Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the appreciation of written education about pain neurophysiology in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and its effects on illness perceptions and perceived health status.METHODS: A booklet explaining pain neurophysiology was sent to participants with FM. Appreciation was assessed with 10 questions addressing relevance (0-30) and reassurance (0-30). Illness perceptions, catastrophizing and health status were measured with the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R), the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) at baseline (T0), after a 2-week control period (T1) and 6 weeks after the intervention (T2).RESULTS: Forty-one patients participated. Mean (SD) scores for relevance and reassurance were 21.6 (5.6) and 18.7 (5.7), respectively. Only illness coherence, emotional representations, pain and fatigue changed significantly between T0 and T2. Correlations between appreciation and changes in outcomes ranged between r=0.00 and r=0.34.CONCLUSIONS: Although a majority of subjects appreciated the written information, it did not have clinically relevant effects on illness perceptions, catastrophizing or impact of FM on daily life.PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Written education about pain neurophysiology is inadequate toward changing illness perceptions, catastrophizing or perceived health status of participants with FM; education should be incorporated into a broader multidisciplinary self-management program.
OBJECTIVE: Former studies in chronic diseases showed the importance of patients' beliefs and perceptions. The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire was developed to assess these illness perceptions. Our goal was to investigate psychometric properties of the IPQ-R for Fibromyalgia Dutch language version (IPQ-R FM-Dlv) and to describe illness perceptions of participants with FM.METHODS: 196 patients completed the IPQ-R FM-Dlv. Internal consistency, domain structure and inter domain correlations were calculated and compared to the IPQ-R English language version. Scores were compared with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and coronary heart disease (CHD).RESULTS: Most psychometric properties were comparable to those of the original IPQ-R. Participants showed a lack of understanding of their illness, expected their FM to be chronic and to have a lot of negative consequences on functioning. In 17 out of 24 domains significant differences were found between FM and CFS, RA, and CHD patients.CONCLUSION: The IPQ-R FM-Dlv showed acceptable psychometric properties, although some aspects need closer examination. Illness perceptions of FM patients on the Dutch questionnaire were non-comparable to CFS, RA, and CHD patients on the English questionnaire.PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The IPQ-R FM-Dlv can be used to assess illness perceptions of Dutch FM patients.