Dienst van SURF
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Recensie van Boer, B. de (2004) Bepaal zelf je leeftijd. Voor beginnende NLP geinteresseerden.
Op 1 januari 2014 is de Drank- en horecawet gewijzigd. De wijziging hield in dat de leeftijd waarop alcohol in de publieke ruimte geconsumeerd mag worden wijzigde van 16 naar 18 jaar. Daarnaast mag alcohol niet worden verkocht aan jongeren jonger dan 18. In dit hoofdstuk wordt de problematiek kort uiteengezet omtrent de consumptie van alcohol onder jongeren en de wijziging van de drank- en horecawet. Daarnaast wordt er kort ingegaan op gemeentelijke verantwoordelijkheid ten aanzien van de gewijzigde Drank- en Horecawet. Ten slotte wordt een beschrijving gegeven van het RUIT-onderzoek.
Background: The built environment is increasingly recognized as a determinant for health and health behaviors. Existing evidence regarding the relationship between environment and health (behaviors) is varying in significance and magnitude, and more high-quality longitudinal studies are needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a major urban redesign project on physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), active transport (AT), health-related quality of life (HRQOL), social activities (SA) and meaningfulness, at 29–39 months after opening of the reconstructed area. Methods: PA and AT were measured using accelerometers and GPS loggers. HRQOL and sociodemographic characteristics were assessed using questionnaires. In total, 241 participants provided valid data at baseline and follow-up. We distinguished three groups, based on proximity to the intervention area: maximal exposure group, minimal exposure group and no exposure group. Results: Both the maximal and minimal exposure groups showed significantly different trends regarding transportbased PA levels compared to the no exposure group. In the exposure groups SB decreased, while it increased in the no exposure group. Also, transport-based light intensity PA remained stable in the exposure groups, while it significantly decreased in the no exposure group. No intervention effects were found for total daily PA levels. Scores on SA and meaningfulness increased in the maximal exposure group and decreased in the minimal and no exposure group, but changes were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The results of this study emphasize the potential of the built environment in changing SB and highlights the relevance of longer-term follow-up measurements to explore the full potential of urban redesign projects.