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The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is relatively high among people with a low socioeconomic status (SES). As lifestyle is crucial in T2D management, patients are advised to live healthily, but incorporating lifestyle changes in daily life is not easy. It may be even more difficult for people with a low SES, as they often struggle with more urgent issues in daily life that supersede healthy lifestyle. How to promote a healthy lifestyle such that the needs of low SES patients are met? A boundary condition is a thorough understanding of the target group, and of the differences between individuals in this group. Too often, people with a low SES receive either general advice, or advice targeted to literacy level or ethnic background, whereas the diversity within the low SES population is much wider than that. We developed personas to identify archetypes of the target group, each reflecting a distinct pattern in goals, attitudes and behaviours, to help grasp the diversity of the target group. Ten interviews with low SES T2D-patients revealed their perceptions and experiences related to what is important in life, a healthy lifestyle, living with diabetes, and lifestyle advice. Following Goodwin’s persona development methodology (2011), three groups were qualitatively extracted from the data. In short, the personas are: 1) the worrisome caregiver: wants to live healthier, but is incapable of incorporating advices into one’s life; caring for others is first priority; 2) the conscious self-confident: willing and able to follow up advice in order to reduce medication use; 3) the selfwilled survivor: dealing with multiple (health) issues, and dedicated to solve things one’s own way. Each persona likely responds differently to health promoting strategies. Additional research is needed to enrich the set of personas, for example by verifying them with the target group’s family or health professionals.
Background Evidence about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on existing health inequalities is emerging. This study explored differences in mental health, sense of coherence (SOC), sense of community coherence (SOCC), sense of national coherence (SONC), and social support between low and high socioeconomic (SES) groups, and the predictive value of these predictors for mental health. participants and procedure A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey in the Netherlands in October 2021, comprising a total of 91 respondents (n = 41, low SES; n = 50, high SES). results There were no differences in mental health, SOC, SOCC, SONC, and social support between the groups. SOC was a predictor for mental health in both groups and SOCC for the low SES group. conclusions We found that both SOC and SOCC predict mental health during the pandemic. In the article we reflect on possible pathways for strengthening these resources for mental health.
PURPOSE: The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between quality of life, social functioning, depressive symptoms, self-efficacy, physical function, and socioeconomic status (SES) in community-dwelling older adults.METHODS: A cross-sectional design was used to examine the relationships. A sample of 193 community-dwelling older adults completed the measurements. Structural equation modeling with full information maximum likelihood in LISREL was used to evaluate the relationships between the latent variables (SES, social functioning, depressive symptoms, self-efficacy, physical function, and quality of life).RESULTS: The path analysis exhibited significant effects of SES on physical function, social functioning, depressive symptoms, and self-efficacy (γ = 0.42-0.73), and significant effects in regard to social functioning, depressive symptoms, and self-efficacy on quality of life (γ = 0.27-0.61). There was no direct effect of SES on the quality of life. The model fit indices demonstrated a reasonable fit (χ (2) = 98.3, df = 48, p < 0.001), matching the relative Chi-square criterion and the RMSEA criterion. The model explained 55.5 % of the variance of quality of life.CONCLUSIONS: The path analysis indicated an indirect effect of SES on the quality of life by social functioning, depressive symptoms, and self-efficacy in community-dwelling older adults. Physical function did not have a direct effect on the quality of life. To improve the quality of life in older adults, additional focus is required on the socioeconomic psychosocial differences in the community-dwelling older population.
Vulnerable pregnant women are an important and complex theme in daily practice of birth care professionals. Vulnerability is an important risk factor for maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Providing care for these women is often complex. First, because it is not always easy to identify vulnerability. Secondly, vulnerable women more often cancel their appointments with midwives and finally, many professionals are involved while they do not always know each other. Even though professionals are aware of the risks of vulnerability for future mothers and their (unborn) children and the complexity of care for these women, there is no international definition for ‘vulnerable pregnancies’. Therefore, we start this project with defining a mutual definition of vulnerability during pregnancy. In current projects of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) we define a vulnerable pregnant woman as: a pregnant woman facing psychopathology, psychosocial problems, and/or substance abuse combined with lack of individual and/or social resources (low socioeconomic status, low educational level, limited social network). In the Netherlands, care for vulnerable pregnant women is fragmented and therefore it is unclear for birth care professionals which interventions are available and effective. Therefore, Dutch midwives are convinced that exchanging knowledge and best practices concerning vulnerable pregnancies between midwifery practices throughout Europe could enhance their knowledge and provide midwives (SMB partners in this project) with tools to improve care for vulnerable pregnant women. The aim of this project is to exchange knowledge and best practices concerning vulnerable pregnancies between midwifery practices in several European countries, in order to improve knowledge and skills of midwives. As a result, guidelines will be developed in order to exchange selected best practices which enable midwives to implement this knowledge in their own context. This contributes to improving care for vulnerable pregnant women throughout Europe.