Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In this essay I will discuss the specific nature of art practices in which the artist and his audience are moving away from the more traditional relationship in which the artist merely displays his art in museums or public spaces. They consist of intimate and personal processes made possible by the grace of the artistic space that is separating itself from the coded space around it. In these practices the public takes on a different role than that of the passive spectator. The involvement of the public in what art is and can be becomes part of the experience. This turns art into something to be a part of rather than something that is simply handed over to you. More specifically, these art practices allow for a time and site-specific situated form of co-ownership, through which the artistic environment created by the artist becomes the condition for experiencing new ideas and insights. In relation to theatre, the French philosopher Jacques Rancière (1940-) writes in The Emancipated Spectator (2015) about “a theater without an audience” that “no longer tempts with its images but teaches the audience something that turns them into active participants rather than passive voyeurs”. (Rancière 2015: 9-10) These practices are not new. New is perhaps the shift of focus from public participation in processes of interaction towards developing a theatrical space that not only makes other types of expression possible, but also taking on other roles and with that, other perspectives. This notion will therefore be the main focus of this text.
The purpose of the paper is to start a dialogue about differences between Western and Eastern cultures in the way they conceptualize knowledge and discuss the implications of these differences for a global intellectual capital (IC) theory and practice. A systematic metaphor analysis of the concept of knowledge and IC is used to identify common Western conceptualizations of knowledge in IC literature. A review of philosophical and religious literature was done to identify knowledge conceptualizations in the main streams of Asian philosophy. Fundamental differences were found in the way knowledge is conceptualized. In Western IC literature common metaphors for knowledge include knowledge as a thing and knowledge as capital. In Asian thought, knowledge is seen as unfolding truth based upon a unity of universe and human self and of knowledge and action. The research was performed on a limited sample of literature. More research is needed to identify how knowledge is conceptualized in the practice of doing business in Asia and to test the effects of introducing IC theories to Asian businessmen and managers. Moreover, it might be questionable whether different types of resources (Western management literature on IC and Asian cultural philosophies) can be put in a comparative perspective to extract conclusions out of it. This methodological starting point has its confinements, but is plausible partly as long as IC theories originating from an Asian background are still missing, partly as far as philosophical notions within Western IC publications are contrasted with Asian notions of knowledge. Despite this restriction we would like to emphasize that Western conceptualizations of knowledge, embedded in terms like intellectual capital and knowledge management, can not be transferred to Asian business without considering the local view on knowledge. Asian conceptualizations of knowledge should play an important role in the further development of a knowledge-based theory and practice of the firm. We choose deliberately to contrast Western philosophy with cultural and religious connotations in Asian philosophy, as the underlying paradigm is strongly influenced by these notions. This is clearly perceivable in revivalist and reformist tendencies in Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Religious notions within these traditions have a strong paradigmatic function in a cognitive and normative sense. Not only in anthropology but also in epistemology, contemporary Asian thought is dominated by a discourse deeply embedded in religious and cultural traditions, in which the dimensions of 'nature', 'subjectivity' and 'history' have well defined boundaries. Anthropologically and epistemologically, all spheres of human reality are analyzed and described within the perspective of an integral and monolithic unity, in which all dimensions and spheres of being are bound. In Western philosophy these spheres of being have been separated from religious notions because of a longstanding secularization due to which religion and culture, metaphysics and philosophy have become separate disciplines.(Boom, 1993)
With the rise of the knowledge-based economy in Asia, Western-dominated organizational literature is being exported to Asian countries. There is a huge interest from businesses and universities in China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and other countries in Asia and the Middle-East to learn about Western management ideas and techniques in the area of knowledge and intellectual capital management. There is, however, little insight into the success of management ideas and techniques that are based on Western conceptualizations of knowledge in an Asian context.
“Empowering learners to create a sustainable future” This is the mission of Centre of Expertise Mission-Zero at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). The postdoc candidate will expand the existing knowledge on biomimicry, which she teaches and researches, as a strategy to fulfil the mission of Mission-Zero. We know when tackling a design challenge, teams have difficulties sifting through the mass of information they encounter. The candidate aims to recognize the value of systematic biomimicry, leading the way towards the ecosystems services we need tomorrow (Pedersen Zari, 2017). Globally, biomimicry demonstrates strategies contributing to solving global challenges such as Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and human interferences, rethinking how climate and circular challenges are approached. Examples like Eastgate building (Pearce, 2016) have demonstrated successes in the field. While biomimicry offers guidelines and methodology, there is insufficient research on complex problem solving that systems-thinking requires. Our research question: Which factors are needed to help (novice) professionals initiate systems-thinking methods as part of their strategy? A solution should enable them to approach challenges in a systems-thinking manner just like nature does, to regenerate and resume projects. Our focus lies with challenges in two industries with many unsustainable practices and where a sizeable impact is possible: the built environment (Circularity Gap, 2021) and fashion (Joung, 2014). Mission Zero has identified a high demand for Biomimicry in these industries. This critical approach: 1) studies existing biomimetic tools, testing and defining gaps; 2) identifies needs of educators and professionals during and after an inter-disciplinary minor at The Hague University; and, 3) translates findings into shareable best practices through publications of results. Findings will be implemented into tangible engaging tools for educational and professional settings. Knowledge will be inclusive and disseminated to large audiences by focusing on communication through social media and intervention conferences.
