Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
An energy harvesting device for obtaining instantaneous energy from drops without needing of moving the drops along the device, in a reduced scale and combinable with other types of harvesting devices, the energy harvesting device comprising one or more triboelectric generators comprising a bottom electrode, a friction or triboelectric element placed over the bottom electrode, and at least two top exposed electrodes electrically connected placed over the triboelectric element and defining at least one gap between them, exposing the triboelectric element to the external environment so that on contacting a drop of liquid makes an electrical connection between the top electrodes varying instantaneously (microseconds range) the capacitance of the triboelectric generators.
An energy harvesting device for obtaining energy from drops without needing of moving the drops along the device, in a reduced scale and combinable with othertypes of harvesting devices, the energy harvesting device comprising one or more triboelectric generators comprising a bottom electrode, a friction or triboelectric element placed over the bottom electrode, and at least two top electrodes placed over the triboelectric element and defining at least one gap between them, exposing the triboelectric element to the external environment so that on contacting a drop of liquid makes an electrical connection between the top electrodes varying the capacitance of the triboelectric generators and alternatively for functioning as a power unit for a sensor or as a self-powered sensor producing an electrical signal generated by the contact of the liquid with the electrodes.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) can play an important role in achieving renewable goals set within the Netherlands which strives for 40 PJ bio-energy in the year 2020. This research focusses on reaching this goal with locally available biomass waste flows (e.g. manures, grasses, harvest remains, municipal organic wastes). Therefore, the bio-energy yields, process efficiency and environmental sustainability are analyzed for five municipalities in the northern part Netherlands, using three utilization pathways: green gas production; combined heat and power; and waste management. Results indicate that the Dutch goal cannot be filled through the use of local biomass waste streams, which can only reach an average of 20 PJ. Furthermore renewable goals and environmental sustainability do not always align. Therefore, understanding of the absolute energy and environmental impact of biogas production pathways is required to help governments form proper policies, to promote an environmentally and social sustainable energy system.
Internet of Things (IoT) is tagging low power devices, miniaturized, with machine-readable identification tags, which are integrated with sensors to collect information and wireless technology to connect them with the Internet. These devices have a very low energy usage. Powering these devices with battery is very labor intensive, costly and tedious especially as number of nodes increases, which is in many applications, is the case. Hence the main objective of this proposal is to introduce new product called RF Colletor, in the market such that IoT devices function independent of battery. Using the suggested approach the wille be energized using Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. RF Collector wirelessly capture the RF energy that is wasted in space, and re-use it again as the power source for IoT devices and hence making them autonomous of battery. The ability to harvest RF energy enables wireless charging of low-power devices in real time. This has resulting benefits to sustainability, cost reduction, product design, usability, and reliability.
The objective of Sustainable Solid Biofuel project is to contribute to a zero-waste and low-carbon emission production of charcoal by evaluating the feasibility and energy efficiency of three different conversion technologies. According to the IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2015 3 billion (more than a third of the global population) use solid biomass as wood, charcoal, or animal waste for cooking and heating1. Charcoal is one of the most widely used of the solid biofuels. In current charcoal production processes the gas stream from pyrolysis are mostly directly released to the environment which wastes energy and causes serious environmental pollution. However, the production of charcoal can be improved to be practiced on a sustainable basis by careful selection of wood or alternative biomass source as wood waste or agricultural residues and further focusing on harvesting strategy and production techniques. In the conversion process it is necessary to increase the energy efficiency while reducing emissions. Further sustainability can be increased by processing the smoke that is exhausted from the kiln, that correspond to roughly one third of the whole biomass. Within the volatile components in the smoke there are chemicals which can be used, for example, as industrial cleaners or wood preservatives and thus one of the environmental drawbacks of charcoal production can be eliminated and turned into another product input. Brazil is the world's largest charcoal producer2 consequently the state of the art of the recearch in this field can be found in Brazil. In this Sustainable Solid Biofuels project one of the leading universities of Brazil, the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) is joining forces with Avans University of Applied Sciences and two Dutch SMEs Privium B.V. and Charcotec B.V. to carry out the evaluation of the improvements that can be achieved in the energy efficiency.