Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Circularity and recycling are gaining increased attention, yet the amount of recycled plastic applied in new products remains low. To accelerate uptake by businesses, it will be useful to empirically investigate the main barriers and enablers that organisations experience when using recycled plastic feedstock for the production of new plastic products. In this research, categorisation is threefold: determining whether a certain factor acts as a barrier, enabler or both; identifying the steps in the value chain which the factor directly affects; and a categorisation in regulatory, economic, technical, systemic, organisational and cultural factors. Results from the focus group sessions show that main barriers seem to be: lack of clear policies and (stimulating) regulations, price differences between virgin and recycle materials, lower material quality and uncertainties about quality, availability and reliable stream of recyclate (from sufficient quality), lack of shortterm organisational goals, lack of knowledge, and lack of consumer demand and willingness. Comparing the results from a micro- and meso scale perspective, some factors are more important for certain steps in the value chain but may also (indirectly) influence the activities of others. Other factors affect all steps of the value chain. Moreover, the relevance of a factor may differ per actor depending on its positioning in the value chain and context, which comes along with uncertainties in industry. Further research may focus on extending literature review and address the needs of industry in order to increase uptake of recycled feedstock in new products.
Climate change calls for an energy transition utilizing all available renewable energy resources, such as bioenergy from biomass. However, the use of biomass is debated in society, and public acceptance is low or lacking. This survey-based research demonstrates for the first time that public acceptance of bioenergy hinges on (a) the type of biomass feedstock used to generate bioenergy and (b) the perceptions of the effectiveness of bioenergy in contributing to the energy transition. A survey-embedded vignette experiment (with 409 Dutch participants) shows that public acceptance of the biomass feedstocks 'wood' and 'energy crops' is significantly lower than the acceptance of 'organic waste' and 'manure' for bioenergy. These results indicate that the biomass feedstock type should be more carefully considered and specified in future research and communication on public acceptance of bioenergy. Thematic coding and bootstrapped mediation analyses identified the perceived effectivity of bioenergy in contributing to the energy transition as a prime explanatory (i.e., mediating) variable for acceptance. A subsequent message-framing communication experiment (with 414 Dutch participants) demonstrates that emphasizing biomass feedstock as a form of waste utilization is a frame that helps to increase public acceptance of bioenergy. The waste utilization frame notably improves the perceptions of the effectiveness of bioenergy as contributing to the energy transition for the two lesser accepted biomass feedstocks. The emphasis on biomass feedstock type as a form of waste treatment can improve strategic communications on bioenergy and foster wider public acceptance of bioenergy in the transition toward a more sustainable energy system.
Circularity and recycling are gaining increased attention, yet the amount of recycled plastic applied in new products remains low. To accelerate its uptake by businesses, it will be useful to empirically investigate the barriers, enablers, needs and, ultimately, requirements to increase uptake of recycled plastic feedstock for the production of new plastic products. During the six focus group sessions we conducted, a value chain approach was used to map the factors that actors face regarding the implementation of recycled materials. The identified factors were structured based on three levels: determining whether a certain factor acted as a barrier or enabler, identifying the steps in the value chain that the factor directly affected and the category it could be subdivided into. The results were then further processed by translating the (rather abstract) needs of businesses into (specific) requirements from industry. This study presented eight business requirements that require actions from other actors in the value chain: design for recycling, optimised waste processing, standardisation, material knowledge, showing possibilities, information and education, cooperation, and regulation and government intervention. The main scientific contributions were the value chain perspective and the applied relevance of the findings. Future studies may delve deeper into the individual factors identified.
In the context of global efforts to increase sustainability and reduce CO2 emissions in the chemical industry, bio-based materials are receiving increasing attention as renewable alternatives to petroleum-based polymers. In this regard, Visolis has developed a bio-based platform centered around the efficient conversion of plant-derived sugars to mevalonolactone (MVL) via microbial fermentation. Subsequently, MVL is thermochemically converted to bio-monomers such as isoprene and 3-methyl-1,5-pentane diol, which are ultimately used in the production of polymer materials. Currently, the Visolis process has been optimized to use high-purity, industrial dextrose (glucose) as feedstock for their fermentation process. Dutch Sustainable Development (DSD) has developed a direct processing technology in which sugar beets are used for fermentation without first having to go through sugar extraction and refinery. The main exponent of this technology is their patented Betaprocess, in which the sugar beet is essentially exposed to heat and a mild vacuum explosion, opening the cell walls and releasing the sugar content. This Betaprocess has the potential to speed up current fermentation processes and lower feedstock-related costs. The aim of this project is to combine aforementioned technologies to enable the production of mevalonolactone using sucrose, present in crude sugar beet bray after Betaprocessing. To this end, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (Zuyd) intends to collaborate with Visolis and DSD. Zuyd will utilize its experience in both (bio)chemical engineering and fermentation to optimize the process from sugar beet (pre)treatment to product recovery. Visolis and DSD will contribute their expertise in microbial engineering and low-cost sugar production. During this collaboration, students and professionals will work together at the Chemelot Innovation and Learning Labs (CHILL) on the Brightlands campus in Geleen. This collaboration will not only stimulate innovation and sustainable chemistry, but also provides starting professionals with valuable experience in this expanding field.
