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Het project Publieke Inkoop en Logistiek van het Onderzoeksprogramma Urban Technology loopt 1 jaar. Een mooi moment voor een terug- en vooruitblik. Wat hebben we gedaan? Met welke resultaten? En hoe gaan we verder?
With the approach of the zero emission zone implementation in 30-40 cities mandated by the Dutch Klimaatakkord, comes the need to determine whether the SMEs located within these zones are aware of the coming changes and if they are, how far they have come in their preparation. This paper delves into the development of the zero emission city logistics maturity model tool which is used to indicate the progress of these small to medium enterprises in light of reaching fully zero emission city logistics operations. The paper starts off with a review of existing maturity models which forms the baseline for the zero emission city logistics maturity model in rubric form. A QuickScan analysis is developed in order to facilitate data collection by students who then approach businesses and use the QuickScan results to benchmark the businesses progress against other businesses. This paper then concludes with the preliminary results from the initial QuickScans performed by HBO level students.
DOK4CT (in Dutch: Digitale Onderwijsmiddelen en Kennisontsluiting for Control Towers)In this project the practical applied knowledge, derived from innovative projects within the “Topsector logistiek”, is made accessible by Breda University and Deltago. This online Control Tower Course is specifically meant for logistic professionals and students in logistic orientated education. The project was made accesible and supported by the NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The scope of this project is limited to the area of Cross Chain Control Centers (4C) / Control Towers. The educational valorisation will be executed by the development of digital materials. These are used for student education as well as dissemination towards professionals in the logistics sector. Hereby, the interaction between students and professionals is an important additional benefit under the name of “social learning”. For example the interviews that Marcel Wouterse (Deltago and lecturer at Breda University of Applied Sciences) has created with key partners in the logistics sector were recorded and edited by students. By the use of digital educational tools and serious games, the benefits of Control Towers are now visible for students and professionals. The next phase is to introduce the gained knowledge in future organisations in order to support the Netherlands in the top of the logistics sector.Project goalThe goal of this project is to improve the exploitation of fundamental- and applied knowledge in the expertise area of Cross Chain Control Centers (4C) and Control Towers (CT).The tasks are divided in five subprojects:1. Preparations to transfer existing materials in digital learning tools;2. Shape digital education material (Webinars, online platform, knowledge clips and e-learnings)3. Develop and/or use several serious games (Convoy game / Synchromania)4. Promotion of the course to specified target groups (professionals / international students)5. Project managementExcising knowledge regarding Cross Chain Control Centers and Control Towers is used in this project. New knowledge will not be generated. The project focus lies on the disclosure of acquired knowledge by digital learning tools.