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In the Netherlands, and in many other countries, teacher policy and teacher education are strongly focused on ensuring that teachers meet certain minimum standards. As all student teachers need to meet these standards, teacher education programmes might put the main emphasis on the ‘average’ student and pay little attention to students who can perform better, which would lead to a middle-ofthe-road perspective on teachers and teacher education curricula. However, there is a growing awareness within higher education of the diversity of students with respect to their abilities and ambitions. In the Netherlands, there are initiatives to develop excellence programmes and honours programmes that recognize and accept student diversity. Such programmes offer ‘excellent’ students new challenges in the development of their excellence. But as ‘excellence’ is not centrally defined, higher education institutes can define the concept independently. Here, we present two examples of teacher education institutes that have developed honours programmes that emphasize excellent student teachers. While traditionally honours programmes in universities are focused on stimulating outstanding research performance of excellent students, in both examples a different focus is taken. The honours programmes in these universities for applied sciences do not focus on academic performance, but focus more directly on the roles of outstanding teachers in schools. One of these institutes focuses on primary teacher roles, the other on secondary teacher roles. Both use research in the content of the honours programmes and in the evaluation of the programmes. Here, an analysis of the two programmes is related to developments in teacher policy and the teaching profession with respect to teacher excellence, e.g. the recent recommendation from the Netherlands Education Council to nominate the top 5% of teachers as ‘excellent teachers’ – a recommendation that was received with mixed feelings by teachers, teachers’ unions and school leaders
PurposeHonours programs prepare talented students to become future excellent professionals . However, competences defining an excellent professional have not been elucidated yet. We investigated how professionals characterize an excellent communication professional, aiming to develop a competence profile to guide honours education at Communication Institute of Hanze University of Applied Sciences.Conceptual frameworkThe amount of freedom in honours education is an important aspect distinguishing honours from regular programms. However, also for honoursstudents an amount of structure is needed. Explicit learning goals are an effective way to offer structure and enhance performance (Locke & Latham, 2006). Competence profiles can direct these learning goals in honours education. Research questions and designWe performed empiric research to understand how professionals characterize an excellent communication professional and implemented this competence profile in honours education. One year after implementation, perceptions of students and staff on the profile and its implementation were analysed.Using a mixed-method approach, three focus group discussions were conducted with communication professionals (N=16), followed by a Delphi panel with experts (N=30). In each focus group, professionals discussed competences and behaviors characterizing an excellent communication professional. After validation, the profile was implemented in the honours programme. One year after implementation, students and staff evaluated the use of the profile.Data collection and analysisAll focus group sessions were recorded and transcribed. Analysis was done by two researches independently, using open coding on ATLAS ti., based on the grounded theory method. In a consensus meeting, a concept profile was developed. This concept profile was validated through a Delphi survey with Dutch experts to achieve a quantifiable consensus. One year after implementation, perceptions of students and staff on the profile and its implementation were collected and analysed.Results Data clarify that in addition to possessing solid technical skills and practical knowledge, excellent communication professionals are differentiated by their capacity to be strategic, empathic, expressive, decisive and to see patterns and interrelationships. In a second phase, honours faculty used the excellent professional profile as a benchmark to develop a set of six undergraduate level learning outcomes to structure the honours programme and assessment standards. For each of these learning outcomes, smaller developmental milestones were defined to help students gauge their development and reflect on their progress during three honours years. A digital assessment tool was created to monitor student growth and structure annual summative assessment processes. One year following creation and application, students and staff were asked to evaluate the implementation of the excellence profile and learning outcomes. Results are discussed in terms of implications for both curriculum design, operational effects and assessment quality. Conclusions This research promotes an connection between the professional field and educators, resulting in curricular changes. The implemmentation of competence profiles of excellent professionals in honours curricula offer clear learing goals to guide student’s development and, furhtermore, improves the transition from educational programs to professional practice, allowing students to develop (or strengthen) competences and behaviors which are, according to professionals themselves, essential for that profession. This exchange between professional field and educators can lead to new standards needed to face future challenges.Theoretical/Practical implications This is the first empiric study profiling the excellent communication professional. Practical relevance of this profile is twofold. For the work field, it describes competences which could be used for strategic selection of high potential candidates. For educators, it offers guidelines for assessment and curricular development, especially in honours education. In this presentation we explain 1) the research conducted to develop a competence profile for the excellent communication professional, 2) how it was subsequently used to guide curricular development and 3) the experiences concerning implementation by staff and students one year following implementation.
