Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
What would you do if you were unable to pay your rent and you were threatened with home-eviction? Would you ask you family or close friends for help, or would you prefer the professional help of a social worker? Or maybe both? What kind of support can family, friends, neighbors, offer in a situation like this? This thesis tries to answer these questions. The research project focused on vulnerable people who were threatened with home-eviction. A Family Group Conference (FGC) was offered to them by social workers. An FGC is a meeting with a person and his/her social network, during which they make their own plan. Professionals merely give information but are not present during the decision-making process and they carry out their part of the plan as presented by the person and the social network. The experiences with nearly evicted persons were compared to FGC experiences with two other target groups. This way, conditions were identified for a successful implementation of the FGC method with people facing home-eviction.
Met de introductie van het begrip ‘nieuwe professional’ wordt aangezet tot een andere manier vandenken over en door professionals. Door deze nieuwe manier van denken worden er andere eisengesteld aan zorg- en welzijnswerkers. Het debat over deze andere eisen kan betrekkelijk nieuwe professionals als zorgboeren mogelijk tekort doen. De intrinsieke waarde die de zorgboerderij als welzijnsaanbod heeft, wordt als gevolg van de transitie mogelijk ook afgemeten aan de hand van de acht bakens (kenmerken) waarlangs het profiel van de ‘nieuwe professional’ wordt ontwikkeld. De zorgboer moet zich met zijn kwaliteiten juist onderscheiden van de reguliere zorg- en welzijnsprofessional