Verduurzaming van de chemische en landbouwsector is essentieel om de klimaat- en circulaire doelstellingen te halen. Eén van de mogelijkheden om de chemische sector te vergroenen is om hernieuwbare grondstoffen als feedstock voor productie te gebruiken. Met name laagwaardige reststromen uit de agrarische sector komen hiervoor in aanmerking. In dit project wordt beoogd om koeienurine, dat gescheiden is opgevangen van de ontlasting, te valoriseren richting hoogwaardige componenten voor (fijn)chemie. De focus zal in eerste instantie liggen op de isolatie van hippuurzuur en hieruit te synthetiseren benzoëzuur en glycine en de verwaarding van de resterende fractie richting natuurlijke meststoffen voor de akker/tuinbouw. De verkregen groene benzoëzuur is een goed alternatief voor het huidige uit de petrochemie gesynthetiseerde zuur en kan bijvoorbeeld als natuurlijk conserveringsmiddel in mengvoeders worden gebruikt. In een latere fase zullen ook overige waardevolle componenten (allantoine, creatinine, creatine, etc.) uit urine van koeien worden geïsoleerd en gevaloriseerd.Een succesvol project draagt bij aan het verbeteren van de business case van veetelers en maakt de scheiding van urine en ontlasting in de stallen aantrekkelijker. Additionele revenuen die uit de bioraffinage van urine worden verkregen kunnen gebruikt worden om de gedane investeringen in het “koeientoilet” terug te verdienen. De scheiding van urine en ontlasting levert een significante reductie in ammoniak-emissies op en draagt hiermee bij aan het oplossen van het “stikstofprobleem”. Reductie van CO2 wordt o.a. bewerkstelligd door verminderd gebruik van kunstmest en vervanging van uit de petrochemie afkomstige chemicaliën (benzoëzuur) door synthese uit natuurlijke (hernieuwbare) grondstoffen.
Verduurzaming van de chemische en landbouwsector is essentieel om de klimaat- en circulaire doelstellingen te halen. Eén van de mogelijkheden om de chemische sector te vergroenen is om hernieuwbare grondstoffen als feedstock voor productie te gebruiken. Met name laagwaardige reststromen uit de agrarische sector komen hiervoor in aanmerking. In dit project wordt beoogd om koeienurine, die gescheiden is opgevangen van de ontlasting, te valoriseren richting hoogwaardige componenten voor (fijn)chemie en meststoffen. De focus zal in eerste instantie liggen op de isolatie van hippuurzuur en hieruit te synthetiseren benzoëzuur en glycine en de verwaarding van de resterende fractie richting natuurlijke meststoffen (kalium en ureum) voor de akker/tuinbouw. Het verkregen groene benzoëzuur is een goed alternatief voor het huidige uit de petrochemie gesynthetiseerde zuur en kan bijvoorbeeld als natuurlijk conserveringsmiddel in mengvoeders worden gebruikt. In een latere fase zullen ook overige waardevolle componenten (allantoine, creatinine, creatine, etc.) uit urine van koeien worden geïsoleerd en gevaloriseerd. Een succesvol project draagt bij aan het verbeteren van de business case van veetelers en maakt de scheiding van urine en ontlasting in de stallen aantrekkelijker. Additionele revenuen die uit de bioraffinage van urine worden verkregen kunnen gebruikt worden om de gedane investeringen in het “koeientoilet” terug te verdienen. De scheiding van urine en ontlasting levert een significante reductie in ammoniak-emissies op en draagt hiermee bij aan het oplossen van het “stikstofprobleem”. Reductie van CO2 wordt o.a. bewerkstelligd door verminderd gebruik van kunstmest en vervanging van uit de petrochemie afkomstige chemicaliën (benzoëzuur) door synthese uit natuurlijke (hernieuwbare) grondstoffen.