Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Door beter gebruikt te maken van nieuwe digitale technologieën zouden fintechs een dominante rol verwerven in het financieel-monetair systeem, zo luidde de prognose. Deze revolutie is echter tot dusver uitgebleven in Nederland. In de praktijk blijken Nederlandse fintechs tegen zeven hindernissen aan te lopen waardoor deze transitie onvoldoende slaagt, aldus Jeroen Haans en Martijn van de Linden.
In the aftermath of the systemic financial crises of 2007-9, several scholars argued that the problem of systemic financial crises is not well understood. At the same time, the introduction of digital technologies led to new threats and opportunities for the design of the monetary and financial system. For example, thousands of private cryptocurrencies have been implemented and hundreds of research papers on the (possible) introduction of public digital currencies have been published. It is often not explained why these new forms of digital money are needed and which (systemic) problems they (can) solve. In addition, the literature does not provide requirements nor guidelines to shape the development of the monetary and financial system in the digital age. This thesis applies design science to the monetary and financial system as a whole. The application of this novel methodology offers new possibilities to examine this complex system. The contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, different theories on money, banking and systemic financial crises have been researched through an extensive literature review and balance sheets. Second, those theories have been used to develop design requirements and guidelines. Finally, the consensus and pivotal dissensions about the systemic problem(s) of the current monetary and financial system, requirements and guidelines among experts have been identified through semistructured interviews. This research process results in widely supported requirements that demarcate the design space and widely supported guidelines that aim to give direction within the design space, that is, to the future development of the monetary and financial system.
Het huidige financieelmonetair systeem is structureel instabiel en valt ten prooi aan overregulering. Daarnaast werkt het duurzaam heidsambities zoals de energie transitie tegen. De opkomst van digitale technologieën als internet, blockchain, smart contracts en big data maken het mogelijk om het systeem fundamenteel anders in te richten. Een publiek digitaal geldstelsel vormt een antwoord op de belangrijkste problemen. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martijnjeroenvanderlinden/