The transformation from the current energy system to a decentralized renewable energy system requires the transformation of communities into energy neutral or even energy producing communities. Increasingly, citizens become 'prosumers' and pool their resources to start a local energy initiative. In this paper we present an in-depth study of networks that recently developed, which challenge the established way of centralized decision-making on energy resources. Many local communities are eager to promote sustainable energy production, to use local financial resources for the local community and to employ democratic governance of energy production and supply. Furthermore, we study how these co-operations are linked to local, regional and national networks for community energy. We use both Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Social Movement Theory (SMT) to investigate the initiatives, as this allows a dynamic analysis of collective strategies. We discuss the obduracy of the energy system and how this system is challenged by new connections between communities and global networks and by new types of energy providers that are rooted in social networks. Furthermore, we draw attention to the way community energy networks provide a social innovation while realizing a decentralized and decarbonized energy system.
The transformation from the current energy system to a decentralized renewable energy system requires the transformation of communities into energy neutral or even energy producing communities. Increasingly, citizens become 'prosumers' and pool their resources to start a local energy initiative. In this paper we present an in-depth study of networks that recently developed, which challenge the established way of centralized decision-making on energy resources. Many local communities are eager to promote sustainable energy production, to use local financial resources for the local community and to employ democratic governance of energy production and supply. Furthermore, we study how these co-operations are linked to local, regional and national networks for community energy. We use both Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Social Movement Theory (SMT) to investigate the initiatives, as this allows a dynamic analysis of collective strategies. We discuss the obduracy of the energy system and how this system is challenged by new connections between communities and global networks and by new types of energy providers that are rooted in social networks. Furthermore, we draw attention to the way community energy networks provide a social innovation while realizing a decentralized and decarbonized energy system.
De eindrapportage ‘Evaluatie dorpsvisies’ beschrijft een onderzoek dat in opdracht van Doarpswurk is gedaan naar dorpsvisies van dorpen in Fryslân. Getracht is helder te krijgen of, in het kader van de nota Plattelânsbelied 2004-2008 van de provincie Fryslân, alle dorpen eind 2008 beschikken over een actuele dorpsvisie waarin de gewenste ontwikkelingen in fysieke, economische, sociale en culturele zin zijn opgenomen. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat ca. 25% van de dorpen geen dorpsvisie heeft ontwikkeld. Ook zijn uit het onderzoek factoren voor het wel of niet hebben van een dorpsvisie naar voren gekomen. Vrijwel alle dorpen kennen een belang toe aan het hebben van een dorpsvisie. Opvallend hierbij is dat deze meestal samenhangen met wensen ten aanzien van de fysieke inrichting van het dorp. Het is aan te bevelen de ontwikkeling van een dorpsvisie te stimuleren en ondersteunen, en dan met name een visie die gericht is op ontwikkeling van alle vier gebieden, niet alleen de fysieke