Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Gaze data are still uncommon in statistics education despite their promise. Gaze data provide teachers and researchers with a new window into complex cognitive processes. This article discusses how gaze data can inform and be used by teachers both for their own teaching practice and with students. With our own eye-tracking research as an example, background information on eye-tracking and possible applications of eye-tracking in statistics education is provided. Teachers indicated that our eye-tracking research created awareness of the difficulties students have when interpreting histograms. Gaze data showed details of students' strategies that neither teachers nor students were aware of. With this discussion paper, we hope to contribute to the future usage and implementation of gaze data in statistics education by teachers, researchers, educational and textbook designers, and students.
Graphs are ubiquitous. Many graphs, including histograms, bar charts, and stacked dotplots, have proven tricky to interpret. Students’ gaze data can indicate students’ interpretation strategies on these graphs. We therefore explore the question: In what way can machine learning quantify differences in students’ gaze data when interpreting two near-identical histograms with graph tasks in between? Our work provides evidence that using machine learning in conjunction with gaze data can provide insight into how students analyze and interpret graphs. This approach also sheds light on the ways in which students may better understand a graph after first being presented with other graph types, including dotplots. We conclude with a model that can accurately differentiate between the first and second time a student solved near-identical histogram tasks.
In this study, we examined the effects of a defender contesting jump shots on performance and gaze behaviors of basketball players taking jump shots. Thirteen skilled youth basketball players performed 48 shots from about 5 m from the basket; 24 uncontested and 24 contested. The participants wore mobile eye tracking glasses to measure their gaze behavior. As expected, an approaching defender trying to contest the shot led to significant changes in movement execution and gaze behavior including shorter shot execution time, longer jump time, longer ball flight time, later final fixation onset, and longer fixation on the defender. Overall, no effects were found for shooting accuracy. However, the effects on shot accuracy were not similar for all participants: six participants showed worse performance and six participants showed better performance in the contested compared to the uncontested condition. These changes in performance were accompanied by differences in gaze behavior. The participants with worse performance showed shorter absolute and relative final fixation duration and a tendency for an earlier final fixation offset in the contested condition compared to the uncontested condition, whereas gaze behavior of the participants with better performance for contested shots was relatively unaffected. The results confirm that a defender contesting the shot is a relevant constraint for basketball shooting suggesting that representative training designs should also include contested shots, and more generally other constraints that are representative of the actual performance setting such as time or mental pressure.