Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Demand Driven Care plays a key role in the modernization of the Dutch health care system. This modernization is needed because a) clients needs for care increases quantitatively as well as in diversity, b) the financial means for collective services are inadequate, c) the accessibility of health care will depend on clients own responsibility, and d) shortage of professional care givers is foreseen. In the Netherlands, the need for professional care givers increases with an average of 2% every year. Demand Driven Care is an instrument for liberalization of public activities. The Faculty Chair Demand Driven Care focuses on those activities that will contribute to sufficient care supply. Within the program of the chair, activities are executed under the theme of Integrated Care, Substitution, Patient Centred Care, and Home Care Technology with an emphasis on gerontechnology. The Faculty Chair wants to contribute to a better integration and coherence in care. So that clients live and function independently as long as possible and are able to enhance their self management. In addition, health care professionals should be aware of demand driven processes and should have a demand driven attitude towards clients.
Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis to explore the possible application of blockchain technology in solving issues and concerns of members and stakeholders in multi-stakeholder cooperatives, which prevent effective collaboration in governance.Design: This study is performed using an extensive literature study on blockchain technology, relevant business cases solving issues and concerns comparable to these in multi-stakeholder cooperatives and six semi-structured interviews with blockchain experts, using the business case of multi-stakeholder cooperative Gebiedscoöperatie Westerkwartier.Findings: Findings reveal blockchain-based solutions can contribute to solving existing issues and concerns in multi-stakeholder cooperatives, by implementing its main characteristics: creating transparency, immutability and distributed consensus. This results in increased trust, increased efficiency and accuracy in decision-making, decreased administrative costs due to self-executable smart contracts and enables product traceability in supply chains. However, information is retained in supply chains, preventing blockchain from reaching its full potential. In addition, smart contracts are not legally binding in all countries yet and blockchain, as most technologies, is subject to human or technical error.Value: Overall, this study contributes to understanding issues and concerns existing in multistakeholder cooperatives and the potential application and benefit of blockchain technology to solve existing issues preventing effective collaboration. Expert and participation: Jan Veuger
In dit hoofdstuk wordt het Nederlandse beleid geschetst van het tegengaan van radicalisering en het voorkomen van terroristisch geweld. Hierin neemt het ‘Actieprogramma integrale aanpak Jihadisme’ een belangrijke plaats in. Besproken wordt wat er goed gaat en wat de ontwikkelingsvragen zijn. Het hoofdstuk eindigt met een beschouwing over de behoefte aan sociale innovatie. Aangezien een aantal preventieve interventies behoorlijk ingrijpend kunnen zijn, is het zaak om bij de uitvoering te letten op eenduidigheid en adequate rechtsbescherming.