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Within the Flexnode Plus project the long-term degradation characteristics of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer (5.5 kW, AC, 1 Nm3/h H2) and fuel cell (1.0 kW, DC, 0.9 Nm3/h) was experimentally tested. The electrolyzer unit was operated at various loads and pressures for approximately 750 hours in total, while the fuel cell was operated at a constant load of 1 Ω resistance for approximately 1120 hours in total. The efficiency of the hydrogen production in the electrolyzer and the electricity production in the fuel cell was expressed using the hourly average system efficiency and average cell efficiency. Inorder to predict the state of health and remaining lifetime of the electrolyzer cell and fuel cell, the decay of the cell voltage over time was monitored and the direct mapping from aging data method was used.The electrolyzer cell showed a stable cell voltage and cell efficiency in the studied time period, with an average cell voltage decay rate of 0.5 μV/h. The average cell voltage of the fuel cell dropped with a rate of 2 μV/h during the studied time period.
Problems of energy security, diversification of energy sources, and improvement of technologies (including alternatives) for obtaining motor fuels have become a priority of science and practice today. Many scientists devote their scientific research to the problems of obtaining effective brands of alternative (reformulated) motor fuels. Our scientific school also deals with the problems of the rational use of traditional and alternative motor fuels.This article focused on advances in motor fuel synthesis using natural, associated, or biogas. Different raw materials are used for GTL technology: biomass, natural and associated petroleum gases. Modern approaches to feed gas purification, development of Gas-to-Liquid-technology based on Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, and liquid hydrocarbon mixture reforming are considered.Biological gas is produced in the process of decomposition of waste (manure, straw, grain, sawdust waste), sludge, and organic household waste by cellulosic anaerobic organisms with the participation of methane fermentation bacteria. When 1 tonne of organic matter decomposes, 250 to 500–600 cubic meters of biogas is produced. Experts of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine estimate the volume of its production at 7.8 billion cubic meters per year. This is 25% of the total consumption of natural gas in Ukraine. This is a significant raw material potential for obtaining liquid hydrocarbons for components of motor fuels.We believe that the potential for gas-to-liquid synthetic motor fuels is associated with shale and coalfield gases (e.g. mine methane), methane hydrate, and biogas from biomass and household waste gases.
Kunstmest voor de velden en brandstof voor landbouwvoertuigen zijn belangrijke kostenposten voor de landbouw. Kunstmest en dieselbrandstof zijn energie-intensieve producten en daarmee ook een belangrijke bron van CO2 emissies vanuit de landbouw. Technologie voor hernieuwbare energie zoals zonne- en wind energie wordt steeds goedkoper waardoor het rendabeler wordt deze technologie ook te gebruiken. Terug leveren van geproduceerde hernieuwbare elektriciteit aan het elektriciteitsnet is echter niet altijd voordelig. De hernieuwbare energie moet hier concurreren met gesubsidieerde fossiele elektriciteit opgewekt met kolen, gas en kerncentrales. Kleinschalige decentrale productie op het boerenbedrijf van zowel kunstmest als transportbrandstof met behulp van hernieuwbare energie levert de boer en zijn omgeving direct voordeel op:Inkoopkosten voor deze producten worden lagerVermindert de CO2-emissie van de landbouw aanzienlijk, de carbo-footprint wordt verminderdRendement op hernieuwbare energie technologie wordt hogerAmmoniak (NH3) is zowel grondstof voor kunstmest als brandstof voor motoren. Ammoniak kan diesel voor meer dan 90% vervangen in bestaande dieselmotoren. Daarmee is ammoniak een uitstekende vervanger voor diesel in het landbouw en wegverkeer. Ammoniak is ook grondstof voor waterstof (H2) in waterstofmotoren. De technologie om ammoniak te maken is gebaseerd op het Haber-Bosch proces uit het begin van de vorige eeuw. Deze technologie vraagt veel energie voor het creëren van de hoge druk en de hoge temperaturen. Daarom is het voordelig het Haber-Bosch proces in grote installaties uit te voeren.Nieuwe brandstofcel-technologie maakt het mogelijk het Haber-Bosch proces (elektro-katalytisch) op kleine schaal uit te voeren. Het Kiemkracht concept Greenfertilizer onderzoekt de mogelijkheden van deze technologie voor ammoniak productie en benutting op het eigen boerenbedrijf.Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd door TU-Delft en Hanzehogeschool. Het doel was een opgeschaald ammonia elektrolyse synthese proces te ontwikkelen waar een eerste schaal-sprong gemaakt zou worden.Het elektrochemisch ammonia synthese proces is gebaseerd op zuurstofgeleidende elektroden, (proces figuur3. zie onder). Het voordeel van deze zuurstofgeleidende electroden boven proton geleidende electroden is dat er met omgevingslucht gewerkt kan worden in plaats van met stoom. Stoom maakt technologische ontwikkeling van het proces gecompliceerder. Experimenteel en theoretisch onderzoek van TU-Delft laat zien dat met deze elektroden ammonia te produceren is. TU-Delft heeft met zuurstof geleidende electroden ammonia productiesnelheden behaald van 1,84x 10-10 mol s-1 cm-2 bij 650oC. Deze snelheden zijn een factor 100-1000 hoger dan tot nu toe gerapporteerd in literatuur (Kyriakou et al 2017). Simulatie-studies van TU-Delft laten zien dat het ammonia synthese proces met een factor 100-1000 versneld kan worden door het proces onder druk te brengen bij een temperatuur van 400-500C. Op basis van deze simulaties is een ontwerp gemaakt en uitgevoerd voor een “hoge-druk electrolyse reactor”. Technische complicaties met deze hoge druk elektrolyse reactor maakte het onmogelijk betrouwbare resultaten te verkrijgen. Met name gas lekkages bij hoge temperaturen maakten het onmogelijk ammonia massabalansen op te stellen. Bovendien was ammonia productie niet aan te tonen. Hiermee zijn de simulatie voorspellingen niet bevestigd en blijft het onduidelijk of de onderliggende hypothesen correct zijn. De Hanzehogeschool heeft onderzoek uitgevoerd naar het concentreren van ammonia voor toepassing als vloeibare kunstmest. Uitgangspunt hierbij waren de ammonia productieniveau van de experimentele opzet en de voorspelde gesimuleerde opzet. Met de juiste technologie is het mogelijk de ammonia te concentreren voor verdere verwerking als kunstmest. Echter dit proces is economisch rendabel bij een ammonia concentratie in de uitstroom van de elektrolyse reactor die een factor 1000 hoger is dan tot nu toe is gemeten. Het feit dat de TU-Delft er niet in is geslaagd een kleine schaalsprong (factor 10) te maken met de drukreactor betekent dat commerciële toepassing van dit proces voorlopig nog niet aan de orde is. Achteraf gezien was het wellicht beter geweest de keuze te maken voor de proton geleidende electroden die bij lagere temperaturen werkzaam zijn, hier is een schaalsprong van een factor 100 ten opzichte van de recent gerapporteerde ammonia synthese snelheden. Een recente review door Kyriakou et al 2017 geeft als aanbeveling onderzoek te verrichten naar verbeterde elektrodematerialen en geleidende elektrolyten in de reactorcellen. Uiteindelijk zal het elektrochemisch ammonia synthese proces er komen vanwege de vele voordelen die het beidt. Processen moeten met een factor 100-1000 verbeterd worden eer het proces economisch rendabel is. Op dit moment is het nog niet te voospellen wanneer dit moment er is.
The consistent demand for improving products working in a real-time environment is increasing, given the rise in system complexity and urge to constantly optimize the system. One such problem faced by the component supplier is to ensure their product viability under various conditions. Suppliers are at times dependent on the client’s hardware to perform full system level testing and verify own product behaviour under real circumstances. This slows down the development cycle due to dependency on client’s hardware, complexity and safety risks involved with real hardware. Moreover, in the expanding market serving multiple clients with different requirements can be challenging. This is also one of the challenges faced by HyMove, who are the manufacturer of Hydrogen fuel cells module (https://www.hymove.nl/). To match this expectation, it starts with understanding the component behaviour. Hardware in the loop (HIL) is a technique used in development and testing of the real-time systems across various engineering domain. It is a virtual simulation testing method, where a virtual simulation environment, that mimics real-world scenarios, around the physical hardware component is created, allowing for a detailed evaluation of the system’s behaviour. These methods play a vital role in assessing the functionality, robustness and reliability of systems before their deployment. Testing in a controlled environment helps understand system’s behaviour, identify potential issues, reduce risk, refine controls and accelerate the development cycle. The goal is to incorporate the fuel cell system in HIL environment to understand it’s potential in various real-time scenarios for hybrid drivelines and suggest secondary power source sizing, to consolidate appropriate hybridization ratio, along with optimizing the driveline controls. As this is a concept with wider application, this proposal is seen as the starting point for more follow-up research. To this end, a student project is already carried out on steering column as HIL
The Hospitality, Tourism, Innovation & Technology Experts Network (HTIT-EN) is a pivotal initiative aimed at unlocking societal impact potential. The Dutch hospitality and tourism sector, which employs over half a million individuals and annually hosts more than 40 million guests, ranks as the Netherlands’ 8th largest economic sector. However, this sector faces numerous challenges, including the uncertain impact of emerging technologies and issues such as unethical behavior, workforce attrition, and staff shortages, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The advent of emerging technologies like service robots, immersive experiences, and artificial intelligence has brought the sector to a critical juncture. These innovations pose significant disruptions, challenging the traditional concept of hospitality and questioning the positive societal impact in terms of ethical considerations, inclusivity, affordability, and data privacy.Strategically positioned to address these challenges, HTIT-EN focuses on