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Just what and how eight experienced teachers in four coaching dyads learned during a 1-year reciprocal peer coaching trajectory was examined in the present study. The learning processes were mapped by providing a detailed description of reported learning activities, reported learning outcomes, and the relations between these two. The sequences of learning activities associated with a particular type of learning outcome were next selected, coded, and analyzed using a variety of quantitative methods. The different activity sequences undertaken by the teachers during a reciprocal peer coaching trajectory were found to trigger different aspects of their professional development.
Recently, the job market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineers has exploded. Since the role of AI engineer is relatively new, limited research has been done on the requirements as set by the industry. Moreover, the definition of an AI engineer is less established than for a data scientist or a software engineer. In this study we explore, based on job ads, the requirements from the job market for the position of AI engineer in The Netherlands. We retrieved job ad data between April 2018 and April 2021 from a large job ad database, Jobfeed from TextKernel. The job ads were selected with a process similar to the selection of primary studies in a literature review. We characterize the 367 resulting job ads based on meta-data such as publication date, industry/sector, educational background and job titles. To answer our research questions we have further coded 125 job ads manually. The job tasks of AI engineers are concentrated in five categories: business understanding, data engineering, modeling, software development and operations engineering. Companies ask for AI engineers with different profiles: 1) data science engineer with focus on modeling, 2) AI software engineer with focus on software development , 3) generalist AI engineer with focus on both models and software. Furthermore, we present the tools and technologies mentioned in the selected job ads, and the soft skills. Our research helps to understand the expectations companies have for professionals building AI-enabled systems. Understanding these expectations is crucial both for prospective AI engineers and educational institutions in charge of training those prospective engineers. Our research also helps to better define the profession of AI engineering. We do this by proposing an extended AI engineering life-cycle that includes a business understanding phase.
ObjectiveThe aim of this review is to evaluate associations between possible late effects of cancer treatment (i.e. physical complaints, fatigue, or cognitive complaints) and work ability among workers beyond 2 years after cancer diagnosis who returned to work. The role of job resources (social support, autonomy, leadership style, coaching, and organizational culture) is also evaluated.MethodsThe search for studies was conducted in PsycINFO, Medline, Business Source Premier, ABI/Inform, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Web of Science. A quality assessment was used to clarify the quality across studies.ResultsThe searches included 2303 records. Finally, 36 studies were included. Work ability seemed to decline shortly after cancer treatment and recover in the first 2 years after diagnosis, although it might still be lower than among healthy workers. No data were available on the course of work ability beyond the first 2 years. Late physical complaints, fatigue and cognitive complaints were negatively related with work ability across all relevant studies. Furthermore, social support and autonomy were associated with higher work ability, but no data were available on a possible buffering effect of these job resources on the relationship between late effects and work ability. As far as reported, most research was carried out among salaried workers.ConclusionIt is unknown if late effects of cancer treatment diminish work ability beyond two years after being diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, more longitudinal research into the associations between possible late effects of cancer treatment and work ability needs to be carried out. Moreover, research is needed on the buffering effect of job resources, both for salaried and self-employed workers.
Dit Professional Doctorate-traject zal zich richten op het doorontwikkelen van de sociaal werk interventie vangnetwerken, een interventie die is beschreven en onderzocht, op vier door de praktijk gearticuleerde issues : ● Methodische verdieping ● Samenwerking tussen GGZ en sociaal werk ● De rol van ‘coaching on the job’ bij het aanleren van de methode ● Duurzame financiering van sociaal werk interventies. De betrokken werkveldorganisatie is welzijnsorganisatie ContourdeTwern. Deze organisatie wil gedurende het traject 4 bestaande vangnetwerken doorontwikkelen en 2 nieuw op te zetten. Binnen het traject wordt gebruik gemaakt van participatieve methoden, zoals participatief actie-onderzoek en professional development. De activiteiten binnen het traject zijn in de eerste plaats gericht op lokale praktijkversterking. In de tweede plaats worden ervaringen die in het traject worden opgedaan verbreed naar andere interventies voor de doelgroep. Ten derde worden de ervaringen in het traject benut om landelijk te agenderen. Tot slot levert het traject een bijdrage aan kennisontwikkeling voor het sociaal werk.