Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In this paper we discuss the design process that took place while creating social software for Amsterdam University of Professional Education (AUPE) and the interactive knowledge platform, called ‘Theme-sites’. Themesites are used collaboratively by nine universities bound by a consortium, Digital University (DU). The DU is experimenting using communities of practice (CoPs) as a way to to stimulate the use of ICT in Higher Education. We describe the redesign, for which we used principles of design research (Col-lins et al., 2004). However in both described cases user experiences revealed that users have difficulties in getting actively involved in the knowledge portal. We propose how we might redesign the knowledge platform to support learning processes better, using theories like Wenger’s (1998) related to learning ar-chitectures. This paper aims at expanding design knowledge about knowledge portals and CoPs and dis-cusses the yet overseen critical design elements, like the brokering competences that facilitators need.
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) wants to create close links between education, research and industry. To support this policy, knowledge and knowledge products are made as widely available as possible to business and government, BUAS employees, and other interested parties. BUAS uses Pure, a research information and registration system. An up-to-date overview of all knowledge output of BUAS employees in this system can be found in this portal.
Within the food industry there is a need to be able to rapidly react to changing regulatory requirements and consumer preferences by adjusting recipes, processes, and products. A good knowledge of the properties of food ingredients is crucial in this process. Currently this knowledge is available in scattered heterogeneous resources such as scientific peer-reviewed articles, databases, recipes, food blogs as well as in the experience of food-experts. This prevents, in practice, the efficient integration and use of this knowledge, leading to inefficiency and missed opportunities. In this project we will build a structured database of properties of food ingredients, focusing in particular on the taste and texture properties. By large-scale collection and text mining on a large number of textual resources, a comprehensive data set on ingredient properties will be created, along with knowledge on the relationships between these ingredients. This database will then be used for to find new potential applications for healthy and taste enhancing ingredient combinations by network-based discovery methods and artificial intelligence algorithms will be used. A concrete focus will be on application questions formulated by the industrial partners. The resulting hypothesis will be validated in a real life setting at the premises of the industrial partners. The deliverables of this project will be: - A reusable open-access ingredient database that is accessible via a user-friendly web portal - A set of state-of-the-art mining algorithms that can address a wide variety of industry driven use cases - Novel product formulations that can be further developed for the consumer and business2business market
In this project we will build a structured database of properties of food ingredients, focusing in particular on the taste and texture properties. By large-scale collection and text mining on a large number of textual resources, a comprehensive data set on ingredient properties will be created, along with knowledge on the relationships between these ingredients. This database will then be used for to find new potential applications for healthy and taste enhancing ingredient combinations by network-based discovery methods and artificial intelligence algorithms will be used. A concrete focus will be on application questions formulated by the industrial partners. The resulting hypothesis will be validated in a real life setting at the premises of the industrial partners.The deliverables of this project will be:• A reusable open-access ingredient database that is accessible via a user-friendly web portal• A set of state-of-the-art mining algorithms that can address a wide variety of industry driven use cases• Novel product formulations that can be further developed for the consumer and business2business market
De retailsector verandert diepgaand en structureel. Door ontwikkelingen in technologie, sociaal-culturele en demografische trends en ook door veranderingen binnen het domein van retail zelf, staan veel ondernemingen en andere stakeholders, zoals gemeenten, de vastgoedsector en toeleveranciers van het winkelbedrijf voor belangrijke uitdagingen. Dit veld vormt een belangrijk onderzoeksthema van praktijkgericht onderzoek van lectoraten binnen het Hoger Beroepsonderwijs. Dat is nu nog versnipperd, maar kan en kracht en relevantie winnen bij samenwerking. Het lectorenplatform Retail Innovation beoogt door middel van bundeling en gecoördineerde en deels gezamenlijke uitvoering van nieuw praktijkgericht retail onderzoek door de lectoren in het HBO een betere gestructureerde bijdrage leveren aan de noodzakelijke innovatie in de retailsector in Nederland, in het bijzonder op basis van de nationale retail(onderzoeks)agenda. Vanuit die bundeling de verbinding leggen met de retailsector, samen met geassocieerde partners zoals TKI CLICKNL, belangstellende universiteiten en relevante organisaties en vertegenwoordigers van de retailsector om de doorwerking van bevindingen en resultaten verder te versterken.