Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This thesis describes an Action Research (AR) project aimed at the implementation of Evidence Based Practice in a mental health nursing setting in the Netherlands. The main research question addressed in this thesis is: In what way is Action Research with an empowering appropriate to implement Evidence Based Practice in a mental health nursing setting in the Netherlands and what is the effect of this implementation on the care experienced by the client, the nursing interventions and the context in this setting compared to a comparative setting? To answer this main research question, the following questions derived from it were addressed: What is Evidence Based Practice? What is known about implementing evidence-based practice in nursing through Action Research? Which factors have to be dealt with in a mental health nursing setting, so the implementation of EBP with AR with an empowering intent will be more successful? Which factors have to be dealt with in a mental health nursing setting, so the implementation of EBP with AR with an empowering intent will be successful? How is EBP implemented through AR with an empowering intent and what are the outcomes for the use of evidence, the context and the facilitation in the setting? What is the effect of the implementation of EBP in mental health nursing using AR with an empowering intent on the care experienced by the client, the nursing interventions and the context compared to a comparison setting? The first two questions were answered by a search of the literature while the remaining questions were answered during the AR study conducted in two mental health organisations in the Netherlands.
De enige oplossing is dat het bedrijfsleven de maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid op zich neemt en samen met het onderwijs de uitdaging aangaat om dit probleem op te lossen. Dat moet verder gaan dan af en toe eens een gastcollege verzorgen. Er is een substantiële bijdrage nodig in de ontwikkeling van lesmateriaal en het bieden van stages en projecten, zodat studenten kunnen leren in de praktijk van alledag. De bal ligt niet bij de overheid. De bal ligt niet in Europa. De bal ligt bij u. Ik daag u uit!