Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In this report, the results of the inventory phase are discussed. The goal of the inventory phase was to collect data on the current and desired situation concerning opportunities for children and youth with a disability to do sport activities (supply) and their needs regarding sport (demand). In the inventory phase in each country interviews were conducted and a literature review was executed in order to get insight into the current and desired situation regarding supply and demand of adapted physical activity (APA). Furthermore, based on a questionnaire filled in by youth or their parents, data were gathered about sports participation, experiences with adapted sports and the contentment about the supply of adapted sports. Thereafter, each country has identified the best practices to increase participation in adapted sports for youth in their country. During the project, the results of the inventory phase were discussed in partner meetings.
The main question in this PhD thesis is: How can Business Rules Management be configured and valued in organizations? A BRM problem space framework is proposed, existing of service systems, as a solution to the BRM problems. In total 94 vendor documents and approximately 32 hours of semi-structured interviews were analyzed. This analysis revealed nine individual service systems, in casu elicitation, design, verification, validation, deployment, execution, monitor, audit, and version. In the second part of this dissertation, BRM is positioned in relation to BPM (Business Process Management) by means of a literature study. An extension study was conducted: a qualitative study on a list of business rules formulated by a consulting organization based on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission risk framework. (from the summary of the Thesis p. 165)
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is een thema, waarover intussen al meer dan een decennium gediscussieerd wordt en waaraan een hoog rationaliseringspotentieel wordt toegeschreven. Het thema SCM geniet veel aandacht binnen de grote ondernemingen. Maar hoe staat het met de toepassing van Supply Chain Management binnen het MKB? Van algemene Supply Chains, de keten vanaf het aanleveren van grondstoffen tot aan de aflevering van het product bij de eindverbruiker, maken immers ook middelgrote en kleine bedrijven (MKB) deel uit. Maar het MKB beschikt vaak niet over de informatie en de capaciteiten om zich in voldoende mate met het thema bezig te houden. Natuurlijk zien we wel toepassingen van SCM-concepten binnen het MKB, maar dan zijn deze vaak opgelegd door grote spelers in de keten
Due to the exponential growth of ecommerce, the need for automated Inventory management is crucial to have, among others, up-to-date information. There have been recent developments in using drones equipped with RGB cameras for scanning and counting inventories in warehouse. Due to their unlimited reach, agility and speed, drones can speed up the inventory process and keep it actual. To benefit from this drone technology, warehouse owners and inventory service providers are actively exploring ways for maximizing the utilization of this technology through extending its capability in long-term autonomy, collaboration and operation in night and weekends. This feasibility study is aimed at investigating the possibility of developing a robust, reliable and resilient group of aerial robots with long-term autonomy as part of effectively automating warehouse inventory system to have competitive advantage in highly dynamic and competitive market. To that end, the main research question is, “Which technologies need to be further developed to enable collaborative drones with long-term autonomy to conduct warehouse inventory at night and in the weekends?” This research focusses on user requirement analysis, complete system architecting including functional decomposition, concept development, technology selection, proof-of-concept demonstrator development and compiling a follow-up projects.
Nature-based coastal management is mainstream in the Netherlands. About 12 Mm3 of sand is added annually to the coast to compensate coastal erosion and maintain high safety levels against flooding. This amount will likely increase to compensate for accelerated sea level rise. (Mega-)Nourishments may also strengthen and support biodiversity and recreational values of the coastal zone and associated wetland areas. However, the ecological and societal impacts of mega-nourishments on open coasts are not well established, hampering comparison of pros and cons of different nourishment strategies. This knowledge gap is largely due to the lack of suitable methods to monitor and predict the spreading of nourishment sand along the coast and into tidal basins. Ameland Inlet provides us with a unique opportunity to develop and test novel approaches to fill this knowledge gap in close collaboration with our consortium and stakeholders. In 2018 the first tidal inlet mega-nourishment (5 Mm3) was placed in the Ameland Inlet ebb-tidal delta, and geomorphic and biotic responses nearby are closely monitored in the Kustgenese 2.0 and SEAWAD programmes. Our research builds on the insights gained, will gather new data to investigate off-site effects (linked with SIBES/SIBUS sampling), and build a common knowledge-base with stakeholders. We will develop novel luminescence-based methods to monitor the temporal and spatial dispersal of nourishment sand. These insights will be combined with an inventory of off-site biotic responses to nourishment and the role biota play in the mixing of nourishment sand with natural sediments. Combined results will be used to develop and validate models to trace transport paths of individual grains and improve morphodynamic predictions. Throughout the project, we will collaborate and interact intensely with coastal managers and (local) stakeholders to address concerns and exchange insights, creating a platform for co-assessment and optimization of nourishment designs and strategies.