Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The research explored how a Dutch energy cluster embedded within a larger context of European and global developments reflected complex dynamics due to changes in its context. The case study explored Energy Valley of the Netherlands, a peripheral region that meets the challenge of energy transition, regional development and national economic interests. The research engaged complex adaptive systems approach to gain insights into complex cluster dynamics to contribute to cluster study and policy.The research captured insights into increased complexity of an energy cluster due to energy transition and other developments in the cluster context, exacerbated by differences in perceptions and responses of stakeholders to the new challenges. Findings on cluster developments included insights into cluster context, cluster condition, cluster dynamics and cluster transformations, and the interconnectedness of such developments based on Energy Valley and supplementary cases of Karlstad and Silicon Valley. The research findings led to insights into cluster systems developments and a model capturing cluster emergence.The research contributed to cluster theory by developing a CAS approach for cluster study that developed a whole systems approach to understand cluster dynamics, offering to the field of cluster study a qualitative understanding of cluster systems developments. Insights into interconnected developments at the micro, macro and inter-systemic levels, and into energy clusters in the context of energy transition were results of the research. The broad scope and nature of the study meant limitations were inherent and therefore recommendations for future research were included. EU Cluster Policy motivated the research and hence recommendations for policy developments were also part of the research contribution
Clusters are the magic answer to regional economic development. Firms in clusters are more innovative; cluster policy dominates EU policy; ‘top-sectors’ and excellence are the choice of national policy makers; clusters are ‘in’. But, clusters are complex, clusters are ‘messy’; there is no clear logic and no one agrees to how it can be successful.
Clusters are the magic answer to regional economic development. Firms in clusters are more innovative; cluster policy dominates EU policy; ‘top-sectors’ and excellence are the choice of national policy makers; clusters are ‘in’. But, clusters are complex, clusters are ‘messy’; there is no clear logic and no one agrees to how it can be successful.
Tijdens het overbruggingsjaar zal het reeds bestaande liaison team vanuit Hogeschool Rotterdam (HR) en Scheepvaart en Transportcollege (STC) taken van fase 1 verder uitwerken, zoals beschreven in het Plan van Aanpak. Er is voor een team gekozen vanwege het complexe netwerk in het ecosysteem van Regio West. De leden hebben een overlappend netwerk op het vlak van energietransitie, onderwijs en in het maatschappelijk middenveld. Het huidige liaisonteam gaat daarbij het overbruggingsjaar gebruiken om een nieuw team voor te stellen dat aan de slag kan met Tranche 2 (indienen in september). De beoogde leden van dit nieuwe team zal een vertegenwoordiging vormen van de regioclusters (The Green Village, RDM Campus, Merwe4Havens, Duurzaamheidsfabriek). The Green Village zal zelf een vertegenwoordiger benoemen, namens de RDM Campus zal dit de liaison zijn namens Centre of Expertise HRTech van Hogeschool Rotterdam, Merwe4Havens is tevens de locatie van het Fieldlab Industrial Electrification, voor de Duurzaamheidsfabriek zal worden samengewerkt met H2makers.