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In the BBI-JU project LIBBIO, institutions across Europe researched the ideal growing circumstances for the Andean Lupin in Europe. The Andean Lupin can be grown across the continent. Continued research improved the crop’s yield and resistance to disease. Learn more about how this can be achieved in this video.
In the BBI-JU project LIBBIO, institutions across Europe researched the opportunities around the Andean Lupin. The business case of the Andean Lupin can be compared to that of the soybean. Using green processing technologies, we can use it for the production of consumer products, food and feed. Learn more about how this can be achieved in this video.
In the BBI-JU project LIBBIO, institutions across Europe researched the opportunities around the Andean Lupin. The business case of the Andean Lupin can be compared to that of the soybean. Using green processing technologies, we can use it for the production of consumer products, food and feed. Learn more about how this can be achieved in this video.
This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720726LIBBIO is a European research project on Andes Lupin (Lupinus mutabilis, tarwi) cropping in marginal lands for enhanced bio economy. Lupin has the ability to fix nitrogen, mobilise soil phosphate and has low nutritional requirements for cultivation. Varieties will be chosen that give high yield of green silage or high yield of seeds which contain more than 20% oil, more than 40% protein and the remaining materials are carbohydrates, mainly oligosaccharides characterized as “prebiotics”. Andes lupin will be grown as a summer crop in N-central Europe and as winter crop in Mediterranean conditions. Pre-industrial processing is developed and optimized for the lupin, properties of the different fractions analysed, their advantage for different industrial use evaluated, and a few products developed as an example. Social and environmental impact will be evaluated as well as techno-economic viability and effect on farm and biorefinery income.This project has received funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720726