Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Inkjet printing is a rapidly growing technology for depositing functional materials in the production of organic electronics. Challenges lie among others in the printing of high resolution patterns with high aspect ratio of functional materials to obtain the needed functionality like e.g. conductivity. μPlasma printing is a technology which combines atmospheric plasma treatment with the versatility of digital on demand printing technology to selectively change the wetting behaviour of materials. In earlier research it was shown that with μPlasma printing it is possible to selectively improve the wetting behaviour of functional inks on polymer substrates using atmospheric air plasma. In this investigation we show it is possible to selectively change the substrate wetting behaviour using combinations of different plasmas and patterned printing. For air and nitrogen plasmas, increased wetting of printed materials could be achieved on both polycarbonate and glass substrates. A minimal track width of 320 μm for a 200 μm wide plasma needle was achieved. A combination of N2 with HMDSO plasma increases the contact angle for water up from <100 to 1050 and from 320 to 460 for DEGDMA making the substrate more hydrophobic. Furthermore using N2-plasma in combination with a N2/HMDSO plasma, hydrophobic tracks could be printed with similar minimal track width. Combining both N2 -plasma and N2/HMDSO plasma treatments show promising results to further decrease the track width to even smaller values.
In de zomer van 2005 drongen Amerikaanse wetenschappers aan op de ontwikkeling van een nationale strategie op het terrein van materials science & engineering (MSE). De National Research Council (NRC) van de National Academy of Sciences (NAS) had kort aarvoor het rapport ’Globalization of Materials R&D: Time for a National Strategy’ uitgebracht. In dit rapport ging het om een antwoord op de vraag ‘Waar staan de VS in vergelijking met de rest van wereld?’, ofwel ‘Zijn de VS nog steeds leidend op de verschillende materiaalgebieden of nemen andere landen deze positie over?’ De snelle opkomst van het materialenonderzoek in landen, zoals China en het groeiend onderzoek in Europa vormen immers voor de VS een geduchtere concurrentie dan ooit. Volgens dit rapport is de positie in composieten en superlegeringen dan ook zodanig afgenomen dat Amerika nog nauwelijks de vruchten kan plukken van de elbelovende ontwikkelingen op dit terrein. Ook de positie op het gebied van katalysatoren is vrijwel geheel verdwenen. Vaak is de kennis nog wel aanwezig maar de kracht om die kennis commercieel te benutten ontbreekt. Bedrijven kunnen dan de academische kennis niet meer omzetten in een winstgevende toepassing. Hoewel het vakgebied materials science & engineering in de VS niet meer over de hele linie aan de top van de wereld staat, is de Amerikaanse positie op de meeste terreinen van de materiaalwetenschappen onbetwist. Recente hoogtepunten zijn ruimschoots voorhanden, zoals het maken van grafeen, de verschillende toepassingen van anokoolstofbuisjes, de ontdekking van metamaterialen en het nabootsen van verschijnselen uit de natuur zoals de hechting van de poten van de gekko aan de ondergrond. De National Science Foundation speelt een belangrijke bij de financiering en valorisatie van onderzoek. Verschillende programma’s, waaronder het Materials Science Research and Engineering Centers programma, spelen een grote rol in kennisoverdracht naar bedrijfsleven en maatschappij. Michiel Scheffer is, tijdens zijn vijf maanden verblijf, in de Verenigde Staten zelf op zoek gegaan naar de Amerikaanse positie en heeft met veel onderzoekers gesproken. Ook hij heeft ontdekt dat er nog vele hoogtepunten en sterkten in het Amerikaanse materialenonderzoek te vinden zijn, waarvan hij in deze bundel enthousiast en gedetailleerd verslag doet.
Thermo Fisher Scientific is exploring Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR&VR) applications for electron microscopy and corresponding business cases for future projects.Materials and structural analyses impact our everyday life. From the medicines we take, the vaccines we receive, to the cars we drive, Thermo Fisher Scientific’s electron microscopes, software, and services drive scientific breakthroughs that help solve some of the world’s most difficult challenges. The Central Service Department is driving research related to training and service solutions using AR&VR because it recognises the vast benefits these technologies can offer its customers around the globe.Partner: Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Central Service Department
Structural and functional knowledge of proteins, which are essential in biological processes, is fundamental for our understanding of the Chemistry of Life. Structural biology - the field that studies the structure and function of proteins – has seen several revolutions over the last few years. Single particle analysis (SPA), where individual macromolecular assemblies are imaged under cryogenic conditions within highly automated electron microscopes, has been used to elucidate the structures of many novel and important proteins and complexes. Deep-learning–based computational techniques provided systematic predictions of an million three-dimensional protein structures. Cryo-electron tomography (ET) combined with sub-tomogram averaging (STA) enabled the investigation of conformational states of large macromolecular complexes. We expect in situ structural biology, where macromolecular assemblies are studied within the interior of focused-ion-beam milled frozen cells, to become the next revolution in our field. Such revolution would require well prepared vitreous samples (cells, tissue slices, organoids): the sample should be cooled fast enough to prevent the formation of crystalline ice. Previously, we developed the technology to prepare SPA samples using jets of cryogenic fluid directed onto the sample. This device, the VitroJet, has been further developed into a commercial product by CryoSol-World and has been sold worldwide. Here, we wish to advance the jetting technology such that it can vitrify cells. Crucial aspects are the speed of the jets and the timing and reproducibility of the fronts of the cryogens arriving onto the sample. We will design, build, characterise and refine a next generation of the ethane cup, a core component within the VitroJet. If successful, we should be able to increase its vitrification potential as well as its reproducibility by more than one order of magnitude. This technology will enable in situ structural biology studies necessary to understand the Chemistry of Life.