Dienst van SURF
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De overheid trekt zich terug en legt steeds meer verantwoordelijkheid bij de burger. Dat is reden tot zorg, want door bezuinigingen op bijvoorbeeld de rechtsbijstand kan de toegankelijkheid van het recht in het gedrang komen. Maar er zijn ook kansen. Voortschrijdende digitalisering stelt mensen in staat zelf oplossingen te zoeken bij juridische problemen. Dit kan meer keuzevrijheid en meer zelfstandigheid betekenen, hoewel onzekerheid over dit palet aan mogelijkheden evenzeer op de loer ligt. Een mogelijk bijeffect is dat er nog meer juridische problemen ontstaan, omdat door onzekerheid of onwetendheid kan worden besloten geen rechtszaak te starten, geen aanvraag in te dienen of niet tot actie over te gaan wanneer rechten worden geschonden. Een ding staat vast: het beroep op de eigen kracht van de burger neemt toe. Maar in hoeverre zijn burgers zelfstandig in staat gebruik te maken van het recht en hun rechtspositie te beschermen? De vraag is niet nieuw. Sinds het einde van de negentiende eeuw is hier aandacht voor. Deze aandacht verloopt in golfbewegingen en verandert in de loop der tijd van accent en betekenis. In het huidige tijdsbestek, waarin een transitie gaande is van verzorgingsstaat naar participatiesamenleving is de vraag opnieuw actueel. Als mensen meer op zichzelf zijn aangewezen en zelf oplossingen moeten zoeken voor hun juridische problemen, hoe zet je hen dan in hun kracht? De vraag wat legal empowerment kan betekenen voor de toegankelijkheid van het recht in de Nederlandse participatiesamenleving staat hier centraal. In het eerste hoofdstuk worden de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in de literatuur over de toegankelijkheid van het recht beschreven. De nadruk ligt hierbij op gebruikers van het recht en het daadwerkelijk kunnen gebruiken van het recht. Dit kader helpt om het concept legal empowerment te kunnen plaatsen. Vervolgens wordt in het tweede hoofdstuk een analyse gemaakt van de achtergrond, de kenmerken en de toepassing van legal empowerment om het begrip beter te kunnen duiden. De lessen die we hieruit kunnen trekken, worden in het laatste hoofdstuk toegepast op de situatie in Nederland, met name op thema’s als de terugtredende overheid, decentralisatie, digitalisering en juridische dienstverlening.
Background: Empowerment is expected to have a beneficial effect on a woman’s well-being during the perinatal period and her readiness to face the challenges of motherhood. In the literature on pregnancy and childbirth, empowerment is used widely in different contexts, with different connotations and often without a definition, thus indicating a lack of clarity of what is actually meant by the concept. Objective: To report an analysis of the concept of women’s empowerment in the context of the perinatal period. Methods: We used the concept analysis framework of Walker and Avant to analyse the concept of women’s empowerment during pregnancy and childbirth. In July 2018, we did a systematic search in EBSCOhost, including the database MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES and SocINDEX, using keywords: empower, women, childbirth and their synonyms. All selected papers were analysed for definitions of empowerment, defining attributes, antecedents and consequences. Results: Ninety-seven scientific papers from all continents were included in the analysis. Defining attributes, antecedents, consequences and empirical referents are discussed, and a model case as well as related and contrary cases are presented. Conclusion: Attributes, external and internal to the woman, were identified. Both types of attributes need to be considered within the broader socio-cultural-economic-political landscape of the individual woman, in conjunction with a woman’s belief in herself and her meaningful interconnectedness with carers. Relevance: This study resulted in an understanding of empowerment in the context of pregnancy and childbirth that can be used in research and for the development of interventions preparing women for childbirth and their subsequent transition to motherhood.
Summary Self-managed shelters claim that participants who have been homeless, are better able to run a shelter than regular providers. Little research has investigated self-managed shelters. In this paper we described the experiences of participants and peer workers with empowerment processes in Je Eigen Stek (Your own place, JES), a self-managed shelter, based on an eight year qualitative responsive evaluation. FindingsWe distinguish three clusters of individual experiences: 1) enthusiastic, 2) moderate to critical, and 3) negative, respectively associated with decreasing engagement with social life in and management of JES. Those not engaged can still benefit materially and from the freedom of choice JES offers, which is generally appreciated. Empowerment provides a useful framework and JES in turn offers new insights into the dialectical nature of empowerment. Empowerment consists of freedom of choice and capacity development and neither should be emphasized over the other. The emphasis in JES is on freedom of choice, which does not automatically lead to developing capacities. Social workers try to balance both aspects of empowerment.Applications Our analysis shows how offering freedom of choice can contribute to empowerment, although social workers need to be aware that participants might opt not to work on capacity development.
The impacts of tourism on destinations and the perceptions of local communities have been a major concern both for the industry and research in the past decades. However, tourism planning has been mainly focused on traditions that promote the increase of tourism without taking under consideration the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. To develop a more sustainable tourism model, the inclusion of local residents in tourism decision-making is vital. However, this is not always possible due to structural, economic and socio-cultural restrictions that residents face resulting to their disempowerment. This study aims to explore and interpret the formal processes around tourism decision-making and community empowerment in urban settings. The research proposes a comparative study of three urban destinations in Europe (The Hague in the Netherlands, San Sebastian in Spain and, Ioannina in Greece) that experience similar degree of tourism growth. The proposed study will use a design-based approach in order to understand tourism decision-making and what empowers or disempowers community participation within the destinations. Based on the findings of primary and secondary data, a community empowerment model will be applied in one the destinations as a pilot for resident engagement in tourism planning. The evaluation of the pilot will allow for an optimized model to be created with implications for tourism planning at a local level that can contribute to sustainable destinations that safeguard the interests of local residents and tourists.