Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
De ontwikkelingen en veranderingen in de gezondheidszorg maken het noodzakelijk dat verpleegkundigen door middel van bij- en nascholing hun deskundigheid op peil houden. Deskundigheid is de basis waarop herregistratie in het BIG-register zal gaan plaatsvinden. Per 1 januari 2009 moeten zorgverleners na vijf jaar hun deskundigheid aantonen door te voldoen aan de werkervaringseis en, als ze daar niet aan voldoen, de scholingseis1. Deskundigheidsbevordering en Lifelong Learning - levenslang leren - gaan hand in hand. Lifelong Learning is het principe dat mensen gedurende hun hele leven in staat en gemotiveerd zijn om te leren en dat de omgeving daartoe mogelijkheden biedt2, 3. E-learning wordt geassocieerd met leeractiviteiten die plaatsvinden op een zelfgekozen moment waarbij een met een computernetwerk verbonden computer interactief gebruikt wordt. ‘Any place, any time’ is een wezenlijk aspect van e-learning. E-learning is belangrijk voor het levenslang leren van verpleegkundigen.
This Framework is intended to act as a guide for those individuals and organisations seeking to develop forms of lifelong learning and professional development that are rooted in a culture of reflective andreflexive practice.
The concept of lifelong learning refers to the several skills able to provide forneeds of music graduates. Such as it occurs with other areas, the domain ofmusic is in constant modification, either for the incorporation of new technologies, either had the cultural demands or for the multiplicity of activities that music has accumulated. Observing the deficits in the formation of the students, the lifelong learning appears as an alternative to enable the acquisition of tools which improve continuously the professional. The lifelong learning includes a new notion of knowledge that brings together the formal, non-formal and informal teaching, making possible experiences of knowledge objective and practical, as a way to consider the several challenges that appear to the profession. To hold the lifelong learning in the Music Colleges as an objective many changes are requested, and all the structures of the Music Colleges must be engaged.
The Academy for Leisure & Events has always been one of the frontrunners when it comes to the development, design and implementation of cultural tourism and creative industry business models as well as lifelong learning programmes.These programmes are attended by a variety of leisure and tourism professionals, including public authorities in leisure, culture and nature fields.The CULTURWB project addresses the need for strengthening the development of the cultural tourism industry.The experts from BUas together with the other project partners have utilised diverse research methodologies (marketing and branding, strategy business planning, digital tourism, sustainable development, strategy and action plan implementation, etc.) to develop and pilot a toolkit for Lifelong Learning courses in the field of cultural tourism and heritage. They have also designed and implemented a master’s programme in the WB countries and created an online platform for communication between stakeholders, industry leaders, managers, workforce, and academia.PartnersHochschule Heibronn, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft, World University Service - Österreichisches Komitee (WUS Austria), Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar (UNMO), University of East Sarajevo (UES), The University of Banja Luka (UBL), University of NIS (UNI), University of Montenegro (UoM), Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures (SMOC), rovincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments (PZZZSK), Tourism Organisation of Kotor Municipality (TO Kotor)
The development of a training for musicians aspiring to work in contexts with people with dementia in the Netherlands. This project was inspired by the renowned Music for Life programme by Wigmore Hall Learning in London, UK and its in-depth ethnographic study by the research group Lifelong Learning in Music which was published as While the Music Lasts by Smilde, Page and Alheit (2012).