De transitie naar een gerobotiseerde industriële omgeving is in volle gang. Robots zijn zich aan het ontwikkelen tot collaboratieve robots (co-bots) en worden zo meer een collega dan een geïsoleerde machine in een kooi. Een goede co-bot-mens-samenwerking heeft positieve effecten op de werkbeleving, resulteert in minder stress, verzuim, minder ‘bijna-ongelukken’ en leidt tot hogere productiviteit en kwaliteit op de werkvloer. Onderling vertrouwen tussen medewerker en co-bot speelt een belangrijke rol in een goede samenwerking en voor effectieve teamprestaties. De interactie tussen medewerker en co-bot dient daartoe zo natuurlijk mogelijk, voorspelbaar en intuïtief te verlopen. Op dit terrein valt nog veel winst te boeken in het industriële MKB. Co-bots moeten leren anticiperen op wat in de directe omgeving komen gaat, zodat de medewerker nimmer in een onveilige situatie verkeert en zich comfortabel voelt in de samenwerking met de co-bot. Van de andere kant moeten medewerkers leren begrijpen hoe co-bots werken en wat ze van hen kunnen verwachten. Ambitie van het project “Close Encounters with Co-bots” is het verbeteren van de effectieve samenwerking tussen medewerker en co-bot op de industriële werkvloer en daarbij vertrouwen en beleefde veiligheid te borgen voor de medewerker. In het project wordt daartoe gewerkt aan begrip van de co-bot in de mens, begrip van de mens in de co-bot, het bouwen aan technische oplossingen voor effectieve communicatie, en prototyping en testing in relevante praktijkomgevingen in het MKB. Het bedrijfsleven kan met de resultaten van het project versneld de door hen gewenste leercurve doorlopen om samenwerkende industriële mens-co-bot-systemen substantieel te laten bijdragen aan operationele winst in economisch, (productie)technisch en sociaal opzicht. Het project is een interdisciplinair samenwerking tussen de vakgebieden psychologie, mechatronica en ICT binnen Fontys Hogescholen en Saxion Hogeschool. De negen participerende (MKB) bedrijven zijn actief als industrieel productiebedrijf, in robotica ontwikkeling, als systeem- en robotleverancier, in productieautomatisering en in de sociale werkvoorziening. Daarnaast zijn kennisinstelling TU/e, coöperatie Brainport Industries en samenwerkingsverband Holland Robotics nauw betrokken. In het project zal bestaande kennis toepasbaar worden gemaakt en zal nieuwe kennis worden ontwikkeld t.b.v. een natuurlijke, voorspelbare en intuïtieve samenwerking tussen medewerker en co-bot op de industriële werkvloer. Verder zal verankering van kennis en kunde in onderwijs en lectoraten plaatsvinden en een vergroting van de kwaliteit van docenten en afstudeerders. Er zullen circa 17 docent-onderzoekers van de hogescholen en circa 100 studenten betrokken worden, die in de vorm van studentenprojecten, stages en afstudeeronderzoeken werken aan interessante vraagstukken direct uit de beroepspraktijk.
Biotherapeutic medicines such as peptides, recombinant proteins, and monoclonal antibodies have successfully entered the market for treating or providing protection against chronic and life-threatening diseases. The number of relevant commercial products is rapidly increasing. Due to degradation in the gastro-intestinal tract, protein-based drugs cannot be taken orally but need to be administered via alternative routes. The parenteral injection is still the most widely applied administration route but therapy compliance of injection-based pharmacotherapies is a concern. Long-acting injectable (LAI) sustained release dosage forms such as microparticles allow less frequent injection to maintain plasma levels within their therapeutic window. Spider Silk Protein and Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) have been attractive candidates to fabricate devices for drug delivery applications. However, conventional microencapsulation processes to manufacture microparticles encounter drawbacks such as protein activity loss, unacceptable residual organic solvents, complex processing, and difficult scale-up. Supercritical fluids (SCF), such as supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), have been used to produce protein-loaded microparticles and is advantageous over conventional methods regarding adjustable fluid properties, mild operating conditions, interfacial tensionless, cheap, non-toxicity, easy downstream processing and environment-friendly. Supercritical microfluidics (SCMF) depict the idea to combine strengths of process scale reduction with unique properties of SCF. Concerning the development of long-acting microparticles for biological therapeutics, SCMF processing offers several benefits over conventionally larger-scale systems such as enhanced control on fluid flow and other critical processing parameters such as pressure and temperature, easy modulation of product properties (such as particle size, morphology, and composition), cheaper equipment build-up, and convenient parallelization for high-throughput production. The objective of this project is to develop a mild microfluidic scCO2 based process for the production of long-acting injectable protein-loaded microparticles with, for example, Spider Silk Protein or PLGA as the encapsulating materials, and to evaluate the techno-economic potential of such SCMF technology for practical & industrial production.