Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The chromatographic behavior of petanin, petunidin-3-O-[6-O-(4-O-(E)-para-coumaroyl-O-α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-β-glucopyranoside, is studied for the first time under conditions of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography in mobile phases with different pH values. The relationship between chromatographic behavior (retention time and peak efficiency) and transitions between different forms of anthocyanins is discussed. Analysis of the data obtained in the 2 to 6.5 range of mobile pH phases, the absorption spectra of petanin, and the results from studying the effect of adding tetrabutylammonium bromide to the mobile phase shows that increasing the pH results in the formation of uncharged and anionic forms, in addition to the pseudobase form.
Reversed-phase HPLC with mass spectrometric and diode array detection as well as some literature data were used to reveal the individual types of solutes in anthocyanin complexes of tulip flower petals that are responsible for tulip flower petals coloration of the samples available in the local flower market. It has been found that the main components of the complexes are 3-rutinosides and their 2”’ and 3”’ acylated with acetic acid derivatives of the three anthocyanidins - delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin in the color dependent ratios, though trace quantities of 3-glucosides were found in some cases. For the anthocyanin structure confirmation a correlation analysis of solute retentions of cyanidin or pelargonidin derivatives vs that of delphinidin was proposed based upon equivalence of structures alteration in the solute pairs for each series. The specificity of solutes retention modes was revealed by relative retention analysis, the trend parameters reflected particularities of chromatographic behavior as well as that of electron spectra of the solutes. The difference of acylated anthocyanins retentions was proposed to disclose the conformation states of solutes in the sorbent interface.
Inhibition of the sodium−glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) by canagliflozin in type 2 diabetes mellitus results in large between-patient variability in clinical response. To better understand this variability, the positron emission tomography (PET) tracer [18F]canagliflozin was developed via a Cu-mediated 18F-fluorination of its boronic ester precursor with a radiochemical yield of 2.0 ± 1.9% and a purity of >95%. The GMP automated synthesis originated [18F]canagliflozin with a yield of 0.5−3% (n = 4) and a purity of >95%. Autoradiography showed [18F]canagliflozin binding in human kidney sections containing SGLT2. Since [18F]canagliflozin is the isotopologue of the extensively characterized drug canagliflozin and thus shares its toxicological and pharmacological characteristics, it enables its immediate use in patients.
Verduurzaming van de chemische en landbouwsector is essentieel om de klimaat- en circulaire doelstellingen te halen. Eén van de mogelijkheden om de chemische sector te vergroenen is om hernieuwbare grondstoffen als feedstock voor productie te gebruiken. Met name laagwaardige reststromen uit de agrarische sector komen hiervoor in aanmerking. In dit project wordt beoogd om koeienurine, die gescheiden is opgevangen van de ontlasting, te valoriseren richting hoogwaardige componenten voor (fijn)chemie en meststoffen. De focus zal in eerste instantie liggen op de isolatie van hippuurzuur en hieruit te synthetiseren benzoëzuur en glycine en de verwaarding van de resterende fractie richting natuurlijke meststoffen (kalium en ureum) voor de akker/tuinbouw. Het verkregen groene benzoëzuur is een goed alternatief voor het huidige uit de petrochemie gesynthetiseerde zuur en kan bijvoorbeeld als natuurlijk conserveringsmiddel in mengvoeders worden gebruikt. In een latere fase zullen ook overige waardevolle componenten (allantoine, creatinine, creatine, etc.) uit urine van koeien worden geïsoleerd en gevaloriseerd. Een succesvol project draagt bij aan het verbeteren van de business case van veetelers en maakt de scheiding van urine en ontlasting in de stallen aantrekkelijker. Additionele revenuen die uit de bioraffinage van urine worden verkregen kunnen gebruikt worden om de gedane investeringen in het “koeientoilet” terug te verdienen. De scheiding van urine en ontlasting levert een significante reductie in ammoniak-emissies op en draagt hiermee bij aan het oplossen van het “stikstofprobleem”. Reductie van CO2 wordt o.a. bewerkstelligd door verminderd gebruik van kunstmest en vervanging van uit de petrochemie afkomstige chemicaliën (benzoëzuur) door synthese uit natuurlijke (hernieuwbare) grondstoffen.
Aiming for a more sustainable future, biobased materials with improved performance are required. For biobased vinyl polymers, enhancing performance can be achieved by nanostructuring the material, i.e. through the use of well-defined (multi-)block, gradient, graft, comb, etc., copolymer made by controlled radical polymerization (CRP). Dispoltec has developed a new generation of alkoxyamines, which suppress termination and display enhanced end group stability compared to state-of-art CRP. Hence, these alkoxyamines are particularly suited to provide access to such biobased nanostructured materials. In order to produce alkoxyamines in a more environmentally benign and efficient manner, a photo-chemical step is beneficial for the final stage in their synthesis. Photo-flow chemistry as a process intensification technology is proposed, as flow chemistry inherently leads to more efficient reactions. In particular, photo-flow offers the benefit of significantly enhancing reactant concentrations and reducing batch times due to highly improved illumination. The aim of this project is to demonstrate at lab scale the feasibility of producing the new generation of alkoxy-amines via a photo-flow process under industrially relevant conditions regarding concentration, duration and efficiency. To this end, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Zuyd), CHemelot Innovation and Learning Labs (CHILL) and Dispoltec BV want to enter into a collaboration by combining the expertise of Dispoltec on alkoxyamines for CRP with those of Zuyd and CHILL on microreactor technology and flow chemistry. Improved access to these alkoxyamines is industrially relevant for initiator manufacturers, as well as producers of biobased vinyl polymers and end-users aiming to enhance performance through nanostructuring biobased materials. In addition, access in this manner is a clear demonstration for the high industrial potential of photo-flow chemistry as sustainable manufacturing tool. Further to that, students and professionals working together at CHILL will be trained in this emerging, industrially relevant and sustainable processing tool.