Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Lebanon’s economic crisis has disrupted the country’s energy and water sectors, highlighting their interdependence. The methodologyinvolves surveying 150 municipalities across all Lebanese governorates, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of public and private waterresources. Data on water and energy were collected before and during the crisis to explore this nexus during periods of economic turmoil.The findings reveal a decline in water provision during the crisis, with the average weekly water supply plummeting from 49 h in 2019 to 22 hin 2023. Concurrently, the use of water tankers has surged from 26 to 44%, indicating a concerning shift in water acquisition methods.Despite the crisis, conventional water sources remain predominant, while unconventional sources account for less than 1% of the totalsupply. In response to the energy shortage, renewable energy sources have gained traction in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.The scarcity and rising cost of electricity have driven the adoption of solar photovoltaics in the water sector, reaching 4.8% for extraction fromunderground reservoirs and 2.8% for distribution. Similarly, the use of solar water heaters has increased from 7.9 to 15.4% in 2023. Thesefindings underscore the interplay between energy and water security during periods of economic instability.
This paper reviews the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the global travel industry, drawing on a survey of businesses in the youth travel sector. It reviews the current and likely future impact of the crisis on different sectors of youth travel, and assesses the prospects for recovery
Elk jaar wordt een afgelegen locatie, zoals een eiland, getransformeerd tot een internationale ontmoetingsplaats waar workshops over kunst, media, gaming, wetenschap, technologie en duurzame innovatie worden gegeven. De uitwisselingsweek is transdisciplinair en stimuleert dialoog en actieve interactie tussen studenten, docenten, gastartiesten en deelnemende bezoekers, wat uiteindelijk leidt tot een klein festival. De publicatie 'Crisis! Re/Constructing Europe' gaat over de Island CQ editie die plaatsvond in Hongarije van 1 tot 13 mei, 2013. Tijdens de voorbereidingen van deze editie werden de media en het politieke debat beheerst door de financiële crisis in Europa. Elk land heeft een andere geschiedenis en dus een unieke relatie met Europa. Dit bracht de vraag naar boven wat de crisis eigenlijk betekende voor de mensen in verschillende Europese landen, en hoe ieder daar op zijn eigen manier mee omging.
Door COVID-19 crisis zijn er extra uitdagingen om de verdere doorontwikkeling van het praktijkgerichte onderzoek en de onderliggende infrastructuur en professionalisering kwalitatief en kwantitatief te realiseren. De Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN) zet de IMPULS 2020 middelen in om de rol van het praktijkgericht onderzoek hierin te bestendigen en versterken. Het betreft een academie overstijgende aanvraag. Het beschikbare budget vanuit de regeling bedraagt 550.000 euro en zal in 2021 via twee lijnen worden ingezet: 1. Netwerk- en visievorming Dit richt zich op de versterking van de strategische netwerkvorming en samenhang overstijgend aan de zwaartepunten als focus gebieden voor de samenwerking onderwijs, onderzoek en werkveld (deels is hier aandacht voor de ontwikkeling en samenwerking bij regelingen als SPRONG of MMIP). Dit moet leiden tot het ontwikkelen van een meerjarige roadmap SLIM, SCHOON & SOCIAAL (S3). De regie ligt bij dit deel bij het zwaartepunt management. (Sustainable Energy & Environment (SEE), Smart Region en Health). 2. Professionalisering onderzoeksondersteuning Dit gedeelte betreft het vervolg op het project professionalisering onderzoeksondersteuning en richt zich (in lijn met het nationale project DCC) op de doorontwikkeling van: datastewardship, FAIR data & open access, ICT kennisinfrastructuur en communicatie rondom onderzoek en ondersteuning, verdere ontwikkeling van een Open Science Platform en voorbereiding op een HAN Open Access Fonds. Dit deel zal vanuit Services Onderwijs, Onderzoek en Kwaliteitszorg gecoördineerd worden. Middels deze inzet geeft de HAN een extra stimulans aan de strategische samenwerking en de verdere ontwikkeling van een consistente en herkenbare onderzoeksprogrammering en -ondersteuning.
Cities, the living place of 75% of European population, are crucial for sustainable transition in a just society. Therefore, the EU has launched a Mission for 100 Climate-Neutral Smart Cities (100CNSC). Construction is a key industry in making cities more sustainable. Currently, construction consumes 50% resources, uses 40% energy, and emits 36% greenhouse gasses. The sector is not cost-efficient, not human-friendly, and not healthy – it is negatively known for “3D: dirty, dangerous, demanding”. As such, the construction sector is not attractive for educated and skilled young professionals that are needed for the sustainable transition and for resolving the housing crisis. In contrast with the non-circular designs, materials and techniques that are still common in the construction industry, some other industries and fields have cultivated higher standards for sustainable products, especially in clean and efficient assembly and disassembly. Examples can be found in the maritime and off-shore industry, smart manufacturing, small electronics, and retail. The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) aims to become the leader of a strong European consortium for preliminary research to develop knowledge that is needed for the upcoming Horizon Europe proposal (within Cluster 4, Destination 1 - Re-manufacturing and De-manufacturing technologies) in relation with the EU Mission 100CNSC. The goals of this preliminary research are: (a) to articulate new concepts that will become an input for a new research proposal and (b) to organize a high-quality European consortium with high-quality partners for a lasting collaboration. This preliminary research project focuses on the question: How can the construction sector adopt and adapt the best practices in assembly and disassembly from other industries –including maritime, manufacturing and retails– in order to enhance circular urban construction and renovation with an active involvement of educated and skilled young professionals?
We live in a time of radical changes in Europe. The climate crisis, the war in Ukraine, energy crisis, the pandemic, increasedprice levels and interest rates, digitalization, robotization, reduced birth rates, an aging population, migration, a decliningdemocracy index and increasing friction level between continents and powerful states makes us uncertain about tomorrow.Deglobalization, shorter production lines, changed export models, bloc formations and sovereignty might be results of someof the large challenges we see today. We see tendencies towards increasing poverty and a declining middle class. It isperhaps more important than ever in recent times to show optimism on behalf of young people and future generations.European cooperation and the link between the right skills for the right future seems to be more actual and important thanever. A report from McKinsey Global Institute (2017) about future work life, competence development and digitalization,shows that approximately 50 % of todays jobs can disappear in the nearest future caused digitalization, robotization and AI.MGI’s in-dept report have covered more than 20 countries and 30 industries (mckinsey.com). We have also a commonEuropean challenge reagarding too many youth outside the working life. The NEET index (Not in Employment, Education orTraining) was 14 % totally for the EU countries, 9.6 % for Germany, 6.3 % for Netherlands and also 6.3 % for Norway in2021 (ssb.no).This is a challenge we have to solve as we need to increase the work participation as welfare costs willincrease as a consequence of more immigration and several older people.