Dienst van SURF
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There is a central dilemma embedded in the relationship between teachers and researchers. Teachers know the story of the classroom well, but they are seldom asked to tell their stories, nor do they usually have the opportunity. Researchers, on the other hand, are skilled at telling certain things about classrooms, but they often miss the central stories that are there. This divergence can lead to different opinions on what teaching is about and what is important within it. To bridge this gap, we describe an approach which puts the teacher and the student at the centre. With respect to emotional and behavioural problems of students, we underline the notion of student-teacher compatibility, deriving from theories emphasizing the transactional/reciprocal nature of human behaviour. One of the aims of the Lectorship and Knowledge Network Behavioural Problems in School Practice, is to identify at-risk-teachers (i.e. those most vulnerable to the presence of behaviourally challenging students and parents) so that interventions, both in initial teacher training as well as in inservice training can be applied to help them develop adequate attitudes and coping-skills. In clinical supervision, peer coaching or reflective practice, these teachers can be helped to consider in what way student and parental problem behaviour contribute to their loss of satisfaction, their feelings of self doubt, perceived disruption of the teaching process, and their frustration working with parents.
Aanleiding voor onderzoek naar de expertise van leraren in cluster 4 is in ieder geval ‘Passend onderwijs’: het streven van de overheid om leerlingen met problemen of stoornissen meer thuis nabij op te vangen, waar mogelijk in regulier of speciaal basisonderwijs. Bij het streven naar Passend Onderwijs rijst de vraag of en in hoeverre leraren speciale expertise nodig hebben om kinderen met (milde) gedragsproblemen in regulier onderwijs te onderwijzen. Maar vooral ook waaruit die expertise dient te bestaan. Daarnaast is er vanuit het cluster 4 onderwijs zelf de vraag of de sterke groei van het aantal leerlingen in dat cluster in het afgelopen decennium is samengegaan met gelijke groei van goed geschoold personeel voor deze leerlingen. En vervolgens de vraag: op welke punten is verdere scholing van leraren geboden om ze voldoende toe te rusten voor cluster 4. Ten slotte vraagt de overheid tegenwoordig om een duidelijke verantwoording van kosten en van kwaliteit van onderwijszorg (CPB, 2009). Tegen de achtergrond van deze vragen kwam de vraag op naar concretisering van de expertise van leraren in het omgaan met leerlingen met (milde) gedragsproblemen.
Background: The target group of this study concerns young people with a mild intellectual disability. The central research question is: What evidence can be found in the literature for common and specific factors for a play therapy intervention for young people with a mild intellectual disability struggling with aggression regulation. Method: The criteria used for selecting articles are presented according to the PRISMA, and the PRISMA guidelines for writing a review have been applied. Results: Common factors have been found in the literature that relate to the relationship between therapist and client and the therapeutic skills of the play therapist. Clues have also been found for specific factors of play therapy, such as the use of play as a language and a connection with the child's inner world. In addition, certain factors have been found that are specific to the target group of this article. The non-verbal element of play therapy is an active part of this.