Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Purpose: This paper aims to present the findings from a European study on the digital skills gaps in tourism and hospitality companies. Design/methodology/approach: Mixed methods research was adopted. The sample includes 1,668 respondents (1,404 survey respondents and 264 interviewees) in 5 tourism sectors (accommodation establishments, tour operators and travel agents, food and beverage, visitor attractions and destination management organisations) in 8 European countries (UK, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands and Bulgaria). Findings: The most important future digital skills include online marketing and communication skills, social media skills, MS Office skills, operating systems use skills and skills to monitor online reviews. The largest gaps between the current and the future skill levels were identified for artificial intelligence and robotics skills and augmented reality and virtual reality skills, but these skills, together with computer programming skills, were considered also as the least important digital skills. Three clusters were identified on the basis of their reported gaps between the current level and the future needs of digital skills. The country of registration, sector and size shape respondents’ answers regarding the current and future skills levels and the skills gap between them. Originality/value: The paper discusses the digital skills gap of tourism and hospitality employees and identifies the most important digital skills they would need in the future.
Background Digital transformation (DT) involves integrating digital technologies into organizations to improve productivity, efficiency, and quality. Investing in the workforce’s skillsets is essential for successful DT. However, it remains unclear which skillsets are essential. Objectives This study aims to identify and define the essential skillsets needed for exploiting the full potential of DT, and to consolidate the identified skills into a comprehensive framework of DT skills. Method A systematic literature review was conducted using the PRISMA approach for selecting studies. This led to the selection of 36 articles that were examined using thematic analysis for identifying and consolidating skills into a framework. Results The Digital Transformation Skills Framework (DTSF) was developed, which contains six overarching skillsets and 44 underlying skills. The framework covers key skillsets in the areas of digital work, entrepreneurship, evidence-based work, collaboration, communication, and adaptation. Conclusion and discussion The DTSF offers a comprehensive understanding of essential skills for today’s evolving organizations, addressing a critical gap in existing literature. It is valuable for organizations and HR professionals, serving as a foundation for re- and upskilling initiatives. Ongoing research should expand the framework to include domain-specific DT skills and emerging digital technologies.
Introduction: Digital technologies , such as big AI and cloud computing are driving digital transformation (DT) in organizations. The World Economic Forum ( reports that over 75% of organizations plan to adopt these technologies within five years, leading to a skills disruption as employees lack the necessary skills for DT. HRM departments are responsible for preparing their workforce for DT through reand upskilling initiatives (Ivaldi et al., 2022; Vereycken et al., To adapt HRM’s strategic talent management for tailored re and upskilling, insight is needed in workforce DT skills mastery. The objective of this study is to develop a validated instrument for measuring workforce DT skills mastery, building upon the Digital Transformations Skills Framework ( (Bouwmans et al., 2022, 2024). The instrument is a self assessment tool, allowing individuals to evaluate their proficiency across various skill dimensions.
Energy transition is key to achieving a sustainable future. In this transition, an often neglected pillar is raising awareness and educating youth on the benefits, complexities, and urgency of renewable energy supply and energy efficiency. The Master Energy for Society, and particularly the course “Society in Transition”, aims at providing a first overview on the urgency and complexities of the energy transition. However, educating on the energy transition brings challenges: it is a complex topic to understand for students, especially when they have diverse backgrounds. In the last years we have seen a growing interest in the use of gamification approaches in higher institutions. While most practices have been related to digital gaming approaches, there is a new trend: escape rooms. The intended output and proposed innovation is therefore the development and application of an escape room on energy transition to increase knowledge and raise motivation among our students by addressing both hard and soft skills in an innovative and original way. This project is interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary due to the complexity of the topic; it consists of three different stages, including evaluation, and requires the involvement of students and colleagues from the master program. We are confident that this proposed innovation can lead to an improvement, based on relevant literature and previous experiences in other institutions, and has the potential to be successfully implemented in other higher education institutions in The Netherlands.