Dit project: Action Research voor Tweedehandskleding (ART) richt zich op het verbeteren van de mogelijkheden voor tweedehandskleding verkoop. Bij ART staan praktijkvragen centraal, zoals: Welke stromen afgedankte kleding zijn geschikt voor tweedehandsgebruik en waarom? Hoe kunnen deze stromen aan tweedehandskleding opnieuw aantrekkelijk gemaakt worden? Of worden ge-upcycled? Deze praktijkvragen spelen bij o.a. The Swapshop: een MKB-bedrijf met twee winkels (Amsterdam en Rotterdam). The Swapshop heeft een ‘ruil’-model waarbij de ontvangen kleding ‘swaps’ opleveren voor de klant. Deze swaps geven korting bij kledingaanschaf in de winkel. Dit model blijkt kwetsbaar, omdat er swap-waarde zit in de 40% aan kledingitems, die onverkoopbaar blijken te zijn. De Swapshop heeft op basis van uitkomsten van het HU-onderzoeksproject FACILE (Fashion Circular by Logistics Excellence) contact met de HU gezocht. Hieruit is de kans ontstaan om Action Research onderzoek in te zetten voor onderzoek naar hoe uitgerangeerde tweedehandskleding vanwege de vezelwaarde zo lang mogelijk waardevol blijft circuleren. Hiervoor wordt een living lab opgezet waaraan ook The Swapshop gaat deelnemen. De Green Offices op Utrecht Science Park (USP) van de HU en de Universiteit (beiden werken al met een rek tweedehandskleding) nemen deel aan het onderzoek. Het HU Denver House (Self-sufficient Challenge House) is de beoogde locatie voor het ‘Swap-Lab’, waar langere tijd onderzoek kan plaatsvinden (KIEM-project plus opvolgend project). Naast de inzichten levert ART een netwerk aan bedrijven, die diensten aanbieden om de kledingvezel-waarde te behouden (wassen, repareren, vermaken, hergebruiken voor andere items wellicht zelfs als woningtextiel). Met inzicht in nieuwe mogelijkheden om kledingitems aantrekkelijk te maken voor hergebruik, wordt een vervolgonderzoek geformuleerd om deze geslaagde gevonden oplossingen uit de Utrechtse praktijk landelijk te gaan opschalen. Met dat onderzoeksplan eindigt dit ART-project.
The European creative visual industry is undergoing rapid technological development, demanding solid initiatives to maintain a competitive position in the marketplace. AVENUE, a pan-European network of Centres of Vocational Excellence, addresses this need through a collaboration of five independent significant ecosystems, each with a smart specialisation. AVENUE will conduct qualified industry-relevant research to assess, analyse, and conclude on the immediate need for professional training and educational development. The primary objective of AVENUE is to present opportunities for immediate professional and vocational training, while innovating teaching and learning methods in formal education, to empower students and professionals in content creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation, while supporting sustainability and healthy working environments. AVENUE will result in a systematised upgrade of workforce to address the demand for new skills arising from rapid technological development. Additionally, it will transform the formal education within the five participating VETs, making them able to transition from traditional artistic education to delivering skills, mindsets and technological competencies demanded by a commercial market. AVENUE facilitates mobility, networking and introduces a wide range of training formats that enable effective training within and across the five ecosystems. A significant portion of the online training is Open Access, allowing professionals from across Europe to upgrade their skills in various processes and disciplines. The result of AVENUE will be a deep-rooted partnership between five strong ecosystems, collaborating to elevate the European industry. More than 2000 professionals, employees, students, and young talents will benefit from relevant and immediate upgrading of competencies and skills, ensuring that the five European ecosystems remain at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness in the creative visual industry.
Achtergrond: Door klimaatverandering worden in stedelijke gebieden steeds vaker normen en/of acceptatiegrenzen voor neerslag, hitte en droogte overschreden. Gemeenten en waterschappen hebben de taak om te zorgen voor een klimaatbestendige inrichting. Samenwerking met bewoners is hierbij voor hen essentieel. Vraagarticulatie: Om de stap naar uitvoering te kunnen maken hebben professionals van gemeenten en waterschappen behoefte aan inzicht in: • effecten op microniveau (straten/gebouwen); • lokale ervaringen en beleving door burgers; • hoe burgers betrokken kunnen worden bij maatregelen. Hoofdvraag en doelstelling: Hoe kunnen professionals van gemeenten en waterschappen met inzet van burgers klimaatadaptatie in stedelijk gebied in praktijk brengen? Het doel is om een praktisch toepasbare werkwijze te ontwikkelen voor ‘burgerparticipatie in klimaatadaptatie’. Aanpak: Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in 5 living labs waarin 10 keer een participatieproces op straat/buurtniveau wordt doorlopen. Hierbij worden verschillende benaderingen uit de burgerwetenschap toegepast. Professionals en bewoners voeren samen metingen uit (participatieve monitoring), verzamelen in een korte periode gegevens over fysieke en sociale kwetsbaarheid (city climatescan) en werken maatregelen uit (cocreatie workshops). De werkwijzen worden via een vergelijkingskader binnen en tussen living labs gemonitord, geëvalueerd en aangescherpt. Resultaat: Het resultaat is een praktisch toepasbare werkwijze voor ‘burgerparticpatie in klimaatadaptatie’. Deze kan worden toegepast door professionals van gemeenten en waterschappen in samenwerking met buurtbewoners, maar ook actoren zoals scholen, lokale bedrijven en woningcorporaties kunnen hierbij worden betrokken. Consortium: Het consortium betreft een unieke samenwerking tussen vier hogescholen (HZ University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein, Hanzehogeschool Groningen), vijf gemeenten (Vlissingen, Middelburg, Rotterdam, Leeuwarden, Groningen) en twee waterschappen (Wetterskip Fryslân, Waterschap Noorderzijlvest). Het consortium is ontstaan uit het Lectorenplatform Delta en Water en verstevigt de strategische samenwerking tussen praktijkprofessionals, onderzoek en onderwijs. Doorwerking wordt gerealiseerd via een expertgroep waarin diverse sleutelspelers zijn vertegenwoordigd (o.a. City Deal, Deltaprogramma, Global Centre on Excellence for Climate Adaptation).