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This contribution will describe how the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, the Netherlands has implemented its entrepreneurship education throughoutthe entire institution resulting in entrepreneurial awareness among manystudents and great impact in the regional innovation ecosystem
I was somewhat surprized with the fog in Groningen upon my arrival. This is notthe fog that covers the beautiful landscapes of the northern Netherlands in theevening and in the early morning. No… It is the fog that obscures the real aspectsof the earthquake problem in the region and is crystallised in the phrase “Groningen earthquakes are different”, which I have encountered numerous times whenever I raised a question of the type “But why..?”. A sentence taken out of the quiver as the absolute technical argument which mysteriously overshadows the whole earthquake discussion.Q: Why do we not use Eurocode 8 for seismic design, instead of NPR?A: Because the Groningen earthquakes are different!Q: Why do we not monitor our structures like the rest of the world does?A: Because the Groningen earthquakes are different!Q: Why does NPR, the Dutch seismic guidelines, dictate some unusual rules?A: Because the Groningen earthquakes are different!Q: Why are the hazard levels incredibly high, even higher than most Europeanseismic countries?A: Because the Groningen earthquakes are different!and so it keeps going…This statement is very common, but on the contrary, I have not seen a single piece of research that proves it or even discusses it. In essence, it would be a difficult task to prove that the Groningen earthquakes are different. In any case it barricades a healthy technical discussion because most of the times the arguments converge to one single statement, independent of the content of the discussion. This is the reason why our first research activities were dedicated to study if the Groningen earthquakes are really different. Up until today, we have not found any major differences between the Groningen induced seismicity events and natural seismic events with similar conditions (magnitude, distance, depth, soil etc…) that would affect the structures significantly in a different way.Since my arrival in Groningen, I have been amazed to learn how differently theearthquake issue has been treated in this part of the world. There will always bedifferences among different cultures, that is understandable. I have been exposed to several earthquake engineers from different countries, and I can expect a natural variation in opinions, approaches and definitions. But the feeling in Groningen is different. I soon realized that, due to several factors, a parallel path, which I call “an augmented reality” below, was created. What I mean by an augmented reality is a view of the real-world, whose elements are augmented and modified. In our example, I refer to the engineering concepts used for solving the earthquake problem, but in an augmented and modified way. This augmented reality is covered in the fog I described above. The whole thing is made so complicated that one is often tempted to rewind the tape to the hot August days of 2012, right after the Huizinge Earthquake, and replay it to today but this time by making the correct steps. We would wake up to a different Groningen today. I was instructed to keep the text as well as the inauguration speech as simple aspossible, and preferably, as non-technical as it goes. I thus listed the most common myths and fallacies I have faced since I arrived in Groningen. In this book and in the presentation, I may seem to take a critical view. This is because I try to tell a different part of the story, without repeating things that have already been said several times before. I think this is the very reason why my research group would like to make an effort in helping to solve the problem by providing different views. This book is one of such efforts.The quote given at the beginning of this book reads “How quick are we to learn: that is, to imitate what others have done or thought before. And how slow are we to understand: that is, to see the deeper connections.” is from Frits Zernike, the Nobel winning professor from the University of Groningen, who gave his name to the campus I work at. Applying this quotation to our problem would mean that we should learn from the seismic countries by imitating them, by using the existing state-of-the-art earthquake engineering knowledge, and by forgetting the dogma of “the Groningen earthquakes are different” at least for a while. We should then pass to the next level of looking deeperinto the Groningen earthquake problem for a better understanding, and alsodiscover the potential differences.
In het project ‘AgroCycle’ wordt onderzocht of een coöperatie van boerderijen zelfvoorzienend kunnen worden in energie en bemesting door het gebruiken van mest in organische afvalstromen voor de productie van energie, groene brandstof en groene meststoffen door middel anaerobe vergisting. In het project beogen de projectpartners de nutriëntenkringloop (van mest tot digestaat tot groene meststof) te koppelen aan een zelfvoorzienend energiesysteem (biomassa tot biogas tot groene brandstof voor de bewerking van het land) door de gecombineerde productie van biogas en groene meststoffen. De financiële haalbaarheid van een biovergister is sterk afhankelijk van het gebruik en de economische waarde van het digestaat. Met deze gecombineerde aanpak wordt zowel de haalbaarheid als de duurzaamheid (milieueffecten en CO2 - emissies) vergroot. Om de haalbaarheid van dit concept te onderzoeken wordt gebruik gemaakt van het bestaande model ‘BioGas simulator’ dat door de Hanzehogeschool Groningen ontwikkeld is om het technische proces van decentrale productie van biogas te kunnen simuleren.
