Although it is advocated that end-users are engaged in developing evidence-based injury prevention training to enhance the implementation, this rarely happens. The ‘Implementing injury Prevention training ROutines in TEams and Clubs in youth Team handball (I-PROTECT)’ uses an ecological participatory design incorporating the perspectives of multiple stakeholders throughout the project. Within the I-PROTECT project, the current study aimed to describe the development of holistic injury prevention training specifically for youth handball players through using knowledge from both end-users (coaches and players) and researchers/handball experts. Employing action evaluation within participatory action research, the cyclical development process included three phases: research team preparation, handball expert-based preparation and end-user evaluation to develop injury prevention training incorporating both physical and psychological perspectives. To grow the knowledge of the interdisciplinary research team, rethinking was conducted within and between phases based on participants’ contributions. Researchers and end-users cocreated examples of handball-specific exercises, including injury prevention physical principles (movement technique for upper and lower extremities, respectively, and muscle strength) combined with psychological aspects (increase end-user motivation, task focus and body awareness) to integrate into warm-up and skills training within handball practice. A cyclical development process that engaged researchers/handball experts and end-users to cocreate evidence-based, theory-informed and context-specific injury prevention training specifically for youth handball players generated a first pilot version of exercises including physical principles combined with psychological aspects to be integrated within handball practice.
Although it is advocated that end-users are engaged in developing evidence-based injury prevention training to enhance the implementation, this rarely happens. The ‘Implementing injury Prevention training ROutines in TEams and Clubs in youth Team handball (I-PROTECT)’ uses an ecological participatory design incorporating the perspectives of multiple stakeholders throughout the project. Within the I-PROTECT project, the current study aimed to describe the development of holistic injury prevention training specifically for youth handball players through using knowledge from both end-users (coaches and players) and researchers/handball experts. Employing action evaluation within participatory action research, the cyclical development process included three phases: research team preparation, handball expert-based preparation and end-user evaluation to develop injury prevention training incorporating both physical and psychological perspectives. To grow the knowledge of the interdisciplinary research team, rethinking was conducted within and between phases based on participants’ contributions. Researchers and end-users cocreated examples of handball-specific exercises, including injury prevention physical principles (movement technique for upper and lower extremities, respectively, and muscle strength) combined with psychological aspects (increase end-user motivation, task focus and body awareness) to integrate into warm-up and skills training within handball practice. A cyclical development process that engaged researchers/handball experts and end-users to cocreate evidence-based, theory-informed and context-specific injury prevention training specifically for youth handball players generated a first pilot version of exercises including physical principles combined with psychological aspects to be integrated within handball practice.
Benjaminse, A, Nijmeijer, EM, Gokeler, A, Broekhaar, DC, and Cortes, N. Motivation unraveled: giving choice to football players to improve anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention. J Strength Cond Res 38(12): e735–e743, 2024—Providing athletes some control over a training session facilitates motor skill acquisition. This is a promising concept to use in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury prevention, as the key for risk reduction is to improve quality of movement. The goal of this study was to better understand why improved motor learning occurred when football players had the opportunity to choose when to receive feedback when practicing sidestep cutting (SSC) movements. Healthy male recreational football players (n 5 22, 22.9 6 1.7 years, 185.5 6 7.2 cm, 79.3 6 9.2 kg) were included and assigned to the self-control (SC) or the yoked (YK) group. The players performed anticipated and unanticipated SSC. They received video instructions and were instructed to “copy the movement of the model to the best of their ability.” During the training blocks, the SC group could ask for feedback, whereas the YK group could not. Cutting movement assessment scores (CMAS) were measured to test quality of movement and the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was administered to measure constructs of motivation. In the anticipated condition, SC group showed better scores in immediate post and the retention test compared with pretest (p, 0.001), whereas the YK group showed worse scores in the retention test compared with immediate posttest (p 5 0.001). Perceived competence (p 5 0.017) and self-efficacy (p 5 0.032) were consistent factors that correlated with improved CMAS in the SC group. This has given us innovative insights into underlying mechanisms optimizing the quality of movement, necessary to improve current ACL injury prevention approaches.