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Theatervoorstelling ‘Angry Young Men’ is een hip-hop voorstelling van theaterorganisatie WAT WE DOEN. De voorstelling vertelt het verhaal van twee jongens die opgroeien in een wereld waarin ze hun plek niet kunnen vinden. Die op straat hangen. Ze dromen van geld en aanzien, als het moet via de criminaliteit. Aan de hand van gesprekken (een combinatie van rap en spel) met hun moeders en verschillende professionals (docenten, jongerenwerkers, therapeuten, wetenschappers en politieagenten) kijkt het publiek terug op de levens van de jongens: de ene jongen komt om het leven bij een schietpartij. De andere jongen zit vast voor diezelfde schietpartij. Dader en slachtoffer. Ze proberen uit vinden of hun levens anders hadden kunnen lopen. En wie had het dan anders moeten doen?
It is argued that pop music has long been locked up in the exploitation phase. Boring, more boring and even more boring seems to be the motto, and only extreme, as now boring monotonous hip hop from Chicago / London - called drill - in which "respect" is enforced by the real killing in quarrels between rival gangs, explores the border. For the rest, contemporary pop music is exploitation, until we learn to listen differently to the many talents that remain undiminished and we grant them the adventure of musical or scientific exploration.
Education plays a major role in this paradox: the cultural diversity that is increased by immigration is eliminated by successful education: education aims to maximise the opportunities for every child within the emerging global culture and thus reduce cultural diversity. The road from the Enlightenment that would bring us a better world is increasingly proving to be a dead end, especially with regard to the climate and the depletion of the resources the planet can provide (ecology). Just now that a global culture has emerged into which all those other cultures are assimilated, the question is whether cultures that deal more sustainably with ecology and have problems accommodating to global culture, should not be given more voice in the transition to a more sustainable global culture. It is argued that in popular music forms an example in which successful productions have a multitude of cultural styles, from world music to hip-hop to rock. In fact, almost everyone from various cultural backgrounds can relate to a certain style. Pop music therefore does not necessarily work as an institution that reduces diversity. Education does just that, unconsciously, and often with extensive inclusion programs. She could learn from pop music!