Greenhouses are in need of new monitoring tools, as they size grow bigger and bigger but still using old labour intensive methods ways of caring for the crop. HiPerGreen is set out to create a new tool, which can drive onto the pre-existing heating pipes to provide a birds eye perspective for image analysis purposes. However, clear images are necessary for consistent usable data. This presentation resumes the steps taken during the reporting: the optimisation of a rail based system towards clear images. This is done through analysis of resulting images, understanding vibrations and oscillations, and finally presents results based on prototyping. Moreover, a re-design of the electronics and hardware was also introduce to facilitate prototyping. The results are promising, laying within the requirements.
Greenhouses are in need of new monitoring tools, as they size grow bigger and bigger but still using old labour intensive methods ways of caring for the crop. HiPerGreen is set out to create a new tool, which can drive onto the pre-existing heating pipes to provide a birds eye perspective for image analysis purposes. However, clear images are necessary for consistent usable data. This presentation resumes the steps taken during the reporting: the optimisation of a rail based system towards clear images. This is done through analysis of resulting images, understanding vibrations and oscillations, and finally presents results based on prototyping. Moreover, a re-design of the electronics and hardware was also introduce to facilitate prototyping. The results are promising, laying within the requirements.
Dynamic stall phenomena bring risk for negative damping and instability in wind turbine blades. It is crucial to model these phenomena accurately to reduce inaccuracies in predicting design driving (fatigue) loads. Inaccuracies in currentdynamic stall models may be due to the facts that they are not properly designed for high angles of attack, and that they do not 10 specifically describe vortex shedding behaviour. The Snel second order dynamic stall model attempts to explicitly model unsteady vortex shedding. This model could therefore be a valuable addition to DNV GL’s turbine design software Bladed. In this thesis the model has been validated with oscillating airfoil experiments and improvements have been proposed for reducing inaccuracies. The proposed changes led to an overall reduction in error between the model and experimental data. Furthermore the vibration frequency prediction improved significantly. The improved model has been implemented in Bladed and tested 15 against small scale turbine experiments at parked conditions. At high angles of attack the model looks promising for reducing mismatches between predicated and measured (fatigue) loading. Leading to possible lower safety factors for design and more cost efficient designs for future wind turbines.
In recent years, human-induced seismicity in the northern part of the Netherlands increased rendering the seismic response of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures critical. Majority of the existing buildings in the Netherlands are URM, which are not designed to withstand earthquakes. This issue motivates engineering and construction companies in the region to research on the seismic assessment of the existing structures.The companies working in the structural engineering field in the region were forced to adapt very quickly to the earthquake related problems, such as strengthening of existing buildings after earthquake. Such solutions are of prime importance for the Groningen region due to the extent of the earthquake problems and need for strengthening the houses. The research published in the literature show that the connections play an important role in seismic resistant of the houses. Fixing or improving the poor wall-to-wall or floor-to-wall connections may have a large positive impact on the overall seismic behaviour. Some strengthening solutions are already provided by SMEs, and an extensive experimental campaign was carried out at TU Delft on retrofitted connections. In this project, a new experiment will be run on a large shake-table, unique in the Netherlands, that can simulate earthquake vibrations. These tests, together with the previous experience, will complement the overall knowledge on the strengthening solutions and their performance under real-time actual earthquake vibrations.
In recent years, human-induced seismicity in the northern part of the Netherlands increased rendering the seismic response of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures critical. Majority of the existing buildings in the Netherlands are URM, which are not designed to withstand earthquakes. This issue motivates engineering and construction companies in the region to research on the seismic assessment of the existing structures. The companies working in the structural engineering field in the region were forced to adapt very quickly to the earthquake related problems, such as strengthening of existing buildings after earthquake. Such solutions are of prime importance for the Groningen region due to the extent of the earthquake problems and need for strengthening the houses. The research published in the literature show that the connections play an important role in seismic resistant of the houses. Fixing or improving the poor wall-to-wall or floor-to-wall connections may have a large positive impact on the overall seismic behaviour. Some strengthening solutions are already provided by SMEs, and an extensive experimental campaign was carried out at TU Delft on retrofitted connections. In this project, a new experiment will be run on a large shake-table, unique in the Netherlands, that can simulate earthquake vibrations. These tests, together with the previous experience, will complement the overall knowledge on the strengthening solutions and their performance under real-time actual earthquake vibrations.