Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The increased adoption of electric vehicles worldwide is largely caused by the uptake of private electric cars. In parallel other segments such as busses, city logistics and taxis, are increasingly becoming electrified. Amsterdam is an interesting case, as the municipality and the taxi sector have signed a voluntary agreement to realise a full electric taxi fleet by 2025. This paper investigates the results of a survey that was distributed amongst 3000 taxi drivers to examine perceptions and attitudes on the municipal charging incentives as well as taxi ride characteristics.
Electrification of mobility exceeds personal transport to increasingly focus on particular segments such as city logistics and taxis. These commercial mobility segments have different motives to purchase a full electric vehicle and require a particular approach to incentivize and facilitate the transition towards electric mobility. A case where a municipality was successful in stimulating the transition to electric mobility is the taxi sector in the city of Amsterdam. Using results from a survey study (n = 300), this paper analyses the differences in characteristics between taxi drivers that either have or do not have interest in purchasing a full electric taxi vehicle. Results show a low intention across the sample to adopt a full electric vehicle and no statistically significant differences in demographics between the two groups. Differences were found between the level of acceptability of the covenant, the rated attractiveness of the incentives, the ratings of full electric vehicle attributes and the consultation of objective and social information sources. These results can be used by policy makers to develop new incentives that target specific topics currently influencing the interest in a full electric taxi vehicle.
City authorities want to know how to match the charging infrastructures for electric vehicles with the demand. Using camera recognition algorithms from artificial intelligence we investigated the behavior of taxis at a charging stations and a taxi stand.
1. Evaluate priority incentive electrical taxis: Bji het Centraal Station is reeds een voorrangsincentive voor elektrische taxis ingesteld. Gedurende deze case zullen we het effect de huidige regeling toetsen en nagaan wat het effect is op kosten en baten alsmede business case van de e-taxi. Daarnaast zal een technische ontwerpstudie van een dergelijke standplaats onderdeel van dit subproject zijn. 2. Strategic placement of (semi) public charge infra in ArenA Area: In deze case wordt onderzocht op welke manier de laadpalen kunnen bijdragen aan het reguleren van verkeer richting de ArenA en waar deze laadpalen gepositioneerd dienen te worden. 3. Consolidation of city logistics at ArenA Area; In deze case wordt de haalbaarheid onderzocht van incentives op logistieke dienstverleners. Bij welke incentives is het voor vervoerders interessant om over te stappen op elektrisch vervoer? 4. Pilot incentive exemption from parking tax: Hierbij wordt de prijsprikkel “ontheffing van parkeerbelasting”, die de gemeente Amsterdam wil inzetten ter bevordering van e-taxis, onderzocht en gemonitord, waarbij kosten en baten worden vergeleken. 5. Determine hotspot location for e-taxi’s: Incentive-beschikbaarheid- Bepaling van meest kansrijke en faciliterende laadlocaties op basis van ritgegevens van taxi's (hotspot) inclusief vaststelling van eisen/wensen voor de laadfaciliteiten (e.g. (snel)laders) inclusief monitoring van het gebruik na plaatsing.