leveraging emerging technologies to create impactful scenarios and shape the future of hospitality and tourism. Our motivation stems from the sector’s societal importance and its continuous influence on our daily lives. By harnessing technology and innovation, we aim to tackle industry-specific issues and extend the positive societal impact to related human-centered service industries.The overarching mission of HTIT-EN is to empower the Dutch Hospitality and Tourism sector to serve as a driving force for technology-enabled societal impact. The primary objective is to align research activities and promote collaboration. Key objectives include bringing together leading professors specializing in technology-driven impact within the hospitality and tourism sector, initiating research projects in line with a shared research agenda and in collaboration with local and international industry partners, and collaboratively developing expertise in emerging technologies that empower the role of hospitality and tourism as catalysts for societal impact. This endeavor contributes to the development and acceleration of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) ‘Key technologies’ & ‘Digitalization’. The aim is to foster an excellent reputation for Dutch hospitality and tourism as a global leader in technology-driven societal impact.We have strong support from CELTH, the Centre of Expertise within the domain of leisure, tourism and hospitality for the overall ambitions of the research project.Societal issueThe HTIT-EN project bridges societal importance and cross-cutting issues in the tourism and hospitality sectors. It’s fueled by the ambition to leverage emerging technologies to tackle industry-specific challenges, including knowledge and skills gaps, labor shortages and replacements, and evolving consumer expectations.Benefit to societyThe platform brings together professors and researchers from MBO, HBO and WO knowledge institutes as well as diverse set of professional partners to stimulate collaboration, align research lines and establish joint a joint research agenda on how technology-driven impact may become a catalyst within hospitality and tourism.
A fast growing percentage (currently 75% ) of the EU population lives in urban areas, using 70% of available energy resources. In the global competition for talent, growth and investments, quality of city life and the attractiveness of cities as environments for learning, innovation, doing business and job creation, are now the key parameters for success. Therefore cities need to provide solutions to significantly increase their overall energy and resource efficiency through actions addressing the building stock, energy systems, mobility, and air quality.The European Energy Union of 2015 aims to ensure secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy for EU citizens and businesses among others, by bringing new technologies and renewed infrastructure to cut household bills, create jobs and boost growth, for achieving a sustainable, low carbon and environmentally friendly economy, putting Europe at the forefront of renewable energy production and winning the fight against global warming.However, the retail market is not functioning properly. Many household consumers have too little choices of energy suppliers and too little control over their energy costs. An unacceptably high percentage of European households cannot afford to pay their energy bills. Energy infrastructure is ageing and is not adjusted to the increased production from renewables. As a consequence there is still a need to attract investments, with the current market design and national policies not setting the right incentives and providing insufficient predictability for potential investors. With an increasing share of renewable energy sources in the coming decades, the generation of electricity/energy will change drastically from present-day centralized production by gigawatt fossil-fueled plants towards decentralized generation, in cities mostly by local household and district level RES (e.g PV, wind turbines) systems operating in the level of micro-grids. With the intermittent nature of renewable energy, grid stress is a challenge. Therefore there is a need for more flexibility in the energy system. Technology can be of great help in linking resource efficiency and flexibility in energy supply and demand with innovative, inclusive and more efficient services for citizens and businesses. To realize the European targets for further growth of renewable energy in the energy market, and to exploit both on a European and global level the expected technological opportunities in a sustainable manner, city planners, administrators, universities, entrepreneurs, citizens, and all other relevant stakeholders, need to work together and be the key moving wheel of future EU cities development.Our SolutionIn the light of such a transiting environment, the need for strategies that help cities to smartly integrate technological solutions becomes more and more apparent. Given this condition and the fact that cities can act as large-scale demonstrators of integrated solutions, and want to contribute to the socially inclusive energy and mobility transition, IRIS offers an excellent opportunity to demonstrate and replicate the cities’ great potential. For more information see the HKU Smart Citieswebsite or check out the EU-website.