De, bijna oneindige, mogelijkheden van digitale (3D print)technieken prikkelen de geest en zetten aan tot creatief denken. Voorheen onmogelijke vormen worden mogelijk en kunnen op locatie en op maat worden gemaakt. Het (primair) onderwijs ziet grote potentie in 3D (print)technieken als onderwijsthema om structureel en actief mee aan de slag te gaan in de klas, om 21ste Century Skills te ontplooien bij zowel leerkrachten als leerlingen en om als thema in te zetten binnen Wetenschap & Technologie-onderwijs. De onderwijsketen is een cruciale partner in de Human Capital Agenda met haar taak om van jongs af aan kinderen op te leiden tot een moderne professional die kan uitblinken in een snel veranderende innovatie-economie. Met dat doel voor ogen zoekt het primair onderwijs structureel naar manieren om de lesprogramma’s actueel en effectief te houden. Door een toenemend aanbod van 3D (print)technieken en diensten zoeken directies, leerkrachten maar ook het team talentontwikkeling van de Gemeente Enschede naar betrouwbare experts die de scholen advies, begeleiding en (uiteindelijk) professionalisering op maat kunnen bieden. Saxion FabLab Enschede, een publieke moderne makerspace en verbonden aan Saxion Lectoraat Industrial Design, richt zich op de verbinding tussen (HBO) onderwijs, onderzoek en het bedrijfsleven. Sinds de oprichting in 2011 krijgt het FabLab ook structureel vragen vanuit het primair onderwijs (PO) om deze doelgroep hands-on in contact te brengen met moderne (3D) technieken. Waar mogelijk zijn bovengenoemde vragen opgepakt met in samenwerking met scholen en bedrijven. Knelpunten die hierbij naar voren zijn gekomen, zijn dat leerkrachten na de opstart niet weten hoe ze onvermijdelijke technische problemen moeten oplossen en/of het ontbreekt hen de kennis om een volgende verdiepende stap (zelf) te zetten. Gevolg is dat men niet verder komt dan het doen van demonstraties en/of een eerste (simpel) productje, of dat de printers stil in een hoek staan te ver-stoffen. Deze ervaringen uit Enschede zijn in lijn met conclusies van een eerder onderzoek in Flevoland (Van Keulen & van Oenen, 2015) Doel van het traject “3D in de klas” is de bundeling van krachten binnen het consortium rondom de ontwikkeling van uitdagend en uitnodigend Wetenschap & Techniek-onderwijs voor leerling en leerkracht in het primair onderwijs, door leerkrachten te scholen in 3D printen, door lesprogramma’s te ontwikkelen die verder gaan dan het ‘printen van de standaard sleutelhanger’ en door een didactische verbreding te bieden door het koppelen van kennisdomeinen. Het initiatief voor gezamenlijk onderzoek en 3D in de Klas is opgedeeld in drie delen: Deel 1) Mapping the state of the art: leren van eerdere initiatieven en de knelpunten. Deel 2) Doelgroep betrokkenheid in kaart brengen, van leerkrachten en leerlingen, inhoudelijk en organisatorisch. Deel 3) Structurele inbedding, door afstemming op en integratie in de PO-keten. Het voorliggende projectvoorstel beslaat deel 1 van dit traject. Resultaat van dit deelproject hiervan vormt de basis voor deel 2 en 3 in een vervolgtraject, mogelijk in een RAAK-publiek vorm. Saxion FabLab Enschede heeft de afgelopen jaren een actief consortium opgebouwd dat bovenstaande impasse wil doorbreken. Het consortium bestaat naast het FabLab o.a. uit: Saxion Lectoraat Industrial Design en Academie Pedagogiek en Onderwijs, ESV, Stichting Consent, Bètatechtniek, Gemeente Enschede (Team Talentontwikkeling) en het bedrijf LAYaLAY.
Digital transformation has been recognized for its potential to contribute to sustainability goals. It requires companies to develop their Data Analytic Capability (DAC), defined as their ability to collect, manage and analyze data effectively. Despite the governmental efforts to promote digitalization, there seems to be a knowledge gap on how to proceed, with 37% of Dutch SMEs reporting a lack of knowledge, and 33% reporting a lack of support in developing DAC. Participants in the interviews that we organized preparing this proposal indicated a need for guidance on how to develop DAC within their organization given their unique context (e.g. age and experience of the workforce, presence of legacy systems, high daily workload, lack of knowledge of digitalization). While a lot of attention has been given to the technological aspects of DAC, the people, process, and organizational culture aspects are as important, requiring a comprehensive approach and thus a bundling of knowledge from different expertise. Therefore, the objective of this KIEM proposal is to identify organizational enablers and inhibitors of DAC through a series of interviews and case studies, and use these to formulate a preliminary roadmap to DAC. From a structure perspective, the objective of the KIEM proposal will be to explore and solidify the partnership between Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans), Logistics Community Brabant (LCB), van Berkel Logistics BV, Smink Group BV, and iValueImprovement BV. This partnership will be used to develop the preliminary roadmap and pre-test it using action methodology. The action research protocol and preliminary roadmap thereby developed in this KIEM project will form the basis for a subsequent RAAK proposal.