Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Het onderzoek is onderdeel van het SURFfoundation project 'Open Onderzoek II'. Lectoren hebben hart voor hun zaak. Hun zaak is het verrijken van de wereld met kennis. Het belang van het vrij beschikbaar maken van onderzoeksresultaten wordt door vele lectoren onderschreven ― blijkt uit dit onderzoek ― en een aantal pleit zelfs voor een revolutie om dit te realiseren! Net zoals kunst eigenlijk niet acht jaar in de kast van het gesloten Stedelijk Museum zou mogen worden opgesloten, zo mogen publicaties van lectoraten niet achter de deuren van uitgeverijen verdwijnen. Het vereist lef om dit te voorkomen. Lef van de auteur om eisen te stellen aan de uitgevers. Lef om brutaal en ‘burgerlijk ongehoorzaam’ te zijn.
This article discusses the importance of fully integrating research activities into the Bachelor level programs (undergraduate programs) in orthopaedic engineering / prosthetics and orthotics. To work according to evidence based principles and acquire the competences to do so it is necessary for students to engage in research activities from within the educational programme as soon as possible. Involvement in research not only creates more insight in what research means and what the effects are, but also generates a number of cross links with the stakeholders involved in P&O education (see fig 1) which were not apparent before for the student. Also, the interaction with orthopaedic companies is stimulated in a broader context than is traditionally the case. A structure enhancing the interaction of educational institution, companies, research groups and institutions is presented which operates at the intersection of these stakeholders. A whole new world is therefore coming into range which will generate all kinds of new and unexplored opportunities.
Our approach is multi-actor and solution driven: • We study global problems with the people directly involved in those problems. • We study what those people do, how they do it, and how their practices can be improved. • This allows us to unpack global governance into more local practices of new and underrepresented actors, and • to develop new collaborative solutions to global problems through communities of practice • using research methods such as interviews, surveys, focus discussion groups, archival work, and citizen science