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Webinar Get ready for smart technology part 1: https://youtu.be/h1HVsz2xGQs Webinar Get ready for smart technology part 2: https://youtu.be/vO11s_a8sm8 This webinar looks at both the merits, and dangers of smart technology from a psychological point of view. The combination of (smart) technology, and our non-evolved psychological basic structure, brings our entire existence and the entire planet into imbalance. Humanity is estimated to have existed for about 300,000 years. One of the most striking features is a slow propagation speed (long gestation period and usually only 1 child per litter). In addition, and unlike the other great apes, humans have little or no body hair and relatively little muscle strength. This results in a relatively small natural biotope; it should be warm enough for the "naked" monkey and there should be little or no natural predators. This is exactly why the predecessors of Homo Sapiens invented technology, with three basic techniques: 1. language (religion, signal, drawing, writing, logic, math and code) 2. lever/mechanics (spear, hammer, wheel, pulley, pistons) and 3. fire/energy (and water & steam power, magnetism , electricity, atomic power). By combining the 3 basic techniques, we have been able to colonize the whole world.
BackgroundSubstance use disorders (SUDs) are prevalent in the general population, tend to follow a chronic course, are associated with many individual and social problems, and often have their onset in adolescence. However, the knowledge base from prospective population surveys and treatment-outcome studies on the course of SUD in adolescents is limited at best. The present study aims to fill this gap and focuses on a subgroup that is particularly at risk for chronicity: adolescents in addiction treatment. We will investigate the rate of persistent SUD and its predictors longitudinally from adolescence to young adulthood among youth with DSM-5 SUD from the start of their addiction treatment to 2 and 4 years following treatment-entry. In addition to SUD, we will investigate the course of comorbid mental disorders, social functioning, and quality of life and their association with SUD over time.Methods/designIn a naturalistic, multi-center prospective cohort design, we will include youths (n = 420), who consecutively enter addiction treatment at ten participating organizations in the Netherlands. Inclusion is prestratified by treatment organization, to ensure a nationally representative sample. Eligible youths are 16 to 22 years old and seek help for a primary DSM-5 cannabis, alcohol, cocaine or amphetamine use disorder. Assessments focus on lifetime and current substance use and SUD, non-SUD mental disorders, family history, life events, social functioning, treatment history, quality of life, chronic stress indicators (hair cortisol) and neuropsychological tests (computerized executive function tasks) and are conducted at baseline, end of treatment, and 2 and 4 years post-baseline. Baseline data and treatment data (type, intensity, duration) will be used to predict outcome – persistence of or desistance from SUD.DiscussionThere are remarkably few prospective studies worldwide that investigated the course of SUD in adolescents in addiction treatment for longer than 1 year. We are confident that the Youth in Transition study will further our understanding of determinants and consequences of persistent SUD among high-risk adolescents during the critical transition from adolescence to young adulthood.Trial registrationThe Netherlands National Trial Register Trial NL7928. Date of registration January 17, 2019.
CHI PLAY '20, November 2–4, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada We have built and implemented a set of metaphors for breathing games by involving children and experts. These games are made to facilitate prevention of asthma exacerbation via regular monitoring of children with asthma through spirometry at home. To instruct and trigger children to execute the (unsupervised) spirometry correctly, we have created interactive metaphors that respond in real-time to the child’s inhalation and exhalation. Eleven metaphors have been developed in detail. Three metaphors have been fully implemented based on current guidelines for spirometry and were tested with 30 asthmatic children. Each includes multi-target incentives, responding to three different target values (inhalation, peak expiration, and complete exhalation). We postulate that the metaphors should use separate goals for these targets, have independent responses, and allow to also go beyond expected values for each of these targets. From the selected metaphors, most children preferred a dragon breathing fire and a soccer player kicking a ball into a goal as a metaphor; least liked were blowing seeds of a dandelion and applying lotion to a dog to grow its hair. Based on this project we discuss the potential and benefits of a suite-of-games approach: multiple games that each can be selected and adapted depending on personal capabilities and interests.
ALE organised an event with Parktheater Eindhoven and LSA-citizens (the Dutch umbrella organisation for active citizens). Five ALE students from the minor Imagineering and business/social innovation took responsibility for concept and actual organisation. On Jan 18th, they were supported by six other group members of the minor as volunteers. An IMEM-team of 5 students gathered materials for a video that can support the follow-up actions of the organisers. The students planned to deliver their final product on February 9th. The theatre will critically assess the result and compare it to the products often realised by students from different schools or even professional ones, like Veldkamp productions. Time will tell whether future opportunities will come up for IMEM. The collaboration of ALE and IMEM students is possible and adding value to the project.More than 180 visitors showed interest in the efforts of 30 national and local citizen initiatives presenting themselves on the market square in the theatre and the diverse speakers during the plenary session. The students created a great atmosphere using the qualities of the physical space and the hospitality of the theatre. Chair of the day, Roland Kleve, kicked off and invited a diverse group of people to the stage: Giel Pastoor, director of the theatre, used the opportunity to share his thoughts on the shifting role of theatre in our dynamic society. Petra Ligtenberg, senior project manager SDG NL https://www.sdgnederland.nl/sdgs/ gave insights to the objectives and progress of the Netherlands. Elly Rijnierse, city maker and entrepreneur from Den Haag, presented her intriguing efforts in her own neighbourhood in the city to create at once both practical and social impacts on SDG 11 (sustainable city; subgoal 3.2). Then the alderman Marcel Oosterveer informed the visitors about Eindhoven’s efforts on SDGs. The plenary ended with very personal interviews of representatives of two impressive citizen initiatives (Parkinson to beat; Stichting Ik Wil). In the two workshop rounds, ALE took responsibility for two workshops. Firstly the workshop: Beyond SDG cherrypicking: using the Economy for the common good’, in cooperation with citizen initiative Ware winst Brabant en Parktheater (including Social innovation-intern Jasper Box), secondly a panel dialogue on local partnerships (SDG 17) for the sustainable city (SDG 11) addressing inclusion (SDG 10) and the livability (SDG 3) with 11 representatives from local/provincial government, companies, third sector and, of course: citizen initiatives.
De prestatie in rolstoelsporten wordt voor een groot deel bepaald door de ‘Wheelchair Mobility Performance’ (WMP), de prestatiemaat voor de atleet-rolstoel combinatie. Binnen het project ‘de perfecte sportrolstoel’ is een methode ontwikkeld ‘de Wheelchair Mobility Performance Monitor’ (WMPM) om mobility performance te meten en uit te drukken in een aantal objectief goed te kwantificeren uitkomstmaten zoals snelheid, versnelling en wendbaarheid. Deze maten geven inzicht in de relatie tussen atleet, rolstoel en sport. Door middel van de WMPM is het mogelijk inzicht te verkrijgen in de fysieke eisen die in rolstoelsport gesteld worden, feedback te geven aan atleten en coaches, het evalueren van training en wedstrijden en het kan rolstoelexperts ondersteunen in het optimaliseren van de rolstoel. Binnen het RAAK-project is de WMPM ontwikkeld en ingezet als onderzoekstool bij verschillende rolstoelsporten. De WMPM biedt echter ook goede kansen voor het gebruik door coaches in de beroepspraktijk. Echter, de WMPM is nog niet eenvoudig toepasbaar voor zelfstandig gebruik door coaches en atleten voor het continue monitoren van prestaties. Met deze aanvraag willen we de implementatie van de WMPM in de beroepspraktijk faciliteren, door het verder ontwikkelen van het systeem naar een praktijkapplicatie en door NL-team coaches en embedded scientists in de rolstoelsporten tennis en basketbal op weg te helpen in het gebruik. Daarbij zal er zowel aandacht zijn voor de technische vervolmaking, maar vooral ook voor de implementatie van het systeem in de sportpraktijk. Samen met coaches, atleten en onderzoekers zal een live feedback tool naar een voor de praktijk toegankelijk platform worden omgezet, zodat deze direct inzetbaar is in de voorbereiding op de Paralympische spelen van 2020 en verder. Hierbij zullen onderzoekers en studenten van meerdere opleidingen als ICT en media en mechatronica betrokken worden.
Het product E-motion chair zit nog in de R&D fase en moet op technisch gebied nog worden doorontwikkeld. Momenteel richt de businesscase van de E-motion chair zich op het monitoren van mensen met dementie woonachtig in zorginstellingen om vroegtijdig alarmeringen te kunnen genereren. Er zijn meerdere cases denkbaar voor in de toekomst.Mensen kunnen met behulp van de E-motion chair inzicht krijgen in hun gedrag en mogelijk in hun spanningsniveau. Verder willen we aandacht vragen voor het maatschappelijke probleem wat op ons afkomt met betrekking tot tekort aan handen in de zorg en de potentie van technologie om hierin te kunnen ondersteunen.We hebben veel mogelijkheden om het prototype E-motion chair door te ontwikkelen. Denk hierbij aan op grote schaal testen (10 prototypes), nieuwe 3d geprinte sensoren te gebruiken en het gebruik van kunstmatige intelligentie en computervisie. Op basis van het beschikbare bedrag kunnen we de testen gaan op of afschalen.