This study proposes a systematic value chain approach to helping businesses identify and eliminate inefficiencies. The authors have developed a robust framework, which food-sector entrepreneurs can use to increase profitability of an existing business or to create new profitable opportunities. The value chain approach provides win-win opportunities for players within the value chain. To test the robustness of the framework, the authors use food waste as an example of a critical inefficiency and apply it to two different food sector business cases, each operating in diverse conditions. Because the suggested framework addresses the core elements and parameters for the existence and competitiveness of a business, the model can be adapted to other sectors.
This study proposes a systematic value chain approach to helping businesses identify and eliminate inefficiencies. The authors have developed a robust framework, which food-sector entrepreneurs can use to increase profitability of an existing business or to create new profitable opportunities. The value chain approach provides win-win opportunities for players within the value chain. To test the robustness of the framework, the authors use food waste as an example of a critical inefficiency and apply it to two different food sector business cases, each operating in diverse conditions. Because the suggested framework addresses the core elements and parameters for the existence and competitiveness of a business, the model can be adapted to other sectors.
Fish and vegetable protein sources are relatively underutilized for human consumption in comparison to meat, dairy and egg protein sources. Only part of the available fish proteins is used: fish is to small for human consumption and fish has a high proportion of by-products, up to 50% of fish weight is not used. This project aims to develop products and processes for creating healthy high valued consumer products based upon vegetable proteins and fish/crustacean proteins from by-products or from neglected fish. Three innovative processes are developed:1) Iso-electric solubilization and precipitation of fish/crustacean proteins from by-products,2) Networked vegetable/fish protein textures based upon low moisture extrusion processes3) Fibrous vegetable/fish protein textures produced with high moisture extrusion processes.Two innovative processes are applied:1) Food products with water-oil-water emulsions with isolated fish proteins2) Food products with sous-vide prepared fish fillets in semi industrial context.Different consumer product prototypes will be developed like fish nuggets, fish flakes and fish crackers.The Nuprotex project created successfully two new processes. Hanzehogeschool developed the process for fish protein isolation based upon iso electric solubilization and precipitation. With this process it was possible to recover about 15% weight of additional proteins from fish by-products. Please be aware that the yield of fish fillets from the fish is only about 30% of fish weight. So this is an important increase in food grade proteins! These Isolated Fish Proteins are successfully converted into several consumer prototype products like multiple emulsions for savory liquid products and fish cake/cracker applications. A sous-vide cooking process for fish fillets was developed with respect to microbial safety. It was shown that a microbial safe route could be developed, however further research is necessary to confirm these preliminary results.DIL has developed successfully an high moisture extrusion process for isolated fish proteins, grinded fish by products and vegetable proteins. This semi-finished product is successfully applied by for developing deep fried fish nuggets and fish burgers. DIL produced fish pellets which are suitable for applications as fish feed as is demonstrated in actual trials. Further research must demonstrate the quality of the feed product in actual growth experiments with fish.This project has clearly demonstrated that it is possible to produce with fish by-products added value consumer products. A possible increase of food-grade fish protein of about 15% on fresh weight base of processed fish is possible.
Jaarlijks worden in Nederland ongeveer 600.000 mensen ziek door het eten van besmet voedsel. De voedselverwerkende industrie heeft sterke behoefte aan meer grip op het bewaken van de hygiëne in de fabrieken om te voorkomen dat besmette producten in de winkels komen. In het afgeronde RAAK-mkb project “Precision Food Safety” is onderzocht wat de meerwaarde is van de toepassing van Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) bij het achterhalen van de transmissieroutes van de pathogene bacterie Listeria monocytogenes bij voedselverwerkende bedrijven. Er is een biobank opgebouwd met bijna 600 L. monocytogenes stammen afkomstig van de fabrieksomgeving en producten van vis-, vlees- en groente-verwerkende bedrijven. Deze stammen zijn gesequenced met behulp van Nanopore sequencing. Vervolgens is de verwantschap tussen de stammen bepaald met een in het project ontwikkelde bioinformatica pijplijn. Het project bleek zeer succesvol. In “Advanced Precision in Food Safety ” wordt het onderzoek naar voedselveiligheid verbreed, door L. monocytogenes al aan het begin van de voedselverwerkingsketen (in grondstoffen en ingrediënten) te monitoren. Verder zal de WGS-methodiek worden toegepast op Salmonella enterica en zal de huidige bioinformatica pijplijn worden aangepast om transmissieroutes van dit andere belangrijke voedselpathogeen te achterhalen. Ter verdieping zal het ziekteverwekkende karakter van L. monocytogenes stammen worden bepaald op basis van het serotype en de aanwezigheid van ~60 beschreven virulentiegenen. Daarbij worden gegevens uit verschillende databases, met sequence data van zowel humane als niet humane stammen, met elkaar vergeleken. Zowel in het laboratorium als in de fabrieksomgeving zal het effect van verschillende schoonmaakmiddelen en schoonmaaktechnieken worden onderzocht op het elimineren van L. monocytogenes van oppervlaktes. Tevens wordt onderzocht of shotgun metagenomics analyse kan worden ingezet om voedsel snel en breed op voedselpathogenen te monitoren. Een prototype van een webapplicatie, waarmee bedrijven verkregen resultaten kunnen inzien en aanvullen zal verder worden ontwikkeld en door voedselverwerkende bedrijven worden getest en geïmplementeerd.
Agricultural/horticultural products account for 9% of Dutch gross domestic product. Yearly expansion of production involves major challenges concerning labour costs and plant health control. For growers, one of the most urgent problems is pest detection, as pests cause up to 10% harvest loss, while the use of chemicals is increasingly prohibited. For consumers, food safety is increasingly important. A potential solution for both challenges is frequent and automated pest monitoring. Although technological developments such as propeller-based drones and robotic arms are in full swing, these are not suitable for vertical horticulture (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers). A better solution for less labour intensive pest detection in vertical crop horticulture, is a bio-inspired FW-MAV: Flapping Wings Micro Aerial Vehicle. Within this project we will develop tiny FW-MAVs inspired by insect agility, with high manoeuvrability for close plant inspection, even through leaves without damage. This project focusses on technical design, testing and prototyping of FW-MAV and on autonomous flight through vertically growing crops in greenhouses. The three biggest technical challenges for FW-MAV development are: 1) size, lower flight speed and hovering; 2) Flight time; and 3) Energy efficiency. The greenhouse environment and pest detection functionality pose additional challenges such as autonomous flight, high manoeuvrability, vertical take-off/landing, payload of sensors and other equipment. All of this is a multidisciplinary challenge requiring cross-domain collaboration between several partners, such as growers, biologists, entomologists and engineers with expertise in robotics, mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, etc. In this project a co-creation based collaboration is established with all stakeholders involved, integrating technical and biological aspects.
Bij de projectaanvraag City Deal Kennis Maken LeeuwardenFryslân hanteren we de geactualiseerde Kennisagenda Fryslân 2019-2025. Leidraad hierin zijn de transitie-opgaven waar de Friese samenleving voor staat. Via de inzet van Living Labs en experimenten wil de regio oplossingen ontwikkelen en testen voor de maatschappelijke opgaven onder het motto "De stad als campus, de regio als proeftuin".