Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Recently, we have introduced and modified two graph-decomposition theorems based on a new graph product, motivated by applications in the context of synchronising periodic real-time processes. This vertex-removing synchronised product (VRSP), is based on modifications of the well-known Cartesian product and is closely related to the synchronised product due to Wohrle and Thomas. Here, we recall the definition of the VRSP and the two modified graph-decompositions and introduce three new graph-decomposition theorems. The first new theorem decomposes a graph with respect to the semicomplete bipartite subgraphs of the graph. For the second new theorem, we introduce a matrix graph, which is used to decompose a graph in a manner similar to the decomposition of graphs using the Cartesian product. In the third new theorem, we combine these two types of decomposition. Ultimately, the goal of these graph-decomposition theorems is to come to a prime-graph decomposition.
Inset plots can be used to “zoom in” on densely populated areas of a graph or to add extra relevant data in the form of, for example, distribution plots. However, the standard Stata command for combining plots, graph combine, does not permit this type of seamless integration. Each plot within a graph combine object is allocated a grid cell that cannot be placed within another grid cell— at least not without certain (invariably unwanted) graphical complications. We present a fairly simple work-around to this issue using reproducible examples. The main idea is to plot insets along a second axis and then artificially modify the range of this axis to constrain the inset plot within a specified area of the main graph. Additional tips are included for producing more intricate, multilayered inset graphs.
In this paper, the performance gain obtained by combining parallel peri- odic real-time processes is elaborated. In certain single-core mono-processor configurations, for example, embedded control systems in robotics comprising many short processes, process context switches may consume a considerable amount of the available processing power. For this reason, it can be advantageous to combine processes, to reduce the number of context switches and thereby increase the performance of the application. As we consider robotic applications only, often consisting of processes with identical periods, release times and deadlines, we restrict these configurations to periodic real-time processes executing on a single-core mono-processor. By graph-theoretical concepts and means, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions so that the number of context switches can be reduced by combining synchronising processes.
Many lithographically created optical components, such as photonic crystals, require the creation of periodically repeated structures [1]. The optical properties depend critically on the consistency of the shape and periodicity of the repeated structure. At the same time, the structure and its period may be similar to, or substantially below that of the optical diffraction limit, making inspection with optical microscopy difficult. Inspection tools must be able to scan an entire wafer (300 mm diameter), and identify wafers that fail to meet specifications rapidly. However, high resolution, and high throughput are often difficult to achieve simultaneously, and a compromise must be made. TeraNova is developing an optical inspection tool that can rapidly image features on wafers. Their product relies on (a) knowledge of what the features should be, and (b) a detailed and accurate model of light diffraction from the wafer surface. This combination allows deviations from features to be identified by modifying the model of the surface features until the calculated diffraction pattern matches the observed pattern. This form of microscopy—known as Fourier microscopy—has the potential to be very rapid and highly accurate. However, the solver, which calculates the wafer features from the diffraction pattern, must be very rapid and precise. To achieve this, a hardware solver will be implemented. The hardware solver must be combined with mechatronic tracking of the absolute wafer position, requiring the automatic identification of fiduciary markers. Finally, the problem of computer obsolescence in instrumentation (resulting in security weaknesses) will also be addressed by combining the digital hardware and software into a system-on-a-chip (SoC) to provide a powerful, yet secure operating environment for the microscope software.
The projectThe overarching goal of DIGNITY, DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY, is to foster a sustainable, integrated and user-friendly digital travel eco-system that improves accessibility and social inclusion, along with the travel experience and daily life of all citizens. The project delves into the digital transport eco-system to grasp the full range of factors that might lead to disparities in the uptake of digitalised mobility solutions by different user groups in Europe. Analysing the digital transition from both a user and provider’s perspective, DIGNITY looks at the challenges brought about by digitalisation, to then design, test and validate the DIGNITY approach, a novel concept that seeks to become the ‘ABCs for a digital inclusive travel system’. The approach combines proven inclusive design methodologies with the principles of foresight analysis to examine how a structured involvement of all actors – local institutions, market players, interest groups and end users – can help bridge the digital gap by co-creating more inclusive mobility solutions and by formulating user-centred policy frameworks.The objectivesThe idea is to support public and private mobility providers in conceiving mainstream digital products or services that are accessible to and usable by as many people as possible, regardless of their income, social situation or age; and to help policy makers formulate long-term strategies that promote innovation in transport while responding to global social, demographic and economic changes, including the challenges of poverty and migration.The missionBy focusing on and involving end-users throughout the process of designing policies, products, or services, it is possible to reduce social exclusion while boosting new business models and social innovation. The end result that DIGNITY is aiming for is an innovative decision support tool that can help local and regional decision-makers formulate digitally inclusive policies and strategies, and digital providers design more inclusive products and services.The approachThe DIGNITY approach combines analysis with concrete actions to make digital mobility services inclusive over the long term. The approach connects users’ needs and requirements with the provision of mobility services, and at the same time connects those services to the institutional framework. It is a multi-phase process that first seeks to understand and bridge the digital gap, and then to test, evaluate and fine-tune the approach, so that it can be applied in other contexts even after the project’s end.Partners: ISINNOVA (Italy), Mobiel 21 (Belgium), Universitat Politechnica deCatalunya Spain), IZT (Germany), University of Cambridge (UK), Factualconsulting (Spain), Barcelona Regional Agencia (Spain), City of Tilburg(Netherlands), Nextbike (Germany), City of Ancona (Italy), MyCicero (Italy),Conerobus (Italy), Vlaams Gewest (Belgium)
Aanleiding De nationale overheid wil voldoen aan de duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen van 2020. Dit streven botst echter regelmatig met de wensen van lokale overheden en burgers. Communicatieadviseurs van de overheid stuiten steeds vaker op lokale weerstanden tegen projecten als ondergrondse CO2-opslag, windmolenparken of de komst van biovergisters. Communicatieadviseurs vinden het lastig om zelfstandig wetenschappelijke inzichten uit de communicatiewetenschappen toepasbaar te maken voor deze weerbarstige praktijk. Zij hebben behoefte aan kennis en tools om goed communicatief te kunnen handelen. Doelstelling De vraag die in dit project centraal staat is: Hoe kan bij lokale energietransities effectief vorm worden gegeven aan communicatie? Het project Let's Talk Energy sluit aan bij een ontwikkeling om de alledaagse gesprekken tussen mensen te zien als bron van analyse en mogelijk ook als bron voor verandering. Nieuwe nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten over communiceren via sociale media combineren we met kennis die is opgedaan door onderzochte cases en best practices. De consortiumpartners van het project werken samen om een energiecommunicatie-instrument (InterAct) te ontwikkelen, dat aanzet tot doeltreffende communicatie over lokale energieprojecten. Met de nieuwe kennis kan de communicatieadviseur analyses maken en reageren op zorgen van burgers bij lokale energietransities. Beoogde resultaten De te verwachten resultaten van het project zijn: " een energiecommunicatie toolkit (InterAct) inclusief een praktische handleiding en eindrapport; " effectieve digitale producten en infographics; " masterclasses energiecommunicatie; " cahier met best practices. Ter afsluiting van het onderzoeksprogramma wordt een landelijke conferentie Let's Talk Energy georganiseerd waarbij de onderzoeksresultaten en opgeleverde producten worden gepresenteerd.