Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Abstract Introduction: Both in literature and in practice there is debate about defining Integrated Care. The WHO for example, defines Integrated Care as a process, not covering the perspective of (cost-) effectiveness. From the perspective of research into evidence in Integrated Care this is rather awkward. Triple aim focusses on 1) quality of life of citizens; 2) quality and continuity of care and, 3) cost effective care. Integrated Care is aimed at well-organized, cost-effective processes of care delivery, provided by committed professionals which must be able to count on well-established evidence for the care interventions they provide in integrated trajectories to their patients. Research should support them both with evidence for effective interventions and evidence for effective application. A basis for thorough research in Integrated Care is narrowed by a lack of a comprehensive definition. Theory/Methods: Since Integrated Care is considered as sets of complex interventions targeting triple aim, we compared definitions of Integrated Care reported in literature with a definition of complex interventions and a model for evidence based developing, testing and implementing complex interventions. This definition and the accompanied model are issued by the British Medical Research Council (MRC) in 2008 and are nowadays worldwide established. During the session at the conference, after a short introduction, we will discuss our proposal with the participants for improving a new definition of evidence based integrated care.
INTRODUCTION: Integrated care is considered to be a means to reduce costs, improve the quality of care and generate better patient outcomes. At present, little is known about integrated care in maternity care systems. We developed questionnaires to examine integrated care in two different settings, using the taxonomy of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care. The aim of this study was to explore the validity of these questionnaires.METHODS: We used data collected between 2013 and 2015 from two studies: the Maternity Care Network Study (634 respondents) and the Dutch Birth Centre Study (56 respondents). We assessed the feasibility, discriminative validity, and reliability of the questionnaires.RESULTS: Both questionnaires showed good feasibility (overall missing rate < 20%) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient > 0.70). Between-subgroups post-hoc comparisons showed statistically significant differences on integration profiles between regional networks (on all items, dimensions of integration and total integration score) and birth centres (on 50% of the items and dimensions of integration).DISCUSSION: Both questionnaires are feasible and can discriminate between sites with different integration profiles in The Netherlands. They offer an opportunity to better understand integrated care as one step in understanding the complexity of the concept.
Over a million people in the Netherlands have type 2 diabetes (T2D), which is strongly related to overweight, and many more people are at-risk. A carbohydrate-rich diet and insufficient physical activity play a crucial role in these developments. It is essential to prevent T2D, because this condition is associated with a reduced quality of life, high healthcare costs and premature death due to cardiovascular diseases. The hormone insulin plays a major role in this. This hormone lowers the blood glucose concentration through uptake in body cells. If an excess of glucose is constantly offered, initially the body maintains blood glucose concentration within normal range by releasing higher concentrations of insulin into the blood, a condition that is described as “prediabetes”. In a process of several years, this compensating mechanism will eventually fail: the blood glucose concentration increases resulting in T2D. In the current healthcare practice, T2D is actually diagnosed by recognizing only elevated blood glucose concentrations, being insufficient for identification of people who have prediabetes and are at-risk to develop T2D. Although the increased insulin concentrations at normal glucose concentrations offer an opportunity for early identification/screening of people with prediabetes, there is a lack of effective and reliable methods/devices to adequately measure insulin concentrations. An integrated approach has been chosen for identification of people at-risk by using a prediabetes screening method based on insulin detection. Users and other stakeholders will be involved in the development and implementation process from the start of the project. A portable and easy-to-use demonstrator will be realised, based on rapid lateral flow tests (LFTs), which is able to measure insulin in clinically relevant samples (serum/blood) quickly and reliably. Furthermore, in collaboration with healthcare professionals, we will investigate how this screening method can be implemented in practice to contribute to a healthier lifestyle and prevent T2D.
Promoting entrepreneurship is an enabler of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and it is one objective EU regions have pursued since the EC included it into 2020 Strategy. Entrepreneurship development has economic and social benefits, since it is not only a driving force for job creation, competitiveness and growth; it also contributes to personal fulfillment and to achieve social objectives. That is why the EU encourages entrepreneurial initiatives and to unlock the growth potential of businesses and citizens. However, only a 37% of Europeans (Eurobarometer 2012) would like to be self-employed. The Entrepreneurship Action Plan adopted by the EC in 2013 to reignite Europe’s entrepreneurial spirit includes initiatives for educating young people on entrepreneurship. To ensure that EU economy remains globally competitive, young generations of Europeans need to be inspired to develop their entrepreneurial mindset. EU 2020 Action Plan argues that young people benefitting of a specialised entrepreneurial education are more likely to start-up a business and to better tackle challenges in their professional career and life in general. Hence, there is good reason to ensure better quality of entrepreneurial education. Most approaches in recent years have focused on improving the skills or competences youngsters should obtain only within the education system. However, an integrated approach is needed, where the school, their friends, family and the social environment, shall play each one a relevant role, contributing to generate a more adequate atmosphere to boost their entrepreneurial mindsets, intrapreneurial attitudes and innovation capacities. This project will identify and exchange – through a quadruple helix approach- good practices for creating friendlier entrepreneurial ecosystems and actions to boost entrepreneurship in young people mindsets. The good practices and lessons learnt will be transferred into Action Plans to be included in regional policies.
De zorgbehoeftes van patiënten met nek- en/of schouderklachten kunnen per persoon verschillen. We onderzoeken of de fysiotherapie verbeterd kan worden door dit te personaliseren en met een online programma te combineren.Doel Het doel van dit project is het verbeteren van de fysiotherapeutische zorg voor patiënten met nek- en/of schouderklachten. Door de vorm en inhoud aan te passen aan de behoeftes van de individuele patiënt denken we de therapie (kosten-)effectiever te maken. We willen dat zoveel mogelijk fysiotherapeuten deze behandeling kunnen toepassen. Daarnaast gebruiken we de kennis uit dit onderzoek in het opleiden van professionals in de gezondheidszorg. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt nog. Na afronding vind je hier een samenvatting van de resultaten. Looptijd 01 juni 2018 - 01 juni 2023 Aanpak We bieden de fysiotherapeut hulpmiddelen om te bepalen of een patiënt geschikt is voor blended fysiotherapie en om te bepalen hoe de behandeling er dan uit zou moeten zien. Blended fysiotherapie is een integratie van consulten fysiotherapie en een digitaal programma waarmee patiënten thuis aan de slag gaan, zoals het bestaande E- Excercise. Deze zogenoemde gestratificeerde blended fysiotherapie behandeling vergelijken we met gebruikelijke fysiotherapie op (kosten-)effectiviteit. Lees hier het wetenschappelijk artikel dat Mark van Tilburg en collega-onderzoekers erover publiceerden: Stratified care integrated with eHealth versus usual primary care physiotherapy in patients with neck and/or shoulder complaints: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial