Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The ever-increasing electrification of society has been a cause of utility grid issues in many regions around the world. With the increased adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Netherlands, many new charge points (CPs) are required. A common installation practice of CPs is to group multiple CPs together on a single grid connection, the so-called charging hub. To further ensure EVs are adequately charged, various control strategies can be employed, or a stationary battery can be connected to this network. A pilot project in Amsterdam was used as a case study to validate the Python model developed in this study using the measured data. This paper presents an optimisation of the battery energy storage capacity and the grid connection capacity for such a P&R-based charging hub with various load profiles and various battery system costs. A variety of battery control strategies were simulated using both the optimal system sizing and the case study sizing. A recommendation for a control strategy is proposed.
Op scholen is in toenemende mate sprake van aandacht voor yoga en mindfulness om leerlingen te helpen 'copen ' met de uitdagingen van de snel veranderende wereld. De noodzak hiervan wordt groot geacht, aangezien de psychische gezondheid van jongeren sterk is gedaald. In een week waarin de Onderwijsinspectie concludeert dat de basis niet op orde is, roept dit de vraag op of mindfulness niet tot de basis gerekend moet worden. Taal, rekenen en mindfulness als de kernvakken? Ieder kind een voldoende voor mindfulness? Of ligt het zo simpel niet en moeten we net iets beter focussen op de wenselijkheid van mindfulness in het onderwijs?
Our unilateral diet has resulted in a deficiency of specific elements/components needed for well-functioning of the human body. Especially the element magnesium is low in our processed food and results in neuronal and muscular malfunctioning, problems in bone heath/strength, and increased chances of diabetes, depression and cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, it has also been recognized that magnesium plays an important role in cognitive functioning (impairment and enhancement), especially for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson disease, Alzheimer, etc). Recently, it has been reported that magnesium addition positively effects sleep and calmness (anti-stress). In order to increase the bioavailability of magnesium cations, organic acids such as citrate, glycerophosphate and glycinate are often used as counterions. However, the magnesium supplements that are currently on the market still suffer from low bio-availability and often do not enter the brain significantly.The preparation of dual/multiple ligands of magnesium in which the organic acid not only functions as a carrier but also has synergistically/complementary biological effects is widely unexplored and needs further development. As a result, there is a strong need for dual/multiple magnesium supplements that are non-toxic, stable, prepared via an economically and ecologically attractive route, resulting in high bioavailability of magnesium in vivo, preferably positively influencing cognition/concentration
Hanze Entrance participeert in een ISPT project met 15 deelnemers uit de industrie om te onderzoeken welke routes richting elektrificatie werken voor de industrie. Met meerdere cases wordt data opgehaald om generieke vergroeningspaden d.m.v. elektrificatie binnen de industrie te realiseren.Beoogd projectresultaat:Een functionerende ‘eerste opstelling’ van een prosumer heathub op EnTranCe. Dit Warmte Ontvangst Station kent meerdere facetten van lokaal hergebruik en herdistributie na opslag van warmte. Daarvoor wordt de ringleiding, WKO en andere facetten op Entrance volledig geïntegreerd. Deze integratie geeft Warmtestad de mogelijkheden om Entrance als een wijkstation te ontwikkelen. Het eindresultaat is een beslisboom en business case voor meerdere wijkstations op basis van de use-case EnTranCe.
A transition to a circular economy is needed to revolutionize the construction sector and make it more sustainable for present and future generations. While the construction industry and the production of construction materials contribute to environmental pollution, they also offer great potential for addressing many environmental problems. Sheet materials are engineered wood boards that are produced from recycled or solid wood where an adhesive is used to bind the particles together, predominantly used in: Furniture manufacturing, Flooring application, Roofing, Wall sheathing. The most common binder for boards is urea-formaldehyde. Other binders may be used depending on the grade of board and its intended end-use. For example, melamine urea-formaldehyde, phenolic resins and polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (PMDI) are generally used in boards that require improved moisture resistance. Formaldehyde is classified in the in the European Union as a carcinogen and it carries the hazard statement 'suspected of causing cancer'. In this project mycelium composites are developed as a formaldehyde-free, fully natural and biodegradable material with high potential to substitute these hazardous materials. The heat-press process, the feasibility of which was evaluated in a previous Kiem HBO project, is to be further developed towards a process where mycelium sheets with different thicknesses will be obtained. This is considered as a fundamental step to increase the material approachability to the market. Different Material manufacturing techniques are also considered to enable the increase of sample thicknesses and volume. Moreover, a business study will be incorporated to allow further understanding of the material market potential. The consortium composition of V8 Architects, QbiQ, Fairm, Verbruggen Paddestoelen BV, and CoEBBE merges different expertise and guarantees the consideration of the whole material production chain. The research will contribute to bring mycelium composites a step closer to the market, giving them visibility and increasing the possibility to a commercial breakthrough.