in practice operators in particular use a working definition of the model that is more akin to a lease. Misunderstandings of the hotel management agreement can cause confusion as to where risks and responsibilities lie. Based on these findings, we argue that ownership of the operating business, in addition to that of the hotel’s real estate, deserves to be more explicitly acknowledged and addressed.
Legal management is een nieuw vakgebied, dat de praktijkvan juridische professionals vanuit een organisatiekundigperspectief benadert. Binnen organisaties heeft legalmanagement het doel de kwaliteit van de juridische functiete optimaliseren. In deze unieke uitgave schetsen experts deontwikkeling van dit nieuwe vakgebied en gaan zij in op destand van zaken van het legal management in verschillendesectoren van de Nederlandse rechtspraktijk: de centrale endecentrale overheid, het bedrijfsleven en de advocatuur.Voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de organisatie vanjuridische dienstverlening en juridische processen.
The research results, the identified success factors for the Innovation Lab HIBO, will make it clear what is needed for the Innovation Lab HIBO in order to succeed: (a) with regard to design and further development of the Innovation Lab HIBO, as well as (b) with regard to conditions that need to be created and prerequisites that need to be followed for the successful functioning of the Innovation Lab HIBO. From September 2020 the follow up research is planned into operationalization of success factors, definition of performance criteria, performance evaluation, development of suggestions for improvement of performance, and development of a blueprint. In fulfilment of interinstitutional agreements on educational quality, specifically, the Agreement on Quality 2.6 [Kwaliteitsafspraak 2.6: “het faciliteren van docenten om te onderzoeken wat de succesfactoren zijn van leergemeenschappen en hun onderwijspraktijk, inclusief het leren van docent-onderzoekers”], the sub-theme No.7 “Valorisatie van de effecten van IWP’s. Succesfactoren IWP's”, the research on success factors for the Innovation Lab Hanze International Business Office (HIBO) will be carried on in the period from February 1, 2020, till August 30, 2020.