Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: With increasing knowledge on the adverse health efects of certain constituents of PM (particulate matter), such as silica, metals, insoluble ions, and black carbon, PM has been under the attention of work safety experts. Previously, we investigated the perceptions of blue-collar workers in highly exposed areas of work. Subsequently, we developed an instruction folder highlighting the most important aspects of PM risk and mitigation, and tested this folder in a digital experiment. The digital experiment yielded positive results with regards to acquired knowledge about PM, but did not on risk perception or safety behavior. Methods: In this study, we investigate the efects of the folder when combined with a practical assignment involving a PM exposimeter, showing the amount of particulate matter in microgram per cubic meter in real time on its display for various activities. We tested this at six workplaces of four companies in the roadwork and construction branch. Results: The results indicate that the folder itself yields an increased knowledge base in employees about PM, but the efects of the practical assignment are more contentious. Nevertheless, there is an indication that using the assignment may lead to a higher threat appraisal among employees for high exposure activities. Conclusion: We recommend implementing our folder in companies with high PM exposure and focusing further research on appropriate methods of implementation.
Background: Particulate matter (PM) exposure is an important health risk, both in daily life and in the workplace. It causes respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and results in 800,000 premature deaths per year worldwide. In earlier research, we assessed workers’ information needs regarding workplace PM exposure, the properties and effects of PM, and the rationale behind various means of protection. We also concluded that workers do not always receive appropriate risk communication tools with regards to PM, and that their PM knowledge appears to be fragmented and incomplete. Methods: We considered several concepts for use as an educational material based on evaluation criteria: ease of use, costs, appropriateness for target audiences and goals, interactivity, implementation issues, novelty, and speed. We decided to develop an educational folder, which can be used to inform employees about the properties, effects and prevention methods concerning PM. Furthermore, we decided on a test setup of a more interactive way of visualisation of exposure to PM by means of exposimeters. For the development of the folder, we based the information needs on our earlier mental models-based research. We adjusted the folder based on the results of ten semi-structured interviews evaluating its usability. Results: The semi-structured interviews yielded commentaries and suggestions for further improvement, which resulted in a number of alterations to the folder. However, in most cases the folder was deemed satisfactory. Conclusion: Based on this study, the folder we developed is suitable for a larger-scale experiment and a practical test. Further research is needed to investigate the efficacy of the folder and the application of the exposimeter in a PM risk communication system.
Within NHL Stenden University of Applied Science, a choice for a new virtual learning environment was made in mid-2021, primarily on policy and management grounds. Early in the migration process, it became clear that this approach could perturb the further rollout of the Design-Based Education (DBE, https://edu.nl/mwp8j) educational concept. Four templates were developed to intertwine technological and educational processes that structure different ways of "blended" learning and teaching within DBE. Initial user experiences show that the templates’ structures help teachers reconsider online learning activities to shape and facilitate blended DBE learning processes.