Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Objectives: To develop an instrument to measure adherence to frequency, intensity, and quality of performance of home-based exercise (HBE) programs recommended by a physical therapist and to evaluate its construct validity and reliability in patients with low back pain. Methods: The Exercise Adherence Scale (EXAS) was developed following a literature search, an expert panel review, and a pilot test. The construct validity of the EXAS was determined based on data from 27 participants through an investigation of the convergent validity between adherence, lack of time to exercise, and lack of motivation to exercise. Associations between adherence, pain, and disability were determined to test divergent validity. The reliability of the EXAS quality of performance score was assessed using video recordings from 50 participants performing four exercises. Results: Correlations between the EXAS and lack of time to exercise, lack of motivation to exercise, pain, and disability were rho = 0.47, rho = 0.48, rho = 0.005, and rho = 0.24, respectively. The intrarater reliability of the quality of performance score was Kappa quadratic weights (Kqw) = 0.87 (95%-CI 0.83–0.92). The interrater reliability was Kqw = 0.36 (95%-CI 0.27–0.45). Conclusions: The EXAS demonstrates acceptable construct validity for the measurement of adherence to HBE programs. Additionally, the EXAS shows excellent intrarater reliability and poor interrater reliability for the quality of performance score and is the first instrument to measure adherence to frequency, intensity, and quality of performance of HBE programs. The EXAS allows researchers and clinicians to better investigate the effects of adherence to HBE programs on the outcomes of interventions and treatments.
PURPOSE: In this study, we investigated factors associated with program adherence and patient satisfaction with a home-based physical activity program (Onco-Move, N = 77) and a supervised exercise program with a home-based component (OnTrack, N = 76).METHODS: We assessed adherence via self-report (home-based program) and attendance records (supervised program). We used logistic regression analysis to identify sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural variables associated with program adherence. Patient satisfaction was assessed with self-report and is reported descriptively.RESULTS: Fifty-one percent of Onco-Move and 62% of OnTrack participants were adherent to the home-based program, while 59% of OnTrack participants were adherent to the supervised sessions. Higher baseline physical fitness was associated with higher adherence to home-based components. Higher disease stage and having a partner were associated with adherence to OnTrack supervised sessions. Overall satisfaction with the exercise programs was high, but ratings of coaching provided by professionals for the home-based components were low. Patients offered suggestions for improving delivery of the programs.CONCLUSIONS: These findings point to factors relevant to program adherence and suggest ways in which such programs can be improved. Providing additional time and training for health care professionals could improve the quality and hopefully the effectiveness of the interventions. The use of online diaries and smartphone apps may provide additional encouragement to participants. Finally, allowing greater flexibility in the planning and availability of supervised exercise training in order to accommodate the variability in cancer treatment schedules and the (acute) side effects of the treatments could also enhance program adherence.TRIAL REGISTRATION: Netherlands Trial Register, NTR2159. http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2159.
Sufficient physical activity can prolong the ability of older adults to live independently. Community-based exercise programs can be enhanced by regularly performing exercises at home. To support such a home-based exercise program, a blended intervention was developed that combined the use of a tablet application with a personal coach. The purpose of the current study was to explore to which extent tablet engagement predicted exercise adherence and physical activity. The results show that older adults (n = 133; M = 71 years of age) that participated 6 months in a randomized controlled trial, performed at average 12 home-based exercised per week and exercised on average 3 days per week, thereby meeting WHO guidelines. They used the tablet app on average 7 times per week. Multiple linear regressions revealed that the use of the app predicted the number of exercises that were performed and the number of exercise days. We conclude that engagement with a tablet can contribute to sustained exercise behavior.