To treat microbial infections, antibiotics are life-saving but the increasing antimicrobial resistance is a World-wide problem. Therefore, there is a great need for novel antimicrobial substances. Fruit and flower anthocyanins have been recognized as promising alternatives to traditional antibiotics. How-ever, for future application as innovative alternative antibiotics, the full potential of anthocyanins should be further investigated. The antimicrobial potential of anthocyanin mixtures against different bacterial species has been demonstrated in literature. Preliminary experiments performed by our laboratories, using grape, rose and red cabbage anthocyanins against S. aureus and E. coli confirmed the antimicrobial potential of these substances. Hundreds of different anthocyanin entities have been described. However, which of these entities hold antimicrobial effects is currently unknown. Our preliminary data show that an-thocyanins extracted from grape, rose and red cabbage contain different collections of anthocyanin entities with differential antimicrobial efficacies. Our focus is on the extraction and characterization of anthocyanins from various crop residues. Grape peels are residues in the production of wine, while red rose and tulip leaves are residues in the production of tulip bulbs and regular horticulture. The presence of high-grade substances for pharmacological purposes in these crops may provide an innovative strategy to add value to other-wise invaluable crop residues. This project will be performed by the collaborative effort of our institute together with the Medi-cal Microbiology department of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), 'Wijnstaete', a small-scale wine-producer (Lemelerveld) and Imenz Bioengineering (Groningen), a company that develops processes to improve the production of biobased chemicals from waste products. Within this project, we will focus on the antimicrobial efficacy of anthocyanin-mixtures from sources that are abundantly and locally available as a residual waste product. The project is part of a larger re-search effect to further characterize, modify and study the antimicrobial effects of specific anthocy-anin entities.
In het Groningse aardbevingsgebied moeten de komende jaren volgens de contourenschets van de Nationaal Coördinator Groningen tussen de 35.000 en 100.000 woningen worden versterkt. Er is geen regio in Nederland waar ineens, op zo?n korte termijn en in zo?n grote omvang, de noodzaak van grootschalig aardbevingsbestendig bouwen is ontstaan. De Groningse mkb-bouwbedrijven werken samen om via bedrijfsinterne verbeteringen deze opdracht te realiseren. De praktijkvragen van de betrokken bouwbedrijven zijn: " Hoe kan ik mijn bedrijfscapaciteit optimaal managen, gezien de kansen rondom aardbevingsbestendig bouwen, maar zodanig dat de orderportefeuille en het personeelsbestand in balans zijn? " Hoe richt ik mijn bedrijfsprocessen zodanig op de verwachte groei in, dat de werkzaamheden binnen acceptabele doorlooptijden en naar tevredenheid van bewoners en opdrachtgevers duurzaam kunnen worden uitgevoerd? De kern van het consortium bestaat uit 10 mkb-bouwbedrijven, Bouwend Nederland regio Noord en de Hanzehogeschool Groningen. Het lectoraat Flexicurity is penvoerder, daarnaast is het lectoraat Arbeidsorganisatie en ?productiviteit en het lectoraat Ruimtelijke Transformaties betrokken. Vanuit het onderwijs participeren de Academie voor Architectuur, Bouwkunde en Civiele Techniek en EPI-kenniscentrum. EPI-kenniscentrum is een samenwerkingsverband van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Alfa College en Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ? en andere publieke en private partners. Het bundelt onderwijs en scholing op het terrein van aardbevingsbestendig bouwen voor de regio. Het doel van het consortium is om: " Kennis te ontwikkelen over capaciteitsmanagement en slim organiseren (binnen en tussen bedrijven) van het aardbevingsbestendig bouwproces, en de (arbeids)marktwerking daaromheen. " Deze kennis en inzichten te vertalen in voor het mkb bruikbare producten zoals tools, startcondities en randvoorwaarden (Handboek capaciteitsmanagement- en procesverbetering voor mkb-bouwbedrijven). " De verworven praktijkkennis om te zetten in onderwijsproducten zoals een nieuwe minor in het HG bouwonderwijs en innovatie van onderwijs en scholing via EPI-kenniscentrum. " Te komen tot een structurele en intensieve samenwerking tussen mkb-bouwbedrijven, onderwijs en praktijkgericht onderzoek aan de Hanzehogeschool Groningen (en andere onderwijsinstellingen).