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Fintechs worden steeds belangrijker voor de financiering vanhet midden- en kleinbedrijf. Naast nieuwe kansen brengen hunnieuwe verdienmodellen ook nieuwe risico’s met zich mee. Hoekunnen toezichthouders hier verstandig mee omgaan?IN HET KORT●Al te snel ingrijpen smoort innovatie, maar laisser-faire kan viaincidenten het vertrouwen in de financiële sector schaden.●Toezichthouders en de Stichting MKB Financiering kiezen nugelukkig voor intensieve monitoring samen met zelfregulering.
Door beter gebruikt te maken van nieuwe digitale technologieën zouden fintechs een dominante rol verwerven in het financieel-monetair systeem, zo luidde de prognose. Deze revolutie is echter tot dusver uitgebleven in Nederland. In de praktijk blijken Nederlandse fintechs tegen zeven hindernissen aan te lopen waardoor deze transitie onvoldoende slaagt, aldus Jeroen Haans en Martijn van de Linden.
The rise of financial technology (fintech) driven business models in banking poses a challenge for financial regulators. While the positive effects on the banking sector in terms of greater diversity and competition are generally recognized and encouraged by regulators, the nature of fintech business models may increase the risk of financial instability. Regulators are exploring ways to resolve this dilemma. The paper in hand makes a contribution to the literature by providing a framework for resolving the dilemma that is evaluated in the context of the regulatory response to the rise of fintech credit in the Netherlands. The semi-structured interviews which we conducted with four senior Dutch regulators resulted in three areas that–from their perspective–required urgent action: fintech credit companies need to lower the risk of overlending, increase pricing transparency, and improve lending standards. These findings were confirmed by the results of they survey among fintech credit clients. The current regulatory response to the rise of fintech in banking in the Netherlands provides an interesting case study that delineates the features of the future regulation of fintech in banking.